Capricorn's are notorious for being aloof and cold. Here's 10 rules when executed; will surely melt our ice. Gay, bisexual, or straight: These rule apply to both men and women.
1. Be polite: Manners, Manners, Manners! If we think of you as rude, your chance is over before it began.
2. Be clean: Be hygienic and keep a tidy homestead. Filth, grime, and foul odors repulse us to the extreme.
3. Be stylish: We don't demand you wear expensive labels or designer brands. Just color coordinate, wear whats flattering to your body, and be unique. We're not attracted to sheep.
4. Keep it classy: Scenes of sloppy drunkness, trashy clothing, detailed sexual conversations in public, etc. Major turn off.
5. Look after yourself: We understand the importance of good health and take care of ourselves, we expect the same of you. Treat your body like a carnival and we'll treat you like a ride.
6. Be mysterious: Tell us your life story right off the bat and there will be nothing for us to figure out later.
7. Be intelligent: We're attracted to people who can stimulate us on a mental level, make interesting conversation, expand our consciousness. We're quiet most of the time because people usually talk about shallow, irrelevant, bullshit that doesn't matter.
8. Be patient: It takes us a while to figure out if we want to get seriously involved with someone, Pressure us, and we'll run the other way.
9. Give us space: We're introverts at heart. We find people in general to be extremely draining. We need time and space to clear our head. If you don't give our sacred space be prepared to pick up shattered pieces of your ego off the floor.
10. Come onto us casually: Overt attempts at wrangling us into a bed or relationship too soon will NEVER work. We hate being smothered, if we feel our free-will or independence is being threatened we will avoid you at all costs. We keep our intentions to ourselves until the right moment, learn to do the same.
This is perhaps the most important and understated rule while courting Capricorn:
11. RESPECT OUR BUBBLE!: Like our ruling planet Saturn; we have a giant ring around us to protect us. If you really want to get physical with us be it just innocent cuddling or a full fledged fucking. Ask first. Our body is our temple and we don't let just anybody through our walls. Intrude our bubble; and hell hath no furry like a scorned Capricorn.