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Jan 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 127 · Topics: 20
so my cancer and I spent the day together ..... we talked about the issues that made him upset ....we made love all through the night and when it was time to go...He started to get upset about the same issues to the point that he said I didn't love him because if did I wouldn't have done what I did.... he dropped me home and would kiss me good Bye or hugged me .A..just said get out ...he was so angry... then when he got home ...just text me "good night" .....what is up I am the one disillusioned by him... see I get turn off by this butter.....I love him but dont understand his whims..... pls shed light on this
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Jan 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 127 · Topics: 20
@cluelesscancer..... I know I have betrayed his trust..... but now what ???? Is this irreparable???? the situation is sticky..... mainly because we are both (ok ill say it) in unhappy marriages... and we fell inlove in a hopeless place! I'm going through a separation and he is living with his wife one house but separate rooms .... we both ahave children as well..... he told me yesterday... that no matter what I told him it was not going to make him love me any less bit I needed to be honest with him.... he doesn't understand that for some people its not as easy to disclose everything in one night.... there are issues that are dark and are better off unsaid.... but its like he's a detective and knows everything about me and he's just waiting for me to share it first... what am I to do now???? How can I fix this?? I usually able to deal with situations like this but this guy is just too real!!! I am a scorpio so by nature I am very secretive and just like he tends to go to a shell I tend to keep my flaws to myself.... there has to be a compromise but how to get there I dont know!! _??_
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Jul 14, 2014Comments: 14 · Posts: 1116 · Topics: 47
Did he bring up the issue or did you?
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Jan 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 127 · Topics: 20
He hasn't taken off.... just cold and short.... and argumentative _???
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Jul 14, 2014Comments: 14 · Posts: 1116 · Topics: 47
I think you should come clean with anything he's suspicious about and be done. If he knows you're holding out, these episodes will continue until he gets to the final disappearing act.
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Jul 14, 2014Comments: 14 · Posts: 1116 · Topics: 47
Be done as in blurt out everything he suspects so that nagging suspicious feeling goes away. Then he can possibly be free to try and establish trust.
Intuition really messes up the ignorance is bliss thing.
once a cancer starts doubting you, no matter how you explained it to him, it will still linger on his mind endlessly. if you have made it clear to him why you did what you did, and he's still annoyed by it, just give him some space to think it through but check up on him from time to time.