where's everybody from

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by cancerobssesion on Monday, July 3, 2006 and has 39 replies.
Jus curious....iam in dirty south.
I'm from the midwest ^_^.
West west Cali-ente! Tongue
london angleterre....
Gold Coast, Australia!
Berlin, Germany
Miami, Florida
dubai, uae
wow dubai!!
Gent, Belgium
WOW Dubai? smile he he - well I've only lived in Dubai my whole life, but I'm originally from Pakistan!
Longueuil, Quebec, Canada, but don't try pronouncing it if you don't speak french, please.
parle vous francis mr. crabby?
Francis est un pr?nom, FRANCAIS is the language. Winking
the northeast....
Its growing so quickly at the mo isn't it?
It would be such a beautiful place to live.
Yep it sure is! And I HATE IT! It's crowded, expensive, commuting is a nightmare and the people arent as friendly as they used to be.
That's the reason I'm moving outta here smile
The Dirty South aka GA an SC
Midwest.. Wisconsin.. and yeah.. ain't shit here..
nameless - where u going to go?
I need a nice quite laid back place, without all the complexities of a metro - I'm thinking KSA, its quiet at least and I can focus on work for a while. Or maybe Egypt, but that's to be seen. I've been down for a while (DANG virgo gal), maybe a change of place will do me good.
Sarasota, FL
Hey LadyM, you think the hurricane's going to wipe us out this year?
Raised in Jamaica, but currently living in Miami
North Texas
toronto, canada Big Grin
Hope, B.C Canada smile
Isnt any one from India?
At least a billion people are!!!
sb is!
haha for some reason i thought branh0913 was from england..
New Yawk
I'm from all over the place.. I grew up mostly in Michigan and California.
Heck yea smile Ppl are pretty much the same everywhere...especially us crabbies....
Ireland or Eye-or-land as you American folks call it. And no I'm not a Leprechaun.
The Pacific Northwest portion of the U.S.
Queens, NY
I'm from hell. Do I need to say more?
It was just a sarcasm. I had nothing to do with place where I live.