I'm a pisces and yes we're supposed to be a great match.
So around February 9th - my cancer casually e-mails me "So Valentine's day isn't my thing. Too many bad experiences from the past have soured my memory of it. I just wanted you to know."
Nice. So that past has so much significance he'd rather masturbate in the past, rather that make new memories with me in the present.
Why the hell does he have to bum me out with his negativity and ruin my day? I mean I wasn't even thinking about V day - a concert on Feb 12 (that I bought tix for a month ago) was the only thing I was looking forward to. Up until I got sick and gave them away b/c I couldn't go.
Reading that sour stuff just bummed me out. It also hurt my feelings - dude, he didn't even ask *how* I feel anout that day.
Sounds to me like he didn't want you to be disappointed when he didn't get you anything or do anything with you.
Wouldn't you rather he told you early than to sit there and expect things from him and get nothing?
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Well you can expect that alot. He will tell you certain holidays, or special days is not his "thing" but will hint around for you to get him something expensive. It is game.
Signed Up:
Feb 10, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 757 · Topics: 56
"my cancer casually e-mails me "So Valentine's day isn't my thing."
- How long have you two have been together? How does feel about celebrating other holidays? For some I reason I have to agree with Krobe03, it does sound like a game. Like he's testing to see how you would react.
"I'm a pisces and yes we're supposed to be a great match."
-They can be a great match just like scorpio and cancer or cancer and taurus. However, astrologically speaking it depends on how compatible you alls charts are. Especially what sign your mercury(communication style ) is in. For instance, my current boyfriend's(a cancer) mercury is in gemini and mines is in aquarius. I love the way he expresses himself and I admit he has the gift of gab. Plus he is so hilarious majority of the time and quite intelligent. What I love most about him is that he is VERY outspoken and has no problem speaking his mind. However, there was another cancer guy I had a fling with before I met my current boyfriend. I get along with most cancer guys, but this one was very different. To get a direct answer out of him, was pulling teeth from a pit bull. He always had hidden meanings, behind what he would say. Now his mercury was in cancer. Don't get me wrong he was a sweetheart, but it's just that we our style of communicating was different.
Signed Up:
Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
...Cancer GUY, that everyone here likes, speaking LOL.
"-They can be a great match just like scorpio and cancer or cancer and taurus. However, astrologically speaking it depends on how compatible you alls charts are. Especially what sign your mercury(communication style ) is in."
This may be true, but even if your charts are perfectly matched, it could end up being a shitty relationship.
Astrology doesn't say whether you will make it or not. Only how easy it will be to get along in some situations. LOVE on the other hand will make it through anything regardless or how 'easy it will be to get along.'
I agree... "Wouldn't you rather he told you early than to sit there and expect things from him and get nothing?"
I also wonder... "- How long have you two have been together?" I'm guessing less than a year if you're just finding this out.
And if it is less than a year... "you can expect that alot." from here on out (unless you nip it in the bud now).
Regardless of history... "if a guy cares....he does stuff. period." to what degree he does stuff, however, could possibly be justified by history.
These ladies are kinda telling you what you need to hear... but its up to you to make the decision on what to do. Don't be the type of person that asks for advice to find out how people will feel about them after they do what the F*** they want to... and not for objective/alternative outlooks on what you should do.