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Oct 24, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 2706 · Topics: 56
This is really fascinating I like this..
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Jul 16, 2011Comments: 746 · Posts: 5608 · Topics: 190
Cancer sun, pisces moon, leo rising.
Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much?
Yes, but i can lose myself in groups.
Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little?
Are you sensitive?
Extremely so.
Are you regimented?
Do you prefer disorganization or organization?
Highly prefer organization
Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood?
I am misinterpreted by overly competitive types and those who largely do not matter.
Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who?
Yes. I see, to attract user/loser types which is why i tend to put on a mask. I am attracted to people that have a special quality about them which may or may not be immediately obvious, looks, intelligence, drive, something. I can easily spot those that are power hungry or have ulterior motives and it is a major turnoff because it is these who treat people like they are not people.
Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change?
Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open?
Are you lazy?
Not even close.
Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you?
Yes. Yes
What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion?
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Nov 21, 2013Comments: 22 · Posts: 11927 · Topics: 87
Cancer sun/moon
What it's like: I'm very attuned to the emotional energy around me. For this reason I don't like being in large crowds, don't like shopping. I have a 2 hr limit to how much of it I can handle before I'm done and ready to go home. I love solitude! I also love staying in touch with my loved ones. I love spoiling people. I'm extremely artistic/creative. Home is sanctuary.
Do you have a concrete idea of who you are? Or do you lose your sense of self in groups of people/when you think about it too much? I'm always very aware of who I am in any given situation.
Do you tend to have anxiety/overthink or do you think too little? Some anxiety, yes I overthink.
Are you sensitive? Very.
Are you regimented? Not really. I hate being on a schedule....despite knowing that it's useful.
Do you prefer disorganization or organization? Organized chaos.
Do you feel people misinterpret your intentions or do you feel mostly understood? I'm mostly misunderstood in all things.
Do you seem to attract/be attracted to certain types of people? And if so, who? Fellow water signs, but people who want to be comforted, get advice.
Do you have parts about yourself you'd like to change? Some.
Do you put up guards or do you consider yourself to be quite open? Guarded, but it appears open to most. I'm open on a certain level, and some levels none ever reach.
Are you lazy? I love to relax. But I'll work like a horse to get stuff done when it's needed.
Do you often get frustrated with others? Do others get frustrated with you? I get frustrated with idiots.
What is the most satisfying feeling in your opinion? Happiness/peace.
1) I have a concrete idea of who I am, but I keep changing, so from time to time I have to stop and think about who I am for a while and analyze if I'm pleased with myself. I hate groups of people, so no. I usually go against the established norm, but that's because the majority's opinion seem very stupid to me, but I have found some people who think like me (surprisingly enough they are aquarius, virgos and geminis).
2) I have a lot of anxiety and I definitely overthink.
3) I am, but I tend to force myself to think rationally and control my emotions.
4) My mess is organized, even if it looks messy to the untrained eye. I like people to be organized. And I'm able to think clearly in an organized environment. If it's not organized, then I have a hard time with everything else around me.
5) I think I'm pretty blunt, but people misunderstand me when they don't know me very well, because they don't understand my moral code. It's very black and white. I get angry and I expect them to know they pushed it, because I consider my way to be considerate "common sense". So it frustrates me. I say I hide my intentions and then I expect people to act on the previously mentioned common sense unknowingly of what it actually entails.
6) I am attracted to people who think and analyze things. People who aren't emotional.
7) Yes and as I grew older I became better at controlling them.
8) I am open and closed off. All at once. I give out bits of information one day and retain them the next. My guard is always up, though.
9) I'm not lazy at all.
10) Read answer #1
11) To be understood, accepted and respected.
* What I meant in #8 is that I only tell you what I want you to know. For example: "Person A knows something about me Person B doesn't" and "Person B knows something about me Person A doesn't".
I first analyze what kind of person they are (I'm good at reading people more often than not) and then I share according to what I think they can handle.