virguy cant decide between taurus and cancer chick

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Avalan32 on Thursday, December 10, 2009 and has 11 replies.
Here's the situation:
Virgo guy is a new transfer to college. He transferred to the college recently mainly because he was already involved with a Cancer lady who was serious about him. Being a cancer she was a very clingy woman and wouldnt let him out of site this even before they started dating. Soon the virguy became friends with a rather beautiful Taurus lady. He saw her as a perfect girlfriend in all ways, hot, supportive, loyal, a great friend, and extremely funny. However soon after the two became friends the cancer woman started pressuring him to date her(cancer herself) and im not talking about regular pressuring, this is more like the cancer pressuring, for example she started becomeing more of a doormat for her virguy.Even though the virguy saw her as a great friend she started doing him way too many favors, doing all his homework, wasting her own valuable time to find him internships and furthering his progress in college. she would occasionally cook for him, buy him some rather expensive gifts. She soon started to control his friendships and a big part of his interests was this Taurus lady. Despite the virguy's many great attempts to set things straight with his cancer friend trying to tell her that he sees her only as a great friend and nothing else, the cancer woman still fails to understand. Soon the cancer started pulling guilt trips on the virguy the day she finds out about his interest in the Taurus lady. Guilt is a very heavy thing for any virgo to deal with and he eventually forcefully starts dating the cancer lady. The taurus girl confronts the virguy about her feelings for him. Things for the past few months have frozen, the virguy is still interested in the taurus lady but in a relationship with the cancer. the taurus lady is still waiting (wont get into a relationship with another) to hear something positive from the virguy. The cancer woman is oblivious to anyone else's needs except her own. Virgo is way to scared to confront the cancer about his true feelings. What should the virgo do?
They all go to the same college. see eachother everyday.
It seems obvious you want to be with the Taurus chick. You are actually doing a bigger injustice to the Cancer by sticking with her because "you feel bad" or guilty.. and as they are intuitive, I bet she senses that. How desperate she must be to stay with you even knowing that, very unhealthy. At the same time you are stringing the Taurus chick along, and yes we will wait quite awhile for someone if we feel you're special enough to wait for (feel PRIVLEDGED!) but eventually our patience DOES run out, hard to believe but oh yes it does Big Grin She will move on and you will be stuck with the clingy Cancer chick.. who really can't be making you too happy really, controlling your life down to wiping your ass for ya, huh? Break up with Cancer and give the Taurus chick a shot, can't say it anymore plainly than that.
Posted by Let*It*Be
"He transferred to the college recently mainly because he was already involved with a Cancer lady who was serious about him."

The way I see it, the Taurus needs to step away.

I agree. Move on with life.
We are possessive and territorial. We will do anything for the one we love, so it doesn't surprise me the Cancer girl is giving her all and spoiling her Virgo.
What a weenie. If Virgo is not interested in the Cancer any longer, time to come clean. Stringing someone along is cruel. If you want to nurture your relationship with the Cancer, back away from the Taurus.
Of course virguy is going to take the easy way out with cancer chick, she's making life comfortable, doing all the work in the relationship, all he has to do is show up and she will do the rest, fixing it so he's dependent and obligated to be with her when in reality she's a pain the ass.
I agree with the person who said virguy needs to grow some balls and to add to that he should take his LIFE BACK, although cancer chick is making life easier she's also taking away his independence and turning him into an unattractive wimp. If you want to experience depth and love go with the taurus chick but if your at a phase were you just want everything to be done for you the stick with the EASY woman, you won't be attracted to her but you won't go without anything either, she'll whip you into a wimpy no life unattractive loser in no time.
My opinion is virguy should dump cancer chick, oust her from the kingdom, grab his nuts howl like a masculine beast and live alone for awhile, enjoy his freedom, once he's got his nuts tucked right pursue taurus chick .
Seriously, what's wrong with people now-a-days. Whatever happen to, "I like this girl", "She likes me" and "lets get together, support each other and claim each other as lovers forever"...
Those were the days....unfortunately it's extinct like dinosaurs....maybe it will come back again but highly doubt it
just so you know i'm not judging, if you need easy then take that route, it's your life do what you wanna do with it
!HAHAHAHA!!! its funny how on almost every reply people either tend to sympathize with the Taurus woman or the cancer lady, not one person has shown sympathy for the Virgo boy's position especially when all he is trying to do is be considerate of the women in his life and their feelings at the EXPENSE of his own wants and needs.
Anyways turns out the story had a lot more to it than what was stated. I cudnt stand seeing my friend suffer so much, its been 4 months now. Things have changed. Just before going on winter break i had a heart-to-heart with my pal.
I always knew Virgos dont show emotion too much and if they do they like to show their stronger side. My meeting with him was brief but it was the first time i had seen my buddy in a vulnerable situation and the first time I had ever seen him tear up. It was pretty intense. Turns out the Cancer girl was using him as an emotional SPONGE. He was nothing more to her than a "comfort zone" and that was the only reason she was so fiercely possessive of him. She couldnt bear the idea of him having a better friend, partner, girlfriend who he'd be closer to than her. The Cancer girl wanted a possesion not love. She didnt care about what he wanted really as long he was hers. She wanted my pal to have no other friends, or social life other than her. She just needed someone who'd know all the same people as her and someone she could vent her anger and frustration on, and in order to keep him she was willing to do ANYTHING. He said she wouldnt even talk to him around her friends, which was something i noticed as well. The cancer chick has no idea her boyfriend has a friend who knows all the insides of their MISERABLE relationship.
One thing good that came out of all this was that the Taurus girl became pretty good friends with my pal. Whenever my friend's girl was visiting home for the weekend me and the Taurus girl took our virgo friend out. After a whole semester the two are finally good friends which ensured that the Taurus is still waiting. My pal's parting words to me
"ur right! i really shud get myself out of this mess" i feel he is probably gonna start the next semester clean. knowing him he wont move on to another relationship right away but breaking off from the Cancer girl is a START!! good start.
Posted by Avalan32
!HAHAHAHA!!! its funny how on almost every reply people either tend to sympathize with the Taurus woman or the cancer lady, not one person has shown sympathy for the Virgo boy's position especially when all he is trying to do is be considerate of the women in his life and their feelings at the EXPENSE of his own wants and needs.

Well I feel very sorry for the virgo guy especially after hearing more of the story.
Just kidding he sounds dumb smile
Posted by crabshell
Posted by virgodreamz
Posted by Avalan32
!HAHAHAHA!!! its funny how on almost every reply people either tend to sympathize with the Taurus woman or the cancer lady, not one person has shown sympathy for the Virgo boy's position especially when all he is trying to do is be considerate of the women in his life and their feelings at the EXPENSE of his own wants and needs.

Well I feel very sorry for the virgo guy especially after hearing more of the story.
Just kidding he sounds dumb smile

dumb it is.
click to expand

LOL! Pretty much.