hiyeee everyone. so.. he's my first Cappy that i've fallen for. he pursued me aggressively at first & when i started genuinely liking him & expressing that in the first month we met, he started backing off. I played it cool, though, b/c as much as I did like him, it wasn't that big of a deal, there's others. We agreed to be friends but since then, we've become close. He's opened up a lot. We've hooked up and do so pretty consistently. He's said before.. why label. Which is a philosophy I hold, too. 3 months later, I noticed he was talking to other girls. When I asked him about it he was honest. Said he does, but goal isn't sex although sometimes they do sex him, but not regularly. So at that point I was like ok, it is what it is so I started talking to other guys. Once he found out, he exhibited possessiveness. He had been inching his way closer to me since & after having spent some ample QT, he's been backing off again.
I don't wanna put myself out there again and my patience is, unfortunately, waning. It sucks to know that as soon as I stop putting in effort, what we've built will wane, too. I know for a fact I like him more than he likes me, though, & the imbalance has been going on too long. 6 months, to me, is ample time to invest & I think now is a good time to start backing out. Anyone else agree?
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Dec 16, 2013Comments: 129 · Posts: 1170 · Topics: 4
I think he just backs off to spend time with himself. That's not an unusual cap trait. When he starts making a lot of excuses and backing out on dates etc.then it's time to move on. We always make time for the people we really care about.
I'm getting the impression that you haven't set any boundaries or goals for the relationship. And he just wants to play the field and your letting him. Don't sell yourself short. If you want more, go after it. Do you really want to be in a relationship with a man that does not like you as much as you like him. That's hurtful.
thanks for the insight creativecap. our common goal in the relationship is to nurture a friendship based on high, mutual respect. That's the furthest we've discussed it which was initiated by me. It's kind of difficult for us to commit to anything long-term as there's a possibility that we'll both be moving away for our careers after the summer, which we both knew when we first met. & yeah, part of it is I feel like I'm not on the same status level as he is as he's graduated ivy, is well-connected, etc. while I never went to college. As for me liking him more, at first it wasn't that big of a deal b/c it was different. Objectively speaking, guys usually throw themselves, so he proposed himself as a challenge, which us Leos are apparently cynic in that way that we enjoy it. But like I said, I'm feeling like throwing in the towel - not in an angry or resentful way or anything, but just kind of exhausted at making the efforts, feeling resigned. & wanna enjoy giving myself some pampering & attention. The only thing I fear in doing that is from what I read, we're supposed to be super patient with cappy's, but idk. I think in this case, if I put myself first I'll win either way. what do you think?
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Oct 02, 2013Comments: 34 · Posts: 2216 · Topics: 66
I think someone should do a statistical study of how many Leos come here describing the EXACT same scenario:
1) Cap pursues vehemently
2) Leo gives in and shows some love
3) Cap backs off (or even runs away)
Personally, I don't get it.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Nurture a relationship on respect.
So yall are just friends... with bennies.
Man I cant judge you because Ive been there... if he cant make up his mind and you already have then move onto someone who wants the same thing you do. Simple as that.
Timing is everything and well the timing for him is off.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
There are sooooo many other options to consider, some bad some good some great and some better.
Find what works for you in the present abd be clear about what you want.
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Oct 02, 2013Comments: 34 · Posts: 2216 · Topics: 66
Actually, I think that there are some very fundamental differences in communication style s between Caps and Leos. On the one hand, it's part of the attraction. On the other hand, it's also part of the difficulties and heartbreak.
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Oct 02, 2013Comments: 34 · Posts: 2216 · Topics: 66
Hey caliber! What about when the Cap is the overwhelming pursuer at the start and won't let up until you give in?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
" i started genuinely liking him & expressing that in the first month we met"
I think you expressed that too soon. In one month, he's still trying to decide whether he likes you enough to continue. It usually takes about 3 months for me to decide whether to move things forward or not.
"We agreed to be friends but since then, we've become close. He's opened up a lot. We've hooked up and do so pretty consistently...I noticed he was talking to other girls. When I asked him about it he was honest. Said he does, but goal isn't sex although sometimes they do sex him"
You agreed to hook up with him without him having to make any effort. No, he's not going to allow you to ruin his free and easy life style by putting a label on it. He wants his cake and wants to eat it too.
"so I started talking to other guys. Once he found out, he exhibited possessiveness. He had been inching his way closer to me since & after having spent some ample QT, he's been backing off again."
He saw how easy it was for you to let him back in. So, this pattern will repeat unless you put a stop to it.
Keep in mind, I'm not judging you. Just my observatons. I think you ought to cut the benefits because you're going to end up getting hurt. I don't think he is serious about you. He sounds young and in party mode, not to mention banging anything that will let him.
You can do better!!! You seem nice and you do deserve better.
Signed Up:
Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Caps do start to back off but that has alot to do with the push pull dynamic. Show interest but dont be over the top. Let him be the one that sings your graces you just stand there looking pretty and be receptive to the compliments
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Nov 01, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 261 · Topics: 17
I`d say earth and fire don`t match well. So dont earth and air. Even when a relationship is built it takes so much effort that it becomes exhausting in the end. On both sides. A taurus girlfriend of mine is trying at the moment with an aqua man: disaster! They dont seem to speak the same language.
And bad news for fire signs is they suffer, not Caps. Not a good much, as simple as that.
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
I dont think thats fair to say.
My Cap friend is married to an Aries and he's not always happy. At the end of the day she comes first, but he has his complaints...but she i think she does too.
I think its work for both. I also have an aunt married to a Cap. Both of these women are a bit spoiled in ways, neither really work, but both of the Cap men seem to do as they please in ways.
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 200
Why would fire signs suffer with a Cap?
@noname heh what can I say, I go for what I want ;p I like to explore my feelings fully, see what's in store. it's kinda like an adventure & it's pretty fun. to me, anyway, I realize not many people think the way I do.
& as for the sexing, when we first started hooking up casually, we agreed we'd practice safe sex, etc & I've been checked every month since we started (6 months now) & all is clear. I agree it is gross if you're not talking about it at all but we have & we're adult about it.
shrugz, honestly I'm pretty casual about this stuff. I gave him the 6 months, asked others for insight, agreed with most & now moving on while @ the same time staying friends. I don't like to force things and have the definetherelationship conversations, in general. like someone said on here, it's about the timing & obvi timing is off.
so at the moment, i'm in the process of backing out. i'm not initiating communication as much as I was but still being friendly & open when he reaches out to me b/c I'm still smitten by him & still admire him - that doesn't change for me cuz he's still the same guy & i'm still the same girl! Just gonna look for other adventures outside of him & I'm pretty excited to see what else is out there.
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Oct 02, 2013Comments: 34 · Posts: 2216 · Topics: 66
Glad things are looking up for you yummiekins.
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Dec 16, 2013Comments: 129 · Posts: 1170 · Topics: 4
Yes. I agree that not expecting a lot from people takes a great deal of pressure off both parties. We really can't control the decisions that other people make.
Keep your expectations low, but the standards you set for romantic relationships should remain high. I seen a major shift in my relationships after I adopted this philosophy.