Admiring from a distance ........

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by P-Angel on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 and has 28 replies.
There is this man that I play poker with that really gets my attention in the way his personality is ... his disposition is very cordial, warm, accommodating, pleasing ... with hints of silliness and teasing. But, the teasing isn't offensive because his heart is so warm, and the little smirk on his face .. just leaves me reeling with attraction for him.
I've been admiring him from a far for over 6 months now. We talk a lot, for we're poker buddies, so we interact quite a bit .. it's just I've never shown him how much I regard him because well ... I'm married, and he's married .. and that would just go against my principals and morals.
Last night, I finally asked him ... he was born December 28th.

Damn, I love CapMen, no question .. he isn't the first one to get my fancy like that.
If we were both single, lol .......
LOL what an old slut. She's always criticizing everyone else's love life yet look at her.

No wonder she's so jealous of GF's love for her Aries man. As if it weren't obvious anyways.

Get divorced so you can do what you want. I feel bad for you. Living a fake love story.
I knew your old ass was in a miserable marriage.

P.S - Use some know since you are going through menopause and all.

I'm not sure what it is about Cap and Pisces, Starfish .. but, there is definitely a connection. He thinks so, too, I think. I mean, he's always talking to me, and sitting next to me at the table.
Last night, everytime I went out to smoke .. he came to have a smoke with me, and just joked and teased until I was rolling laughing so hard.
He's special .. no doubt.
Sounds like your playing with fire...I know you would never act upon any physical desires but sometimes emotional affairs are just as damaging...Perhaps it's time to take a poker break..
No way, we're having an emotional affair .. an emotional affair would consist of talking to each other about each other.
My only purpose in this thread was to express how much I adore CapMen, with an example of one that I know.
I adore a lot of people in much the same fashion .. in fact, tonight is another poker night and I will be having dinner with a Gemini man friend of mine = just friends, as is CapMan, just a friend.
There's no fucking way my emotions could have control over me ..
< has the ability to emotionally disconnect at will
All affairs start somewhere...Usually with a small attraction and before you know it...
P-angel I am not saying that is going to happen, but you did say that you have an attraction to him, enjoy talking to him, and you obviously think of him outside poker as you brought him to the board...You could have expressed how much you adore Capmen without discussing your attraction for him..
I have a cap guy lol he is nucking futs to say the least. But he's fun to hang around. However he's BRUTALLY honest sometimes I just want to slap him in face for it lol, but I know he means well.
"You could have expressed how much you adore Capmen without discussing your attraction for him"

Hurt-heart, I am attracted to him .. why would I describe my adoration without outlining what about him is attractive for me to adore? That doesn't make sense.

What bothers you? That I can feel for another person very deeply while still maintaining my dignity and respect for myself and husband by NOT acting on it?
Gangsta .. this CapMan is honest too .. sometimes he says things that just knock me over .. I guess because I love people who shoot-straight.
I know when I was married to my first husband, his brother was a CapMan I also loved very much .... and after my divorce, for a long time I wondered whether I was really in love with my husband, or his brother.
Something about these men just make me dreamy-eyed, I want them all.
"Gangsta .. this CapMan is honest too .. sometimes he says things that just knock me over .. I guess because I love people who shoot-straight"
- yea my cap friend has me speechless sometimes. lol
You do not have dignity and respect for your husband. Otherwise you would not feel attraction towards another man.
Obviously, you are not in love with your husband. That isn't real love.
Seems to be a pattern.
Maybe you marry men who can support you financially and you get stuck with them.
It's perfectly normal to be attracted to others when you are in a relationship. The whole point of commitment is that you do not take it further than acknowledging it's there. You can love one person and be attracted to another - it's human.

Oh no it's not.
Only people who have never really been in love can say that.
When it does's obviously not real love.
When I love someone I have no eyes for anyone else.

-You can love one person and be attracted to another - it's human.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I take it that you haven't found real love yet. Good luck in your search.

I'm sure you will find real love one day starfish. Then you will change your mind.
Oh and I don't know what human nature you are talking about. It's not in my nature.
So I would say you are wrong about that.
but other ppl can be found attractive rather one is married or not
thats human nature...

And again I tell are wrong because I am not one of those. Has it gotten into your head yet? I see girls who wet their panties easily over any man's face and well sorry to break the news to you but just because you do it....doesn't mean I do.

You see you talk about physical. I'm talking emotional and spiritual love.
What makes you think every man looks at a woman?
A lot of my male friends don't even turn their heads and look at other women. No matter how gorgeous they are. Of course I have male friends that do. That doesn't mean every man does it.
That's why you are wrong. You base every thing on your experience and now swear everyone just stares at cock and ass all day.

You will grow up eventually and realize what the true meaning of love is one day.

lol ... you have no idea how naive you make yourself look by saying that ... however, please don't stop.
Sometimes, I think these people in here parading around as women are just little high-schoolers, for real.
MD is AM, Starfish ... so, her responses don't come as a surprise to me.
Sometimes, I think these people in here parading around as women are just little high-schoolers, for real.

I bet half of these high school girls don't wet their panties for someone else other than there they p-Angel?

or are they all like you?


Hahaha yeah sure. As if I am even here to make a spiritual connection with internet screen name through my computer screen.

Oh starfish I just noticed you are a P-Angel.
You know I have noticed that Pisces are very gullible and easily cheat in relationships.
That explains a lot Winking

No offense Cappywench but how would you know whether my love is obsessive? LOL
Because I told someone that wanting to taste another man's cock while married to another person is wrong? Don't make me laugh bitch.

Plus you said: than the comfortable and intimate love your average happily married couple shares.
Obviously you are wrong because P-Angel is married but she wants to taste another man's cock. A person who is happily married won't lust for another person will they?

I have a very good relationship with my boyfriend.
Don't hate.
Plus you are a Capricorn woman.
Every Capricorn woman I know..........hasn't found the true meaning of love yet...because they are busy supporting men financially and don't even have an ounce of passion in them. That is why Capricorn and Aquarius make such a good couple. They are boring and don't have any passion Winking

"I also find it amazing that someone who is so full of the hate you spew on here can truly love someone unconditionally and healthily."

There goes your obsession again. You are a screen name on the internet bitch. I am not here to connect with you. Your death won't affect me. Got it?
Thanks Winking

BTW Sagigoat,

What the hell is a whever?
If we were both single, lol .......
This is soooo sweet smile smile smile smile smile If only you two were single, can you imagine the possiblities ??? I think Cappies and pisces go great together. Thats why I want a pisces boyfriend, but I can't seem to find one *sniff* From what I notice, pisces like honest people, even more then scorpios -- haha, scorpios tend to want you to tell them what "they" want to hear and cancers tend to like honesty as they grow older.
Do you think the two of you can be really, great, awesome-type friends without anything intimate happening ?
???? Was there a disagreement in here while I was away ??????
Why? What Sad P-Angel rarely posts over here and this is what happens to her thread ...
I know we can be great friends together without anything happening, CappySweetie .. in fact, two nights ago we went to another poker tourney together (we play nearly every night) and the same as always .. him and I just get on really well together.
My husband and him planned a fishing excursion for later in the month in which I can't go Sad .. because I'm a girl!!! You know BOYS only.
:: stomps feet in protest ::
Really though, it's nice to see men bond like that, so I'll probably pack them some sandwiches and send them on their way.
So, I know ..... him and my Virgo are going to be great friends, too.
I've blocked her...makes life easier. Who needs that negativity in your life?

*SMH LOL life?
This is an internet forum lady. When you turn off your computer........that's life...the real world. You are pathetic.

Oh god sagi goat. I just saw that you have Sun Capricorn / Moon Aquarius.
What a night mare LOL

You dykes make me laugh.
You dykes make me laugh.
HEY!!! I'm a capricorn with an Aquarius moon too! Yeah, we are the best kind of women chick Big Grin I don't know what the hell you've got to be an idea sign and plenty of idea must be in your chart-- they are the only ones who talk shit the way you do Winking
Last night at poker ... the CapMan had a cupcake in his hand, the lady of the house where we play always has some sort of snack. Anyway, I was at the trash bin throwing something away, and a girlfriend of mine was bending over behind the bar ... and when I turned around at the same time aqua girl stood up .. we saw him standing there with a cupcake in his hand .... and me and an Aqua girl both said, "yuuuuuummmmm" simultaneoulsy because well .. it was chocolate smile

He got all excited, and started teasing us about it ... "Eeewwww, so I'm yuuummm, huh?" .. then he went and boasted to all the men outside taking a poker break that he was "yum".
It was funny as hell ... he's a hoot, just keeps us cracking. And everytime during the game that he beat one us (me or aqua) in a hand, he would say something like, "Don't be upset, remember, I'm yummy", and then wink.

Hilarious ..... how could a person not love someone like that?

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