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Oct 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 44
Im sure you all have been reading up on my cancer situation.
Whats happening now? Well, cancer is totally ignoring me and has completely stopped doting. She doesnt get me food anymore but she's doing it for others right in front of me. I'm kind of getting fustrating seeing as how I'm being so kind to her. So is this her true self , the cancer within thats finally showing?
Whats going on in cancers head? Whats the next step?
How do I win her back? or should I just forget about it because there's no chance left?
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Dec 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 112 · Topics: 10
crude, reread the previous posts in the other threads you made..your answer is there.
wow, i just sounded like a
what she is doing now is a cancers revenge. she knows what she is doing right in front of your face drives you crazy..thats why she STARTED doing it. NOW that you are acting the way she wanted you to act before, she thinks thinks the only way you will act like this is by her treating you like crap. the way you are acting now, is what she wanted all along. she didn't get this response from you when she opened up and let you in, made you feel special..she Finally gets it when she treats you like crap..
in plain english here, crude..when you are a child and you want love on your parent..when the are busy doing something else, they might say, not now baby, im you pitch a fit..and get attention..the thought process is negitive attention, is better then no next time, you skip the lovely part and go right for the fit...same thought process. kids do not do it on purpose, neither do adults...both find the easiest way to get the result they are looking for.
it is obvious you want to make the effort to make this work. the only way to do that is to set your foolish fears aside and lay your cards on the table. this does not make you weak, it takes balls.
time to sit down and have a LONG one on one chat. you are going to have to have the balls to say what you have to be able to NOT run away when things get intense in this conversation, and they will, because if you do hold back,in this one conversation, she will put up her wall so high, you will never get though again. if you cannot do that, then you need to walk away now. because you will have to tell her everything..everything...
you need to start at the begining, how you were afraid she was testing you..and you didn't let down your guard because of you flirted with other girls, to get her response, and thats what you did, crude, how you didn't realize what you wanted all along was staring you right in the face...time for you to man up..time for you to set aside your fear of rejection. you have nothing now, crude, you have nothing to lose..but what a wonderful thing you have to gain.
cannnon ball...quit testing the water..just jump..i promise you will not regret it.
Signed Up:
Oct 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 44
menbay, you sound so sure of yourself sometimes, it scares me.
yes it took me a long time to respond, sue me.
it -seems- shes getting revenge on me for something I did. she won't admit to what I did. everytime i ask her what i did she keeps saying "its not about you.. so stop thinking everyting is about you" or "i forget"
cancers like to take revenge don't they?.. i'll revenge your bum! >
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Dec 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 112 · Topics: 10
"so how important is eye contact when you're asking somebody out?"
depends...if you are sure she will say yes, you better look her in the eye...if you aren't..then don't look. it isn't as important as the
"menbay, you sound so sure of yourself sometimes, it scares me."
i didn't think you would want the watered down version of am sure..i am a
and i love our chats..
Signed Up:
Oct 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 44
the thing is. i think she hates me lol! and sometimes when cancer is in one of their moods i'll do things to provoke! like asking her out i asked in a voice that could have been intrepreted in a way that it was making fun of er.
Are cancers really serious?
We used to joke around ALL the time! Now, its cancer is shooting me dirty looks everytime I try to say something but I dont take it seriously.
I have to say, as a libra, I havent really stayed around for this long to find out what happens. But she intrigues me!
Cancer is always still looking at me at random times. Its like the virgo thing... analyzing! Whats up with the cancer look??
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Give her some space. Things are too intense right now!