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Sep 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 46
I know exactly what you mean I can't stand these girly passive men. Thats exactly what I loved about my aries ex. He was a mans man, and he sense when I wanted him to take control without me ever having to say a word.
I don't know what vibe I'm sending out, but I only seem to attract really, submissive, dependent people. My Sag soon-to-be-ex boyfriend is fairly independent, but he's so irresponsible that I have to clean up his mess all the time, and I can't respect people who can't take care of their own lives. I don't mind helping, or taking care of someone, but to a freaking limit.
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Aug 21, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 416 · Topics: 24
Find a leo or a gemini male. There funnnn.....
Both love and want control.
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Aug 21, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 416 · Topics: 24
Find a leo or a gemini male. There funnnn.....
Both love and want control.
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Sep 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 501 · Topics: 35
I feel you... cause that's how I am. I'm to strong for my own good. I battle for control but really I just want someone who will take the reins and say "lookie her miss lady I'm the sheriff in town" and then ride me off into the sunset with me gazing at him admiring how strong and powerful he is. (Then I woke up) Men are either to soft or they are to aggressive to the point where you can't respect their strength. There is a such thing as a strong powerful respectful man. (I hope)
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
Where have all the alpha males gone?
eh, it's a tough game. if men stay dominant, then we're pushy, if we let women get away with shit, then we're pussies.
He was a mans man
would require someone to give a damn about the cliche of being a man. i understand the whole, take her by the hair and pop that ass thing, but i don't see the purpose of molding to some stereotype. for me at least i like many different things, and none of which involves crotch scratching, pussy hunting, farting and spitting. I like pussy, just not going to let it control me.
I like what I like and don't give a shit if anyone else does. I take control because I like control. Yes in relationships I do have to be lead, yet i am very concerned about those that I am with. further more, i don't take crap, or give a shit if people don't like what i like or what i do. if i shave, then i fu*king shave. that's my business. if i clip toenails, tweeze hair, have a pink pen, or buy a cute stuffed animal, that doesn't make me a pussy or dig man ass. just means i like stuffed animals, keeping clean, and am not afraid to say i like any color i damn well please. i'm not metrosexual, homosexual, thug, pussy or any of that crap. i'm me.
honestly, a woman that has to be bust across her head, fu*ed like a bitch, and keep on her like a stag guarding his does because they can't keep their ass closed turns me off. i am aggressive when i want to be, and when i have to be. when i'm not i damn sure don't want someone giving me guff about it. i'll defend my family, but i'm not one to act like an angry guard dog. if she can't voice her opinion to someone as well, then wtf. do i have to live for her, and myself? should i also wipe her asshole too when she craps because that shit might be too tough and take her nerve?
i find it quite annoying that a guy has so many bullshit social limitations. fu*k limitations, and fu*k anyone who doesn't like what i do. that's their problem, and if they make it mine too, then they have bigger problems than they expected.
so yes, if people want grunting apes, who just get off the money and the dick, who will bark at the moon and obey orders then goody, there are plenty of guys like that. but for the most part, most men disgusted the living hell out of me, are quite stupid and annoying. i am quite proud to seperate myself from that stigma.
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
to a certain extent girly men are annoying, but i hate the stereotype many people expect men to maintain. pink, blue, hair stylist or bowl cut, its no one elses fu*king business if they didn't pay for it.
I am who i am, i don't piss on bushes, or flex muscles trying to impress. Like it? Good. Don't like it? Still good. Chivalry is dead with equal rights. There are no more handicaps where i have to do for a woman because she's a woman. I do for her if i damn well please. I'm not about to fight anyone over someone elses honor. I'll pop a sucker for disrespecting my woman and my family, but that doesn't mean for her to go f**k with people. Hell they may be telling the truth too.
I'm not about to square off at some guy because if i don't my woman will leave me. fu*k her, and fu*k him. He might want to hose her nasty ass out before he hits it, from the mess i left in there. I can get better with much less hassle. All that gentleman shit is over. Now people have to earn favors, and give me reasons to defend them.
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
eh, i don't mind being courteous, but it isn't gender specific. its more of a don't annoy me and i don't mind clause. far as anything special, i save that for friends, family, and my woman. those are the only ones who could even come close to making me want to pull a knight in shining armor routine.
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
my main point was that having a vagina entitles nothing. at least from me it doesn't. i only protect, or fight for someone if they are worth it, and don't appreciate situations that require me to go snorting about like some bull trying to keep out any fresh meat from his herd.