Signed Up: Oct 17, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 9
hahaha wadup gf!! haha how u doin hun... long tym no hear!! haha so u been robbin n e banks of l8 or catchin n e fish wit your worms lol or shovin heads n tias basement...
Everyone says cancers are moody and I find this to be true. I'm wondering if it's true for everyone else? I go a little krazy sometimes, like I'll be very meloncholy one moment thinking about something, then as I'm walking down the street the next minute
Didnt realise i left? well screw you. just kidding.......ri-ight anways yea im pretty mutch bored....... I think my glory days of posting rediculous threads are over....
so after a short sabbotical i find myself again on the virgo board to do a little venting. soo.. my virgo guy, i love him to death and since ive managed to even things out between us understanding wise, things have been definitely on the 100. so right now
I'll start a story and you can all continue it and we'll see where it goes :) Here goes:
Once upon a time there lived a boy by the name of Rithiump. He lived in the village of Yogiu until one day he decided to set out on a journey to explore
What does it mean when a Pisces girl can't look you in the eyes when you're talking to her? Even after I asked her why she can't look me in the eyes, she said what are you takling about? And then continued to not look me in the eyes when I'm talking to he
i'm an aquarian woman and am dating a cancerian man. We have been seeing each other for about 3 months, once a week. He is charming, intelligent, insightful and funny. We are having a great time together when we do see each other. He has told me about his
Finally I found a way to let the kid in me to communicate with the world around me! It's so powerful. No lack of concentration. Full of life. And not boring. Something 180 degree change for a Pisces.