An affectionate cappy man

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Cap4me on Thursday, July 11, 2013 and has 5 replies.
I've been casually dating this amazing cappy man (I'm a Leo) for approximately two months. We hit it off immediately. We have the same sense of humor and always seem to know how to make each other laugh. I am at the point where I am starting to get attached to him and just wanted some input if he's possibly feeling the same.
He's made comments like "you're just like me". We text at some point almost daily (we both initiate) even if its just a funny pic or story that happened. I see him once every week or two because we both have busy schedules. He asks me if I'm available to hang out just as much as I ask him.
Last time I saw him he was cuddling on the couch and kissing my head and forehead. We cuddle all night when I stay over. He's pretty open about his life and he also started texting me hearts.
I don't want to have a "talk" about our relationship and scare him so any input would be greatly appreciated.
Are either of you dating other people? Or does that remain to be seen..?
Keep doing as you are. Seems like he likes you. Just don't do the Leo thing (no offense) and start getting all mushy, emotional, demanding and clingy. Don't read too much into it too early and expect too much too soon. I just had to say that but basically he's into you so far! You're doing something right, so keep doing whatever you're doing.
Remember, cappy needs humor!!! You Leos are the BEST at keeping us laughing and entertained. Stay fun. Use your Leo charisma to your advantage!
I have to throw this out there so you will know what to do if/when it happens. When he needs space (and he will), don't take it personally. We caps like alone time and crave it. It is part of our recharging system. So, when he needs this, allow it to happen so he doesn't feel trapped. This is where a lot of folks screw up. The more confident you are about it, the more he will appreciate you. Some people get all insecure about it and that's a turn off.
You're going to be just fine. smile
@puraleo I am not sure if he's dating other people. I have pretty much stopped talking to everyone I was previously dating.
@truecap you are so right about the overly emotional clingy thing Leo's are known for. I am staying very mindful of it. If I don't hear back on a text I don't send another one, hes actually shown me he will respond and it's usually within a day. I have been keeping it light hearted and he can actually give me a run for my money with his humor. Thanks for the amazing advice!
Don't read into anything too soon. Cap men can be affectionate. However, their practical side kicks in and they will be talking about work and how well they drive or some boring butter like that. And you will be left high and dry in the land of affection. Trust.