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Feb 19, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 241 · Topics: 66
I know a cancer guy (cancer moon, venus) + gemini sun I think. Now, I know that cancer is seen as the sign who take the longest to get over an ex but could it be that they never ever really get over it?
He was with her (long distance the whole time) for about 9 months. She left him and 2 years later, he's still as hung up over it, as ever before.
Including, visiting the city she is from, in Asia (she doesn't live there now) for the first time, mainly to reminisce about her (he had not been to asia before so of course there is the excitement of seeing a completely new place but to visit the exact city she is from and to put pictures of it on Facebook? Also, keeps close contact with all her best friends and makes friends with more of her friends, "likes" her picture on Valentine's day (post-breakup) and on several other occasions, openly admits he would take her back if she came back, pays money to take classes to learn her original language (no use for him really in terms of work, not a huge global language but one that keeps him close to her, in his mind), actively compares those who he is with, with her (either pointing out differences or similarities to her) and I think she may be engaged to someone else now (after all, it has been 2 years since the break up) and he has added her new finance/boyfriend immediately upon finding this out from social media.
He is hardly "new" in love, having had a few relationships beforehand (some lasting nearly a decade) but in each of these, he broke it off (probably his gemini commitment phone side) but this may be the only one where he broke it off..
Has nothing to do with me (as many of you will probably say) but I'm quite interested in psychology, astrology etc and find it difficult that someone can be this hung up on someone they were with for 9 months (even that, long distance).. I know time is not a measure of attachment and of course, certain break ups take long to get over, especially for a Cancer male, but THIS long? Quite intrigued someone could have such an effect on a person.
Not a cancer sun so you should be asking on the Gemini post.
Gemini's love unrequited love!!
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Nov 21, 2013Comments: 22 · Posts: 11927 · Topics: 87
First, he's not a Cancer, he's a Gemini. Secondly, I don't think this has anything to do with his sign, but has to do with his seeming obsession with her. It's possible that the long distance relationship allowed him to build her up, and the relationship itself, to mythological proportions, when the reality is that it was just a long distance relationship, and not much more. She may have helped foster that in him, too. Either way, he put her on a pedestal and he's not wanting to let go of that. Maybe his fantasy version of the two of them is more attractive than reality, and maybe it's a safety net for him
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Nov 07, 2014Comments: 24 · Posts: 400 · Topics: 6
A long distance relationship is not even a Cancer thing, idolizing a person from LDR sounds even more ridiculous. He might be a Cancer emotionally, but he lacks the cautiousness of a typical cancer. My heart is too guarded to fall in love that easy and deeply. It's a gradual process, getting over an ex but it's never this slow..
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Feb 19, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 241 · Topics: 66
Thanks, Namy for the helpful insight. That makes sense. Any other people (especially those with personal experience of such things) welcome.
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
My Cancer had a really hard time letting go of the negative effects of a bad past relationship. Things that I thought were minor that his ex did were huge emotional deals for him. I think any deep emotions from the past, negative or positive remain with a Cancer. I don't think it's much to do with their exs themselves, its the imprint of emotions that linger.
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Jul 16, 2011Comments: 746 · Posts: 5608 · Topics: 190
Why did you bump this 2 year old thread lol
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
Did I? It was on my feed?! Haha