Why are so many LIBRAS in the CANCER section?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by TeddyBearMD on Friday, December 9, 2016 and has 41 replies.
The way you Libra's complain about us, you would think that most of you would avoid this place like the plague. But NOPE, you're here, in every single thread. Mostly just to talk shit about us. I just don't get it. You despise us, but can't stay away from our section?

You have a whole section just for air-headed bimbos like yourselves ya know....

..... smile
I'm a Libra all up on the Cancer boards. However, I LOVE Cancers.
Posted by heliumfiasco
I'm a Libra all up on the Cancer boards. However, I LOVE Cancers.
Why are so many cancers in the cancer section?
When I see a Libra girl, I just want to cum all over her pretty face.

... it stops there for me unfortunately.
Inb4 Tirano24 make comment about this because it's about Libras.
Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by TheCanBull
Posted by TrueFantasy
It's the cardinal attraction.
This makes a load of sense actually.

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

I have felt strong attraction towards Aries yet we are world apart Sad

I genuinely believe in modality attraction.

I'm attracted to all mutable so and I can see myself living with a mutable for the rest of my life.

I've also seen a lot of fixed sign people hang out only with fixed sign people.

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I would agree....but...

the other fixed OR both fixed suns NEED one of the other to be highly mutable.

I recall, our Leo sun aunty who has a scorpio moon, double fixed, married to her Pisces sun husband who has a pisces stellium. Even a fixed dominant pisces won't work long term... (look at Bruce Willis and Demi moore)

but a highly mutable pisces or mutable mutable??? with double fixed or triple fixed?? it can work.

too much fixed is gonna kill. and be toxic.

look at all the super fixed peeps, like Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, and then there's Jessica Lange and Sam Shephard.

also, Uma Thurman also double fixed with double fixed ex husband Ethan Hawke.

Posted by TeddyBearMD
When I see a Libra girl, I just want to cum all over her pretty face.

... it stops there for me unfortunately.

Posted by TeddyBearMD
When I see a Libra girl, I just want to cum all over her pretty face.

... it stops there for me unfortunately.
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Cancer men in bed.... The BEST.
Posted by TheLibraMudra
I want to piss on you
He might like it.
Posted by TeddyBearMD
The way you Libra's complain about us, you would think that most of you would avoid this place like the plague. But NOPE, you're here, in every single thread. Mostly just to talk shit about us. I just don't get it. You despise us, but can't stay away from our section?

You have a whole section just for air-headed bimbos like yourselves ya know....

..... smile
They are just trying to slide into the DM tho.

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Posted by heliumfiasco
Cancer men in bed.... The BEST.
And people ask why there are so many cancer men threads.


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Posted by TheLibraMudra
Posted by Solesan
Posted by TheLibraMudra
I want to piss on you
He might like it.
Drip drip drip

Pee on yewwww
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Nasty, save it for the OP.
Posted by 2Moon

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Just go for the OP, the other cancers don't condone this thread.
I feel like the OP actually secretly loves Libra women. He talks about us, just as much as we talk about Cancers. Just sayin.....
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by TeddyBearMD
When I see a Libra girl, I just want to cum all over her pretty face.

... it stops there for me unfortunately.

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have any of you watched this podcast series?

I started to watch this one in particular....

and if you are married, in a relationship....

do you have friends who are married or single??

he has single male friends, and she has married girlfriends.

to her she thinks that his single male friends look at her weird. cause she has children and is married while his single male friends have NO children and are not attached.

I find that awkward. lol

all my husband's friends are married and with children....so weird!!!!

and so are my little circle of gfs, well only one. lol


he said he has only FOUR friends he is close to, and one is behind the camera. lol

My Moon is in Gemini 8th house though, probably why I've dated so many Scorpio Moons. I have Venus and Mars in Virgo. I actually have ALL Cancer best friends (17 years plus), and am dating my second Cancer man. I've always wondered why I get along so well with Cancers but have found that a majority of my planets are in 12th and 8th house. Pisces and Scorpio energy. I dont know.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by heliumfiasco
Cancer men in bed.... The BEST.
if you look like that, then he's a lucky man...you seem sweet though what is your moon sign?

you don't seem like a kim kardashian fuk em leave em kind
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oh my gosh...I hope Kim K doesn't leave Kanye. Sad

just because he has bipolar.

Posted by 2Moon

fucking CANCERS.

Posted by tnmnt
Libras were my curse. Every single time someone fancies me (and I fancy them) I find out they're Libra. But generally, every friend I make, every date I have, if it's not the sun, it's another strong placement like Moon or Ascendant.

Two major heartbreaks because of them. I also used to live in one shared flat with one guy for one year: Libra.

My conclusion is that the majority of women conceive in January because it's cold, new years'.. lol

So I just started to accept it and stop wondering why. Started studying them, understanding them. Why not admiring them. With my flatmate I used to have endless conversations and without knowing it I started to think like him a bit.

Now I always consider both point of views, if someone behaves in a bad way I try to understand their point of view.. and so on. Just and balanced. But romantic involvements? No thanks!
Please don't turn into another aphrodite3

Posted by tnmnt
Posted by Kodak
Posted by tnmnt
Libras were my curse. Every single time someone fancies me (and I fancy them) I find out they're Libra. But generally, every friend I make, every date I have, if it's not the sun, it's another strong placement like Moon or Ascendant.

Two major heartbreaks because of them. I also used to live in one shared flat with one guy for one year: Libra.

My conclusion is that the majority of women conceive in January because it's cold, new years'.. lol

So I just started to accept it and stop wondering why. Started studying them, understanding them. Why not admiring them. With my flatmate I used to have endless conversations and without knowing it I started to think like him a bit.

Now I always consider both point of views, if someone behaves in a bad way I try to understand their point of view.. and so on. Just and balanced. But romantic involvements? No thanks!
Please don't turn into another aphrodite3

I assume aphrodite3 was a Cancer liking Libras? :p

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His overanalyzation drove him mad and made him push away everyone he loved. =/

Isn't aphrodite aquaboy? That user who thought he was a Jamaican Chris Brown? I can't keep up.
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by Kodak
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by Kodak
Posted by tnmnt
Libras were my curse. Every single time someone fancies me (and I fancy them) I find out they're Libra. But generally, every friend I make, every date I have, if it's not the sun, it's another strong placement like Moon or Ascendant.

Two major heartbreaks because of them. I also used to live in one shared flat with one guy for one year: Libra.

My conclusion is that the majority of women conceive in January because it's cold, new years'.. lol

So I just started to accept it and stop wondering why. Started studying them, understanding them. Why not admiring them. With my flatmate I used to have endless conversations and without knowing it I started to think like him a bit.

Now I always consider both point of views, if someone behaves in a bad way I try to understand their point of view.. and so on. Just and balanced. But romantic involvements? No thanks!
Please don't turn into another aphrodite3

I assume aphrodite3 was a Cancer liking Libras? :p

His overanalyzation drove him mad and made him push away everyone he loved. =/

I don't see the link, or how I could you remind you of him, but it's generally what's been happening lately to me, push away, push away and push away. I'm just tired of being disappointed by people. I'm focusing on myself. Over-analyzation: I'm working on it too :p
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Get out of you're head. Go workout or learn to meditate. You can't outthink your thinking.

Posted by TheLibraMudra
This teddybear MF is sitting back like muahahahaha watch the pages grow
Love my Libra man oh-so much. He is my forever person. Cancer & Libra is amazing.
I feel like you guys say this about everyone:

Posted by heliumfiasco
However, I LOVE Cancers.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Luxhc
Love my Libra man oh-so much. He is my forever person. Cancer & Libra is amazing.
You're dating a libra?

What's his moon

Pours liquor
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Taurus. Double Venus. I love him. We just moved in-together.

Posted by Luxhc
Love my Libra man oh-so much. He is my forever person. Cancer & Libra is amazing.
I love my cancer man He's amazing.


Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Luxhc
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Luxhc
Love my Libra man oh-so much. He is my forever person. Cancer & Libra is amazing.
You're dating a libra?

What's his moon

Pours liquor
Taurus. Double Venus. I love him. We just moved in-together.

ahhhhhhh your moons match. that's sweet. libras are definitely way better then Virgos

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Yeah they do. He is just way more lazy, I think it's the double Venus in his sign, but I love him.

I'm just stepping in to say that Leebs have this uncanny ability to do what you want, but it's actually what they want, and they just make you think that you wanted it. This maniacal brainwashing is vile, and cruel, and freakin-A I respect it. Bravo!

What was this thread about again?
I see a lot of both suns and moons over here.
Posted by tnmnt
Libras were my curse. Every single time someone fancies me (and I fancy them) I find out they're Libra. But generally, every friend I make, every date I have, if it's not the sun, it's another strong placement like Moon or Ascendant.

Two major heartbreaks because of them. I also used to live in one shared flat with one guy for one year: Libra.

My conclusion is that the majority of women conceive in January because it's cold, new years'.. lol

So I just started to accept it and stop wondering why. Started studying them, understanding them. Why not admiring them. With my flatmate I used to have endless conversations and without knowing it I started to think like him a bit.

Now I always consider both point of views, if someone behaves in a bad way I try to understand their point of view.. and so on. Just and balanced. But romantic involvements? No thanks!
I like that - I had a GF of 40 years that went sour on me for various reasons - obvious to me afterwards that it was always there - but then I met a male Libra who was ok but flaked out on me and now I'm with another very good Libra who I totally adore ... they are an enigma to me - not sure what your sign is ...
cancer men are flakey IMO - no thank you - and the woman are not that far behind unless I am close to them as in "family" - my son's one girlfriend that I really liked was a cancer but she wasn't whiney and opinionated about stupid bull crap like some woman on here - she had a brain
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by Kodak
Posted by tnmnt
Posted by Kodak
Posted by tnmnt
Libras were my curse. Every single time someone fancies me (and I fancy them) I find out they're Libra. But generally, every friend I make, every date I have, if it's not the sun, it's another strong placement like Moon or Ascendant.

Two major heartbreaks because of them. I also used to live in one shared flat with one guy for one year: Libra.

My conclusion is that the majority of women conceive in January because it's cold, new years'.. lol

So I just started to accept it and stop wondering why. Started studying them, understanding them. Why not admiring them. With my flatmate I used to have endless conversations and without knowing it I started to think like him a bit.

Now I always consider both point of views, if someone behaves in a bad way I try to understand their point of view.. and so on. Just and balanced. But romantic involvements? No thanks!
Please don't turn into another aphrodite3

I assume aphrodite3 was a Cancer liking Libras? :p

His overanalyzation drove him mad and made him push away everyone he loved. =/

I don't see the link, or how I could you remind you of him, but it's generally what's been happening lately to me, push away, push away and push away. I'm just tired of being disappointed by people. I'm focusing on myself. Over-analyzation: I'm working on it too :p
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don't worry too much about pushing people away - both male Libra's I've met in the past 2 years have been very social and yet hate it - love to come to my place in the mountains and unplug - cause I don't do drama and stress and it's quiet and I cook and we just relax and unwind ... you have to find your balance and not overdo either the social thing or the alone thing ... it's a crazy world out there so I like to unplug evenings and weekends and don't care if I don't see anyone else around but my Libra friend ...
don't worry too much about pushing people away - both male Libra's I've met in the past 2 years have been very social and yet hate it - love to come to my place in the mountains and unplug - cause I don't do drama and stress and it's quiet and I cook and we just relax and unwind ... you have to find your balance and not overdo either the social thing or the alone thing ... it's a crazy world out there so I like to unplug evenings and weekends and don't care if I don't see anyone else around but my Libra friend ...

Sounds like heaven on earth... smile

I love that life.

Im actually working on that... saving and saving all the money that i can for a land. then.. small house, cottage, tiny house, boat or something...

depends on where you live - I moved a half hour outside of town to get better prices and more quiet - and therefore not everyone will just "drop by" which becomes annoying ... if people come it's because they are invited and they stay over - yes, it's great so start small and build along as you can if you want - I've got 7 acres, a beautiful rock ledge, stream fed by spring so my water is awesome as hell, mountains, meadow, cute house, bonfires, gardens, I lay out naked in the sun in the summer - sit on the porch and watch the wildlife ... once you turn onto the stone road, you cross a creek 15 - 20 ft wide - there is no bridge - people say why don't they put a bridge there and I just smile - no one that lives in this area wants one - it's always the "outsiders' that think there needs to be a "bridge" lololol ...

anyway I am heading home to the hills and hollows ... caoi~

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
don't worry too much about pushing people away - both male Libra's I've met in the past 2 years have been very social and yet hate it - love to come to my place in the mountains and unplug - cause I don't do drama and stress and it's quiet and I cook and we just relax and unwind ... you have to find your balance and not overdo either the social thing or the alone thing ... it's a crazy world out there so I like to unplug evenings and weekends and don't care if I don't see anyone else around but my Libra friend ...

Sounds like heaven on earth... smile

I love that life.

Im actually working on that... saving and saving all the money that i can for a land. then.. small house, cottage, tiny house, boat or something...
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depends on where you live - I moved a half hour outside of town to get better prices and more quiet - and therefore not everyone will just "drop by" which becomes annoying ... if people come it's because they are invited and they stay over - yes, it's great so start small and build along as you can if you want - I've got 7 acres, a beautiful rock ledge, stream fed by spring so my water is awesome as hell, mountains, meadow, cute house, bonfires, gardens, I lay out naked in the sun in the summer - sit on the porch and watch the wildlife ... once you turn onto the stone road, you cross a creek 15 - 20 ft wide - there is no bridge - people say why don't they put a bridge there and I just smile - no one that lives in this area wants one - it's always the "outsiders' that think there needs to be a "bridge" lololol ...

anyway I am heading home to the hills and hollows ... caoi~

The amazing Venusian life style !

That's the dream!!

I was talking about it like one year ago..

Part of my dream is to marry a Taurus woman then live happy together with that life style ! smile

Im ready to go 1.5 - 2 hours outside of town for better prices and huge land. I want 20+ acres ideally

lol I'm back from the woods - made an awesome fire outside and baked banana bread with black walnuts this time and omg it was good ...
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
don't worry too much about pushing people away - both male Libra's I've met in the past 2 years have been very social and yet hate it - love to come to my place in the mountains and unplug - cause I don't do drama and stress and it's quiet and I cook and we just relax and unwind ... you have to find your balance and not overdo either the social thing or the alone thing ... it's a crazy world out there so I like to unplug evenings and weekends and don't care if I don't see anyone else around but my Libra friend ...

Sounds like heaven on earth... smile

I love that life.

Im actually working on that... saving and saving all the money that i can for a land. then.. small house, cottage, tiny house, boat or something...
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depends on where you live - I moved a half hour outside of town to get better prices and more quiet - and therefore not everyone will just "drop by" which becomes annoying ... if people come it's because they are invited and they stay over - yes, it's great so start small and build along as you can if you want - I've got 7 acres, a beautiful rock ledge, stream fed by spring so my water is awesome as hell, mountains, meadow, cute house, bonfires, gardens, I lay out naked in the sun in the summer - sit on the porch and watch the wildlife ... once you turn onto the stone road, you cross a creek 15 - 20 ft wide - there is no bridge - people say why don't they put a bridge there and I just smile - no one that lives in this area wants one - it's always the "outsiders' that think there needs to be a "bridge" lololol ...

anyway I am heading home to the hills and hollows ... caoi~

The amazing Venusian life style !

That's the dream!!

I was talking about it like one year ago..

Part of my dream is to marry a Taurus woman then live happy together with that life style ! smile

Im ready to go 1.5 - 2 hours outside of town for better prices and huge land. I want 20+ acres ideally

well a Libra can't go wrong with a good Taurus woman lol ... but I couldn't do it being out that far (1.5-2 hours) but if you think you can do that then rock it - being able to unplug in this day and age is priceless!

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
don't worry too much about pushing people away - both male Libra's I've met in the past 2 years have been very social and yet hate it - love to come to my place in the mountains and unplug - cause I don't do drama and stress and it's quiet and I cook and we just relax and unwind ... you have to find your balance and not overdo either the social thing or the alone thing ... it's a crazy world out there so I like to unplug evenings and weekends and don't care if I don't see anyone else around but my Libra friend ...

Sounds like heaven on earth... smile

I love that life.

Im actually working on that... saving and saving all the money that i can for a land. then.. small house, cottage, tiny house, boat or something...
depends on where you live - I moved a half hour outside of town to get better prices and more quiet - and therefore not everyone will just "drop by" which becomes annoying ... if people come it's because they are invited and they stay over - yes, it's great so start small and build along as you can if you want - I've got 7 acres, a beautiful rock ledge, stream fed by spring so my water is awesome as hell, mountains, meadow, cute house, bonfires, gardens, I lay out naked in the sun in the summer - sit on the porch and watch the wildlife ... once you turn onto the stone road, you cross a creek 15 - 20 ft wide - there is no bridge - people say why don't they put a bridge there and I just smile - no one that lives in this area wants one - it's always the "outsiders' that think there needs to be a "bridge" lololol ...

anyway I am heading home to the hills and hollows ... caoi~

The amazing Venusian life style !

That's the dream!!

I was talking about it like one year ago..

Part of my dream is to marry a Taurus woman then live happy together with that life style ! smile

Im ready to go 1.5 - 2 hours outside of town for better prices and huge land. I want 20+ acres ideally
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lol I'm back from the woods - made an awesome fire outside and baked banana bread with black walnuts this time and omg it was good ...


User Submitted Image

sorry, is that a drool ? lol

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tcta
don't worry too much about pushing people away - both male Libra's I've met in the past 2 years have been very social and yet hate it - love to come to my place in the mountains and unplug - cause I don't do drama and stress and it's quiet and I cook and we just relax and unwind ... you have to find your balance and not overdo either the social thing or the alone thing ... it's a crazy world out there so I like to unplug evenings and weekends and don't care if I don't see anyone else around but my Libra friend ...

Sounds like heaven on earth... smile

I love that life.

Im actually working on that... saving and saving all the money that i can for a land. then.. small house, cottage, tiny house, boat or something...
depends on where you live - I moved a half hour outside of town to get better prices and more quiet - and therefore not everyone will just "drop by" which becomes annoying ... if people come it's because they are invited and they stay over - yes, it's great so start small and build along as you can if you want - I've got 7 acres, a beautiful rock ledge, stream fed by spring so my water is awesome as hell, mountains, meadow, cute house, bonfires, gardens, I lay out naked in the sun in the summer - sit on the porch and watch the wildlife ... once you turn onto the stone road, you cross a creek 15 - 20 ft wide - there is no bridge - people say why don't they put a bridge there and I just smile - no one that lives in this area wants one - it's always the "outsiders' that think there needs to be a "bridge" lololol ...

anyway I am heading home to the hills and hollows ... caoi~

The amazing Venusian life style !

That's the dream!!

I was talking about it like one year ago..

Part of my dream is to marry a Taurus woman then live happy together with that life style ! smile

Im ready to go 1.5 - 2 hours outside of town for better prices and huge land. I want 20+ acres ideally
lol I'm back from the woods - made an awesome fire outside and baked banana bread with black walnuts this time and omg it was good ...

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sorry, is that a drool ? lol

(Drools like the niagara falls)

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lol awww thanks, my new guy loves my cooking and baking ... I sure am a Taurus when it comes to food but I get a lot of exercise walking on the stone road and working on the property so I'm fit ... it is just so very nice to have good food and a sit by the fire and chill ... now I'm hungry lololol

lol awww thanks, my new guy loves my cooking and baking ... I sure am a Taurus when it comes to food but I get a lot of exercise walking on the stone road and working on the property so I'm fit ... it is just so very nice to have good food and a sit by the fire and chill ... now I'm hungry lololol


you need to find your woman and land and go homesteadin~ ...