an apology to fellow posters...

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by yofaithful on Thursday, May 16, 2013 and has 14 replies.
i just wanted to apologize to fellow posters on this board who have given me such great advice...
unfortunately there's always a bad egg..
& in this case she decided to harass me thru my posts so therefore i deleted them...
her name escapes me at the moment...
but she looks like tom keifer from the 80s band cinderella...
i'm sure she will hijack this post too...
but i will not read this post further so i will not know...
thanks again to the sweet posters who have messaged me & agreed w/ me...
everyone gets theirs eventuallyWinking
oh it's fine! I just wanted to say what I had to say. lol.
Posted by yofaithful
i just wanted to apologize to fellow posters on this board who have given me such great advice...
unfortunately there's always a bad egg..
& in this case she decided to harass me thru my posts so therefore i deleted them...
her name escapes me at the moment...
but she looks like tom keifer from the 80s band cinderella...
i'm sure she will hijack this post too...
but i will not read this post further so i will not know...
thanks again to the sweet posters who have messaged me & agreed w/ me...
everyone gets theirs eventuallyWinking

Get an effing grip! You apparently simply want reinforcement of your POV rather than get actual input. Not everyone is going to agree with you, not everyone has the same communication style and certainly not everyone is going to stroke your ego! If you don't want differing opinions, don't post!
You deleted all your threads based on a comment you didn't agree with? Must have hit home for you to react that way... anyway, good luck!
"but I will not read this post further... "

what a crock of shit
Posted by ellessque
In case anyone is's me Big Grin
I'm the "bad egg" Tongue
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

good movie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I *KNEW* as soon as I read the OP.
You need to get a life -- seriously! Fingerwagging and righteous indignation are what bored old bags with
nothing better to do engage in.
Posted by s4nd
Posted by ellessque
I guess I kind of do look like Tom Keifer, but I don't wear as much makeup Tongue

ahahahaha!!! omg i had to google even but that was funny. ur textbook scorpio riser imo.
click to expand

I have a Scorpio ascendant.
And I am nothing like her. So maybe I'm not textbook?

ellessque a bad egg!?! I refuse to believe it! She's soo friggin sweet. Are you sure you didn't misinterpret her question? What's up with all the sensitivity on DXP lately? This is like the 3rd person to rage against the machine in 2 days. Is something in retrograde or what? *goes back to lurk mode*
Aren't we all!
Posted by seraph
Posted by neuroticvirgo

ellessque a bad egg!?! I refuse to believe it! She's soo friggin sweet. Are you sure you didn't misinterpret her question? What's up with all the sensitivity on DXP lately? This is like the 3rd person to rage against the machine in 2 days. Is something in retrograde or what?

Validation is simply a helluva drug. A lot of newbies think they can mainline it on sites like this.
click to expand

Color me confused but what does "mainline it on sites like this" mean? Sorry I'm still learning all this fancy internet
Ummm yea @seraph I would never have figured that one out. I guess I need to increase my drug lingo as well
@BT hilarious and also useful. I'll keep that in mind for future suspicious
I'm curious as to what was the question that caused all this mayhem. Must've been one helluva question. I want to add it to my repertoire and whip it out when I want to enrage random strangers!
*wonders how I ended up in the Capricorn forum anyway*
Posted by neuroticvirgo

*wonders how I ended up in the Capricorn forum anyway*

Enjoy your stay smile
Posted by tiziani
Me and neuroticvirgo have a tendency to always end up at the same crime scenes! Well after the place has been yellow taped too.

Tiziani you are SOOO right! I think we were crime scene detectives in a past life...LMAO or maybe peacekeepers. It's a theory
@lildol why thank you. I'm finding it most enjoyable
Posted by tiziani
Haha see you at the next one NV smile Cheap coffee and donuts on me next time.

mmmmmmmmmm donuts!!!