Is there something you dislike about being a crab?
I can't stand being excessively sensitive. If the guy I like doesn't text me or I don't hear from him, I feel like the world will end. I get sad and emotional. Sometimes I even cry and I feel like abnormal unlike other people.
I wish I was not like this because I go through so much pain for nothing!! For other people it's not a big deal but to me it is. They can go on as if nothing happened but I can't. I hate being such a cry baby 😭 Especially in relationships and love interests.
Does this happen to you?
Is there anything you hate about our sign?
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May 22, 2017Comments: 61 · Posts: 603 · Topics: 10
Yup, I hate the sensitivity with relationships. I can deal with moodiness, I just escape, have a walk around the block, get some air, whatever. Also anything can happen around me and and I'm ok. My father is sick, I can deal with it, help him. Work is difficult, I'll sort it out. A friend is in pain, I'll give some comfort. But if she doesn't come back to my message, the world is upside down. It doesn't make any sense. But I wouldn't say that hate it. It just that I don't understand it. My air moon has a hard time with it!
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Jun 27, 2016Comments: 975 · Posts: 5791 · Topics: 44
I over-analyze every detail. Sometimes I obsess over the little things too. Definitely affects my relationships. Gotta try hard to remain positive and not worry about less important things
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
I have a Cancer Rising, so I feel as if I can respond to this...