What movies do crabs like? (Eris is welcome too)

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by mr.crabby on Monday, November 15, 2010 and has 38 replies.
I'll go first.
Amadeus: Mozart faces Salieri in this tale of jealousy, deception and musical virtuosity. 8 Oscars in 1984
Caligula: Porn and terror merge as Ceasar becomes mad and cruel. Read Camus first for full effect. Poor reputation
Le d?ner de cons: Making fun of idiots turns bad when you're stuck with your candidate for the evening and he ruins your life. French and perfect

So, 3 movies very closely connected to the theater for me and no romantic sap. Next crab.
ACTION,COMEDY Thannnnnnnnnnn Romance! In THAT order!
So many cute little frogs, one for each day?
Thanks for inviting me to join in Crabcakes... I feel special smile
I like horror movies. :p
Hate romance.
Funny movies are good... They seem to get shittier all the time though... Such a shame Sad
Action is great. Things blowing up, I like that a lot. Ooo and guns.
Some odd drug movies too such as, Requim for a Dream and Trainspotting (still have nightmares about that baby crawling on the roof).
Posted by mr.crabby
I'll go first.
Amadeus: Mozart faces Salieri in this tale of jealousy, deception and musical virtuosity. 8 Oscars in 1984
Caligula: Porn and terror merge as Ceasar becomes mad and cruel. Read Camus first for full effect. Poor reputation
Le d?ner de cons: Making fun of idiots turns bad when you're stuck with your candidate for the evening and he ruins your life. French and perfect

So, 3 movies very closely connected to the theater for me and no romantic sap. Next crab.

Never heard of any of those. Tongue I'd like to check out Caligula though... Porn and Terror... Always good stuff.
"Requim for a Dream wierd movie, the end is extreme! "
Holy fuck you are telling me... I love this song w/ the video for the movie:
Posted by treefrogger
Posted by Eris
Thanks for inviting me to join in Crabcakes... I feel special smile
I like horror movies. :p
Hate romance.
Funny movies are good... They seem to get shittier all the time though... Such a shame Sad
Action is great. Things blowing up, I like that a lot. Ooo and guns.
Some odd drug movies too such as, Requim for a Dream and Trainspotting (still have nightmares about that baby crawling on the roof).

eris, crabs do like you! i already like you here!
i gotta say... requiem for a dream is awesome. do you like pi too? it's not so much a druggie movie, but still...
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Awesome... I like you too smile
Never seen it. :p
Crab house is poppin tonight!
Every time I listen to that song it touches me in a very special way.
and yeah I was being cheesy, for once.
Ah, numbers scare me! It looks like a good movie though. If we ever get a real movie store in this shit hole town I'll be sure to rent it.
Posted by treefrogger
Posted by Eris
Ah, numbers scare me! It looks like a good movie though. If we ever get a real movie store in this shit hole town I'll be sure to rent it.

yeah, you know us water signs always like a trippy movie! lol. i highly recommend it and it's all in black and white too! smile
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That's for sure smile lol Maybe I'll purchase some mushrooms while I'm at it... Or just chill out with a big bag of pot.
Never seen that one either.
Never seen that. lol I'm more of a gamer Tongue
I'll have to check it out.. I love dark, dreary and fucked up things.
What is your moon anyway?
Damn guys.. I'm going to grab a pen and paper lol
Posted by EmotionalMoon
I feel asleep in caligula how soft is that LOL..
Requim for a Dream wierd movie, the end is extreme!
I love Quills, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape (watched in like 30 times). Finding Neverland, Heavenly Creatures...

Must agree but the chick in that movie is really HOT!
Last movie i saw, was in the theater,. Its called "The Town" its awesome!
I really love the movie, "Taken."
That too!
Posted by EmotionalMoon
Posted by Eris
What is your moon anyway?

Me? Pisces
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Yeah you haha Me too smile
Cancer rising

also from old movies : Fight Club,The Shawshank Redemption...
from recently : Inception (DiCaprio's)
Posted by EmotionalMoon
Posted by Scubafish
I really love the movie, "Taken."

don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Good luck.
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Posted by Cancer1986LeoCusp

also from old movies : Fight Club,The Shawshank Redemption...
from recently : Inception (DiCaprio's)

Fight Club is an "old movie?"
Heaven help me if I reference the original Star Wars from 1977!
Posted by treefrogger
Posted by Scubafish
That too!

that's riiigghhttt!!!! einstein looks soo cute! Big Grin

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That is a nice picture!
It must have been taken on the set of Part II based on McFly's jacket.
Posted by Scubafish
Posted by Cancer1986LeoCusp

also from old movies : Fight Club,The Shawshank Redemption...
from recently : Inception (DiCaprio's)

Fight Club is an "old movie?"
Heaven help me if I reference the original Star Wars from 1977!

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Hell yeah Star Wars!
Posted by katie2333
Posted by Scubafish
Posted by Cancer1986LeoCusp

also from old movies : Fight Club,The Shawshank Redemption...
from recently : Inception (DiCaprio's)

Fight Club is an "old movie?"
Heaven help me if I reference the original Star Wars from 1977!

Or a SUPER geek. My aries male friend references every star wars film and game he has. And he's only 25. Total Geek. I even have geeky friends that know everything from classic cars to classic films & comic books. They are ridiculously knowledgable to the point of crazy. LOL
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There is such a thing as a HOT geek, ya know! So snap snap to you!!!
Am currently watching "Glory," which is one of the best films ever made, IMHO.
Posted by Scubafish
Posted by Cancer1986LeoCusp

also from old movies : Fight Club,The Shawshank Redemption...
from recently : Inception (DiCaprio's)

Fight Club is an "old movie?"

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Well,i think fight club is relatively old (1999). There is another great romantic movie: "500 days of summer"(2009).
I would recommend "500 days of summer" for specifically to Cancers. As the guy in that movie reminds me of
cancer guys so much!
Posted by CancerianGoddess
Last movie i saw, was in the theater,. Its called "The Town" its awesome!

Hmmm sounds like i know what i will be watching this week-ends with a beer!
Oooooooh, I just saw "A Walk To Remember" this evening.
Such a nice movie...
Crabs should see it if ya'll haven't yet!!!!
Posted by Scubafish
Oooooooh, I just saw "A Walk To Remember" this evening.
Such a nice movie...
Crabs should see it if ya'll haven't yet!!!!

"The Notebook" is better than "A Walk To Remember" for me
Many a great story has romance in it and I love it if it's done right. Not in that chick flick sort of way. That's all cheese. The American processed and pasteurized kinda cheese.
Amadeus is cool.
Much Ado About Nothing
For a Few Dollars More
13th Warrior
Network is an awesome movie. For trippy watch Begotten or Funny Games love both those movies.
I love, loved
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Dawn of the Dead (re-make)
Some Kind of Wonderful
Phantom of the Opera
Reservoir Dogs
Like Water for Chocolate
Ha! You cancer boys on here really crack me up. You LOVE to point out how far removed you are from your sign's notorious traits of being affectionate, lovey-dovey, romantics. So full of it... it's great smile