Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
leo likes everything sunny and bright - cancer appreciates this - but since cancer is so moody, leo can't handle their "down" moods and will eventually get fed up and look for someone more "positive"
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
that's true moon [obviously you would know being a cancer....] that is one of the things that turns taurus off about leos as well..... we don't like that leos tend to try too hard to get attention. I like leos as friends, but but dating just won't work out..... I imagine cancers would have the same reservations.
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
they can be - but I think that has a lot to do with how they are raiswed and whther they are taught to be spoiled. an unspoiled leo can be very generous with their attention and affection - but a leo who was spoiled as a child and catered to can learn to to be the way you describe. That is where each of our individual experiences comes into play. Astrology gives us the building blocks and life causes them to take shape.
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
femalecancer - I don't think there's anything wrong with that - personally I LOVE the cancerian emotions... I think they're wonderful - it's just that it's not for everyone....instead of trying to change yourself for someone who doesn't appreciate who you are try to find someone who does.... leo's expect everyone to shoot sunshine out of their asses 24/7.... don't take it persoanlly if a leo thinks YOU'RE too sensitive and emotional - they just have different ideas about life than you have. There's nothing wrong with you. Honestly dating someone who was ALWAYS happy would drive me nuts - it just doesn't seem real to me.... at any rate now you have the answer to your question.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Cancers and Leo's can live in a harmonious relationship. True astrologers will tell you this. People tend to look at astrology and use it as a generalization. ALL Leo's don't shoot sunshine out of their asses 24/7. Astrologers say this or that about Leo's personality but it all depends on the person and what is in their charts. I agree with Leokitten, Leo's are not always happy, we just don't let people bring us down all the time and our turnaround time is alot quicker. I can get unhappy at times and I do consider other people's feelings. Cancers and Leo's get along well together IF Leo's take Cancers emotions into consideration and show them appreciation.
Signed Up: Aug 23, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 29 · Topics: 2
"he gives a ton of attention. if he even thinks i am in a cranky mood he goes out of his way to get me out of it." im like that! maybe its a cancer thing? i love to get ppl out of that sad mood! even if it means makin a fool out myself. my brother tells me that im not funny, i just so0o silly n stupid that u just have 2 laugh.LOL i want 2 know my venus! my birthday is july 15, 1987 w0w thats so0o cool im happy 4 u. wat ur venus? wats my leos venus? his birthday is august 16, 1985
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I believe Cancers and Leo's can live in a harmonious relationship. Leo's will need to take Cancer's feelings into consideration at times. Period! And Cancer's need to take Leo's mental stimulation into consideration. Period! It think it depends on your age and how mature the two people are but in all actuality using astrology to determine your compatibility with another person can cheat you out of having a very loving union. People tend to sterotype and generalize another person just solely on their zodiac signs. Yes, there are some qualities in a person's zodiac sign but to classify another person just solely on their zodiac sign and place judgement on another person because of astrology is a bunch of BS! For example, astrologers say, Leo woman don't like clingy men. Well that is not true because I LOVE clingy, affectionate men. It makes me feel loved, safe and secure in a relationship. Astrologers say, Leo's are attention seekers which is not true, I don't like for other people to direct all there attention and energy towards me. I appreciate it but I don't need or desire it. I believe it depends on the other person's chart. Yes, again, I agree with Leokitten. Out of ALL the men in the zodiac, Cancer men are the most loving, affectionate and caring of all other males I have met. Cancer men will go out of their way to make you feel loved. I have never had a arguement with my Cancer friend either but for some odd reason, I will argue with my man day in and day out.
Signed Up: Aug 23, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 29 · Topics: 2
i just wanted to know my venus thats all cuz its interesting buh i dont only go by the just makes me want 2 observe human behavior more. my stepsister is into zodiac signs now 2 n she observes ppl. its co0l when u see some1 act like their sign.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
If you dont pay attention to astrology then you woudnt be here would you?...Moon you did not hear me say I don't pay attention to astrology. What I am saying is that if you use astrology, to generalize a person's personality and compatibility you could miss out on a great relationship. I don't use astrology as a guide. Astrologers will say, " Capricorns and Leo's are not compatible and it is really no hope for the relationship because it is at 180 degrees but I have been with a Cap man for almost 11 years now. Yes, we have alot of disagreements but if astrology was so correct we wouldn't be together. It all depends on the individual person and what each person is willing to put into the relationship. I agree with Leokitten, pay more attention to the individual person and how they react to certain things within the relationship. Just because you are a Cancer and another person is a Leo does not mean that you two cannot have a good relationship.
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
femalecancer - you don't need your birth time for your venus - your venus is in cancer. His is gemeni first of all - you can't JUST take a persons sun sign into account - but we are discussing leo and cancer and why they generally don't go well... of course the other placements are mitigating factors.... but I find that it's always people who want so badly to make something work with a sign that is not generally right for them that say astrology is BS.... but in the end it's always the same thing - while the difference's may not tear a couple apart [because of other placements] the characteristics that are said to be the problem between two signs are always at least a point of misunderstanding/anger/annoyance.....
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I will say it again, it does not depend on a person's sign. It depends on the two individuals and how bad they want the relationship to work. Astrologers say this and that and yes to a certain degree, I believe in some characteristic traits of a person depending on the zodiac signs, but it is a bunch of BS if you solely base it on your potential relationship. If two individuals want the relationship to work, you don't have to try so badly to do anything, it all falls into place. Can Cancers and Leos live in harmony, yes it depends on how bad the couples want to be together. God places two souls together, not astrologers.
Signed Up: Aug 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
any 2 signs can be together period...if 2 people want it bad enough, they will do all they can to make sure the outcome is beneficial for both people. My leo is clingy, I'm an aquarius, well if you read up on aqua women, we are not supposed to be the most affectionate women on the planet nor the most emotionally giving women on the planet and some astrologers go so far as saying we aren't the most effective mothers either...well I didn't get the maternal clock thing going on, no children for me but I love children and they love me. for me I love clingy men, not overbearing were you at type men but men that loved to be touched and hugged and catered to. My leo loves to be touched and hugged and nurtured, well at first I wasn't sure what to do in this regards b/c yeah I can be quite aloof and cold so I wasn't too comfortable with that but his reactions to all that affection made me give more, opened up my heart and now I love it. I love to see his eyes light up and his moody demeanor turn into a loving lovable baby. Any 2 signs can be together, even cancers and leos, can't take astrology too seriously, astrology can't read the heart.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Yeah, I agree with Leokitten. You cannot base astrology on relationships. No one is guaranteed a relationship forever not matter what zodiac sign you are. Differences and similiarities alike. If that were true, divorce rate would not be greater than 50% right now. It is up to the two individuals, all things get stale and old over time and some people like different excitment in their lives that another person cannot provide within the relationship.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
It's very sad to witness people allow astrology to dictate and jeopardize their relationships with others. A person can miss out on alot this way. Thank you Notso07! I have said the same thing. People will sit up here and read certaub signs are only compatible with other signs and will live and die on that fact alone. Astrology does not dictate relationships. A person will miss out on a great opportunity like this if they keep judge on others based on the sun signs alone. I haven't read an astrologer yet that says, Cancers and Leo's cannot live in harmony.
I have been reading the boards for a while now. It seems to me that all the signs astrologers say go well and live in harmony together come on these boards with the most problems. And the signs that astrology say cannot possible make it, get along happily and have longer lasting relationships. More Leo's women and other sun signs come to the boards having harmonious relationships with Cancers more than Scorps, Pisces, Tauruses, and have a better chance with a compatible relationship than others signs that astrologers predict failure or doomed relationships. People tend to get upset and try to bash the harmony of happy relationships that work because they might have experienced a bad relationship. One bad relationship does not account for everyone in the world. Communication is the key period. It depends on the two individuals. God places two souls together. Not astrologers.
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
wow..... and yet if someone said they would not date someone because they were narcississtic I doubt anyone would say that psychology was a bunch of crap...... Whether you believe it is a result of their birth or not the simple fact is people possess qualitites which are either compatible or incompatible with other people's qualities..... and if you are incompatible you CANNOT make a relationship work.... unless of course you are so dead set determined to prove everyone wrong that you are willing to stay in a miserable relationship.... I'm a taurus and even I'M not THAT stubborn.... The last that I will say on this matter is that first of all notice how it is all the leo's insisting that it CAN work and all the cancer's saying their relationships with leo's have not worked out.... second I'm not concerned with what someone else thinks of my opinions of astrology and in my personal experience ALL cancers and leos that I have known in my life have possessed certain qualities which made them incompatible in the long run despite the ones that brought them together in the first place. It is easy to overlook the things you don't like about someone in the begining - you may even find those things charming - but in the end they WILL drive you apart. And we're not talking months here - we're talking years...personally I'd rather not waste years, even decades, of my life with someone who possesses certain qualities that though I can tolerate them now I know eventually it will be too much.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
God unites two souls together! Period! ALot of people in this world don't believe in astrology. They don't even know what their own sign means. SO, it is only to those people who insist on worshipping their own beliefs. It seems to me like Tauruses, Pisces, Scorps all the so called compatible signs don't even have a Cancer man to brag about but they want to insist that it will work with them and down every other sign that Cancers are compatible with in relationships. I will end it like this. I believe in a higher power, GOD and he unites souls, not astrologers.
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
you're right.... we don't have cancer men...and capricorn men...and...oh who else are you stringing along now?.... you claim to believe so strongly in the power of god yet you do not believe god has the power to make astrology relaity...nor do you seem to believe in creation.... If god created the universe then did he not create the moon and stars and sun and planets.....all the very things which form the core of astrology?.... It seems to me that you "believe" whatever suits your particular purpose.... I think my faith is much stronger than yours....
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
"Yes, but you won't know that until you've given the person a chance. To avoid giving them a chance based on when they were born is as silly as basing it on *where* they were born. You may not like it, but that is a form of bigotry/xenophobia. Deny it all you want, but that's what it is. " I did not say that - you don't need to know someone's sun sign to see certain characteristics in them that you do not like or know will eventually turn oyu off from them.... you seem dead set on finding a way to say that I am somehow prejudiced - and by the way even if I were prejudiced based on astrology it would not be bigotry or xenophobia..... and "furthermore" you do not dictate how the mysteries of life work..... you cannot say with absolute certainty that astrology does not determine who we are anymore than you can say that god does/does not exist [for those of you up on your moral high horses about god.....] guess what ? YOU do not determine people's characteristics, morals, values, etc...... and can only GUESS at what makes this big ol' world go round... YOU are not the law of the universe - though I know you believe yourself to be.......
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
they're looking for reasons to fight with people........ no one is allowed an opinion but them.... unless of course their opinion is that they agree with them
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
XF, Each and every person that comes on the boards tell you the same exact thing. You have a hard stick up your ass. I don't believe in you or nothing you stand for. You are a human being just like me and you try to judge everyone based on sun signs. You are so determined to make the Cancer/Leo couple be so uncompatible. Yes, dear, I pick and choose who I want in my life. Whether it is a Cap man or Cancer man. You are not anyone to judge me of that. I don't believe in you! It is MY decision who I want in my life. I see that I have a Cap man and my Cancer friend is aware of that! How can you cheat on someone you are not having sex with? He understands that I need time to take care of my situation and myself and chose who I decide to be with in my life wisely. He is considerate of my feelings and whether I chose him or not, he wants me to be happy. That is what friends are for, yes, friends. We have developed a strong friendship before we ever decided to enter into anything sexual. He has been my friend for almost 1 year now, and he has not walked out of my life and whenever I need him to do anything for me he is here for me. He even stated to me that he will never let me down. We never argue, we have some disagreements that are resolved within minutes and he expresses his feelings for me just as much as I express how I feel about him and the situation I am in with my Cap man. He is still here, not running away like the majority of Cancer men are running from the women on these boards. He is still my friend. I accept him unconditionally and he accepts me unconditionally. Love is unconditional. I am not perfect and he is not perfect either. People humans make mistakes. He understands that I am in a situation but we continue to talk on a regular basis now. But, I guess you will not no anything about a Cancer man that is why you are on the boards sulking because like I told you before, you don't have game.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
And only God can judge me now." but somebody else can shoot ya!! LOL! Yeah, XF is going to shoot every Leo woman on the boards for getting along harmoniously with Cancer men and proving her so called astrology wrong.
I am shot! I am dead! I give up arguing with a dead horse. I just killed myself. I have a Cancer man. What's up Cansir? Oh don't get me killed please. I miss you!
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
LOL! What's up! Leo's are not generous, let astrologers tell it on these boards we want everyone to shoot sunshine out of their asses and we don't have any sensitive emotions, You will get up your own personal post for making Leo's seem like nice people or posting up your own opinions. Shoot yourself.
My opinion... Leo's aren't open enough for Cancers... Leo's express there love by actions... Cancers need words as well as actions... They want to hear it... They work for a while because they can have tons of fun together... But, Leos are more closed then Cancers are... They keep their feelings well hidden in that big heart of theirs..
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
My opinion... Leo's aren't open enough for Cancers... Leo's express there love by actions... Cancers need words as well as actions... They want to hear it... They work for a while because they can have tons of fun together... But, Leos are more closed then Cancers are... They keep their feelings well hidden in that big heart of theirs.. Yeah, but if you have a Cancer man who wants you to express your feelings, he will let you know and you don't have to worry about him running away from you. I don't know my Cancer friend will me, he needs to know how I feel because I am not open enough for him. I will eventually tell him but it is good to let him guess a little bit.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
But, Leos are more closed then Cancers are... They keep their feelings well hidden in that big heart of theirs.. Just don't let any astrologer hear you say that, they will claim Cancers are more closed off and don't express their feelings.
we don't express our feelings until we are comfortable or really trust you which could take a really long time. i was married to a leo for 10 years and i have known her half of my life. in fact she was my high school sweetheart. i will not say we were not compatable but we did have our many ups and downs which were contributed by us being so immature and not knowing ourselves. if we didn't know ourselves how could we expect to know our partner. we love each other intensly even to this day even though we are divorced. we are great friends and she got married again recently and i wish her nothing but is true astrology can give you hints as to how a person might act or conduct themselves. she loves attention and being in the spotlight while i like hanging in the background. but what it comes down to is the simple fact that if two people want to make it work they can regardless of signs. it takes patience, understanding, and people willing to be open and honest with each other. it could have worked out between us but by the time we finally realized what we both wanted lifes circumstances popped up and it didn't.
Signed Up: Aug 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
"My opinion... Leo's aren't open enough for Cancers... Leo's express there love by actions... Cancers need words as well as actions... They want to hear it... They work for a while because they can have tons of fun together... But, Leos are more closed then Cancers are... They keep their feelings well hidden in that big heart of theirs.." I agree to a certain extent, leos do express love by actions oh but thats the half of it, don't let a leo get in your head LOL! Lethal...leo's GAURD their hearts because they can't stand being heart broken so yes they are closed off to people they feel will take advantage of them due to them being so full of love and they really do have BIG hearts, a person can get a leo to open up but you must prove yourself worthy, can't hide feelings from leo's, gotta jus put it out on the table, this is what I have found with my leo, he gave me a hard time, gaurded his heart but when he realized I could deal with his vulnerability the love and tears came gushing out...cancers are very closed off, a cancer can live in his/her negativity and go on about his or her day as if nothing is wrong until it overwhelms him/her and a cancer can hold resentment within them and you may never know they feel this way, leo's can't hide their feelings like cancers can, thats why its important to communicate but yet still he/she (cancer) still may not tell you that they feel slighted in some way. This combination can work, more than likely leo will dominate this relationship due to his/her demonstrative nature but it can work. Leo's are positive by nature and Cancers are negative by nature, these 2 can balance one another out.
"more than likely leo will dominate this relationship" that is just want we cancers want you to think but in reality we will be in charge but since we are so subtle you won't even know
Signed Up: May 25, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
"X angel fish sounds like an idiot putting her idotic generlizations on leos ofcourse what else does a lazy day dreaming fish do all day make up shit . For your information fish not all of us are egoistic or arrogant we have the biggest hearts in the zodaic and are far more generous than most yet you failed to mention it . why because you are prejudiced useless fool now take that up your pipe and smoke it!"
you don't know me or anything about me. The rest of you are all sitting here calling people names if they don't agree with you...... sounds pretty egotistical and arrogant to me. and krobe - NO everyone does not say that I have a stick up my ass - only people like you [self rightious bullies] with whom I have disagreed say that. congratualations - you guys on alientating yet ANOTHER chatter simply because they didn't kiss your asses..... I'm done with you all. moon and cansir, I do not include either of you in that. Nor CJ who I'm sure is lurking somewhere.
Signed Up: Aug 23, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 29 · Topics: 2
moon eyes y do u keep talkin bout the argument!!!!!!!! its annoyin.ppl now think were all like this. w0w leos r positive! i wonder how negative i really am? leo kitten ur right! i deffinatley do not have that confidence. i am really shy as well. neways i posted this so0o i can figure out things that can annoy a leo or how is a leo or wat do leos like! to see if im like that. even though not all leos r the same might help! i need to hear from some leo guys. btw i dont really care if u think leos n cancers are not compatible! i just want 2 know why they arent.
Signed Up: Mar 11, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
and krobe - NO everyone does not say that I have a stick up my ass - only people like you [self rightious bullies] with whom I have disagreed say that. I have seen it on plenty of boards...and you are and a few others are the ONLY ones that insist that this relationship is not harmonious. You don't have to agree with me or anyone else, it seems to me you are the only one disagreeing. No, we are not agreeing with you and you prejudice look on astrology. You have been negative on all the boards and you create such big havoc. You have the attitude, NO NO it is impossible, Leos' and Cancers can't work, it is written in astrology when the board was supposed to be based on Leo and Cancer compatibility, not your possessed nature on why Leo and Cancers strictly cannot work. You say nothing good about Leo's and their generosity, or loving nature. Just Leos want everyone to shoot sunshine out of their asses. I would not care if you ever put a smile on your face or agreed with anything I ever said to you. We CARE about the people we love and whom we allow in our lives. Get over it, I had to tell Lady Scorp the same thing, who insisted that Cancer men were so intensely attracted to Scorps. Well wrong. Cancer men can be compatible with other sun signs. Period. I regret that your heart is so broken over the fact that these sun signs can get along and live in harmony. Astrology does not dictate a person relationship.
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