ughhhhh! make me PUKE!!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by taurusgoddess on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 and has 22 replies.
Fukk, not sure who remembers my ex cancerboy but he has the fukking nerve to email me a month+ later. OK, first of all I dumped him cuz he had been screwing with my head after I had been trying to make things work. He said he saw me often enuf, which was once or less a week, oh ya, after which he had left for a month & a half for work. This guy seriously almost seemed like he was TRYING to break my heart. OK here are the last series of emails:
1-How have you been, good I hope. Im sorry to bother you but i have your glass and id love my hair stuff and colgone back.
Take care
I reply: I am very happy, thanks. I gave away your stuff a few weeks ago, sorry.
2-He says: you gave away my 60 dollar cologne, whats that about, i would like you to replace it please. i spent more than enough money on you, why would you do that?

OKOKOK what an a-hole. He spent $ like on the wine & we would often split the fukkin dinner! I am soooo pissed that this guy would not only try to fukk with my head, break my heart, BUT ALSO be a cheap ass for the last pathetic kill!!!
Please tell me this is not a cancer thing because I am so disgusted right now & hardly know what to say. I am just SOOOOO happy I finally had the guts & brain to leave the a-hole! I've NEVER dated such an asshole. Yes, guys have hurt me worse, but they weren't plain assholes, it was more complicated. This guy is simply the biggest cancerball I've glad I cut out!

From: "sparky_99 sparky_99"
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 00:29:52 +0000

Well, fukkkkkkk why did he take this long? Scaredy cat! haha, his loss, oh, wait, I mean DOUBLE loss. My other exes are still friends with me because they respect me & cuz I was cool to them. This guy can dig his own grave for all I care. Disgusting. 29 and acts like 13. He'll never gets what he wants at his rate.
TG, why are you so mad? I don't mean this in a bad way, but look at your situation. You moved on and found a new guy, let the past go. I don't think it's a cancer thing, I've met leo guys like this before..
Eat grass and be healthy Tongue
Stupid people, stupid reasons, stupid problems.....I'm happy to be Pisces, I never deal with such BS.
Yes it does.
I've already forgotton about it, but thanks guys. Some guys are just plain stupid, I was stupid for being in that place. I love that life is always changing. Life is just plain good right now. smile
I feel like ex's do that kind of stuff (ask for their things back after a month) because they are trying for another in. And, I'm sorry, hair stuff and cologne???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a girl Tongue
It was Swiss Army, mmmmmmmm smells good. I am a sucker for a good smelling man. The only problem now is I can't have a guy I like wear it cause it has a bad memory for me now.
taurusgirl, you would dislike me then, for i use the following: Face and body lotions, tanning products, hair wax, Lipsil, under eye serum aswell as all the smellies and usual stuff etc etc Winking and im a cancer man, lol
Haha... don't worry... I LOVE good smelling men (Cancers tend to smell yummy... only one sign away from Leo so I know ya'll are a little vain Winking) and believe me, good hygiene is a plus. I was just laughing at the context. It just seemed like a desperate way to communicate with her... I mean, it's hair stuff and cologne... not like he left his $ 300 watch over there.
And I have no idea what Lipsil is Tongue

Lipsil is that vaseline stuff in sticks for your dry lips, i get that with our cold harsh winters.
I mean, it's hair stuff and cologne... not like he left his $ 300 watch over there.
A good point there, that kind of stuff is easily replaced, unlike something sentimental.
He actually didn't smell good at first, or plain. I dunno, I'm the one that mentioned to him I love a good smelling man. He took the hint & bought that and probally wore it twice for me & left it at my place.
Either way, he's an idiot. When he asked me to replace his stuff I ALMOST emailed back:
Consider it asshole tax. Don't reply.
BAD me, I didn't send it, I'm better than his style of game. I gotta stay true.
Would be pretty good answer.
What do you wear Sag?
I too am a sucker for a good smelling man! aaaaaah sniff sniff love love love it. I'm also a sucker for men with nice-sounding voices. I have this friend who I just love to talk to because I LOVE his voice and the way he talks, I'll listen to his messages over and over and over and he wrote a song for me and left it as a voice mail so I hear it allllll the time, he is the greatest singer ever and I love the guitar... oh butterflies in my stomach, he's cancer like my guy.
Oh TG I think that idiot just wants to talk to you again, too obvious - the ol' leave-something-behind. I thought that was a girl thing... ?
What the heck is a marker? Is that Winni slang?
aha! my suspicions have proven to be correct!
Kupo, marker = a $ $ hole . The site turns it into 'marker' if you write it out, just like it turns b-itch into 'cookiemonster'
I have DEFINITELY pulled the old "get my stuff back" trick, but it was only so I could see the person and make one last go of it. Maybe it is a cheap-o Cancer thing, but I would have been a bit irritated too if you gave or threw away a damn near new bottle of cologne that I left at your house. BUT Then again I probably would have come to get it before all that time passed BUT there is a 99% chance that he just wanted to open dialogue with you.
I still don't understand why you are SO INCREDIBLY angry at him...Just because you don't understand a person's actions doesn't automatically make him an ass hole. I only WISH Mr. Pisces had treated me HALF as good as this guy treated you and you act like he was the biggest jerk EVER! I guess I will never understand because I am only seeing a piece of the picture.

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