When will my cancer man open up?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by misscancer7 on Thursday, July 13, 2006 and has 10 replies.
I am a cancerian female in a relationship with a cancer as well. We have been together for almost 7 months now, and I have already expressed to him the way I feel, I may not have expressed it verbally however I have sent e-cards to him online, or type little notes, and most of all I show him basically that I love and care for him deeply. Now the most that he's told me is that his feelings for me grow every day (what does that mean, what feeling is that?). I asked for him to elaborate and it seems he finds it so hard to do that. He also told me that since he's been in one serious relationship and when he opened up to this female he ended up with a broken heart, but that was five years ago and now he finds it difficult to open up now so now I am suffering. Now I have been hurt and heart broken countless times and I have always allowed myself to give someone new a chance and with him I have which allowed me to open up and tell him my feelings. What can I do to help him open up, or will it just happen willingly. See with me he has nothing to worry about once he opens up then things will be better for him and I, especially for me because I will be sure of what he's feeling and he will not have to worry about me breaking his heart. I know he feels something for me, I just want him to open up to me and tell me. HELP!
So I should just wait until he opens up willingly?
Friday at 16:45.
Seriously, it seems to me that he's not in crazy love and doesn't want to be the one who's less in love. I can relate to that, not wanting to be trapped in a uncomfortable situation. It looks like it means more to you than to him. I had to get away from that a couple times before, when it doesn't feel right. Before it goes too far, you know?
But again, i'm much worse than most crabs, so i'm not a perfect exemple.
Sometimes you have to leave room and let people fill in the blanks.
I'm not as arrogant and know-it-all as i seem(or pretend to be).
Well, you're quite polite. Big Grin
Is there anyone else who can give me insight on this situation, please. And thanks to those who did.
good insight ladydane. i forget how conservative cancers can be sometimes.
Much agreement to ladydane's post
Family was a huge problem with that cancer guy I was dating (previously I stated we were friends but we were in fact dating). He came from a rather "strange" family -- I never known of the son being considered Head of Household (his father was more worst at keeping a steady job then he was for Pete's sake) and his mother just seem to have her head in the clouds most of the time ... I wonder if she ever came down Tongue
He was definately spoiled rotton as a little boy, but unfortunately he expected to be treated that way as an adult too. Anyway woman who would treat him like a the "king he believed himself to be" (oh my goodness Tongue) would have his undivided attention ... until he got what he wanted out of her (he confessed that to me in so many words ). Haha, if he couldn't get the attention from his mother (she gave the impression that she was tired of him constantly leaning on her but he didn't take the hint) then he seeked it elsewhere.
Also, that cancer couldn't let go of the past and that's what ultimately cut every emotional tie I had to him. It was too much for me to be treated like I was FIRST on his list one minute and LAST the next. So after a few more mortally humiliating moments, I too had to say goodbye. I already knew he wasn't going to leave me alone so I had to do it.
Sorry, if I sound cold when speaking about that cancer guy but people with moons in Aquarius can get exhausted with excessive amounts of bullshit.
oh, my ex loved to use that expression, and I cringed whenever I heard it
Yeah, well I'm glad you realized that time waits on one Vanessa Winking I cling too but like I said on the cappy board ... his hurt made me realize so much. Haha, I should've created that post sooner but I to make sure that what I was feeling was real smile

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