Any Capricorns who've dated Libras?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Sn1p3r187 on Sunday, June 26, 2016 and has 22 replies.
I've never seen one Capricorn date a Libra. In the existence of existence. I think I may have seen a Cap lady get with a Libra guy. But that didn't end well and nearly ended with the dude getting stabbed (he was kinda a dick). Never seen a Cap man hook up with a Libra lady. I'd imagine that fire would've gotten extinguished quicker than water on a fire. Anyway, any Capricorns who've had experiences with a Libra?
"But that didn't end well and nearly ended with the dude getting stabbed (he was kinda a dick). " --- lmao!! Must've been a huge one.

I don't think I've encountered one cap with libra, maybe dated but it didnt last. . I see cap/sag pairing up more now than anything else these days.

I dont know of cap/libra's among my friends either.

My Libra friend was with a Capricorn..for 2 years
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by RumiL
My Libra friend was with a Capricorn..for 2 years
I was in a relationship with one before I knew anything about astrology. I might be more susceptible due to prominent air placements and fyeah. I think it's probably the worst match for a cap.
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Chance Goodbye are you?

Awh.. I'm sorry Sad
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by cliquey
I see Capricorn males with Libra females everywhere

It's incredibly common and usually very fulfilling for both sides

It's kinda strange now that I think about it
Your troll account sees much, Ands
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lol he knows you don't like Libra sun women due to your bad experience. haha.

Posted by Chance_11
Posted by RumiL
My Libra friend was with a Capricorn..for 2 years
I was in a relationship with one before I knew anything about astrology. I might be more susceptible due to prominent air placements and fyeah. I think it's probably the worst match for a cap.
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in real life, I only know Cap sun men with Gemini sun women (my cancer sun bff's mother and father) and they are good together.

however, my cap sun uncle was with a libra/scorpio woman and it was horrible. she was a gambler, although she's always been so kind and caring to me. but she was honestly not good to my cap sun uncle. (they weren't good together when the times got tough, and her gambling addiction)

I remember you used to bitch about the libra sun woman you dated years back. It might be that you are dominant airy, and you may have 7th house, or libra planets.
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by cliquey
I see Capricorn males with Libra females everywhere

It's incredibly common and usually very fulfilling for both sides

It's kinda strange now that I think about it
Your troll account sees much, Ands
lol he knows you don't like Libra sun women due to your bad experience. haha.

It wasn't a bad experience, I learned a lot. Although it wouldn't be a top choice, I like Libra Sun women if there's some other compatible placements. Libra moon and rising are good spots. I have a lot of Aqua and fire in my chart. Only earth is the sun. Cap woman/Libra man is much worse combo imo as I think the Cap girl would run roughshod over the Libra especially if they started playing games.
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what about Jeff Goldblum and his Capricorn wife? And Trudie style s/ Sting? I notice the former is MUCH older, so he should be more MATURE and not play games.

I think libra in the chart would be good for your Aries though, but not in the sun sign as what you mentioned, it was a bad experience.

better be careful around here, you tell the truth about your past, and if it still annoys you, someone will come and shiskabob you around here. *smh*

I had a bad experience with my first two ex's, but no one bothers me about it. lol
Libra/Scorp Cusper crazy over a Sagicorn. We both have Sag Venus he has Taurus moon and Scorpio Mars. We work together but get closer everyday but I don't think he will make a definite move because we work together but our communicative, intellectual, and sexual attraction is past 100 he makes me want to just grab him lol. He is such a beautiful person and very passionate about his family and his career but he is also hilarious and can always tell how I'm feeling. i have liked him for a long time but I don't think he will make an official move as long as we work together Sad.
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Chance_11
Posted by cliquey
I see Capricorn males with Libra females everywhere

It's incredibly common and usually very fulfilling for both sides

It's kinda strange now that I think about it
Your troll account sees much, Ands
lol he knows you don't like Libra sun women due to your bad experience. haha.

It wasn't a bad experience, I learned a lot. Although it wouldn't be a top choice, I like Libra Sun women if there's some other compatible placements. Libra moon and rising are good spots. I have a lot of Aqua and fire in my chart. Only earth is the sun. Cap woman/Libra man is much worse combo imo as I think the Cap girl would run roughshod over the Libra especially if they started playing games.


what about Jeff Goldblum and his Capricorn wife? And Trudie style s/ Sting? I notice the former is MUCH older, so he should be more MATURE and not play games.

I think libra in the chart would be good for your Aries though, but not in the sun sign as what you mentioned, it was a bad experience.

better be careful around here, you tell the truth about your past, and if it still annoys you, someone will come and shiskabob you around here. *smh*

I had a bad experience with my first two ex's, but no one bothers me about it. lol
I usually figure it out early and shishkabob back lol. Caps don't play games but we're surprisingly good at them Winking

My favorite is when Rumi takes the troll at face value and engages them..and in her magical Rumi way reforms the troll and gets good behavior out of them lol
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lol are you Rumi?? if so, you are very good! some of you men portray women very well. lmao.

catfish (cough) haha.

anyway, reading what cliquey wrote above, is hilarious!!! saying how "harmoniously" and so many couples of this. It's enough to get your GOAT.

edit - and OP, I can tell isn't too fond either of the pair.
but yes, RumiL, is awesome. I love how she/he gets the best behavior out of whoever it is she's interacting with. I see what you mean.

Posted by Chance_11
Put down the wine, Lisabeth..we'll talk celebrities later, k :]

I guess I am like Rumi in my sweetness and innocence. good catch Goodbye
oh dammit. I haven't had my glass of wine yet.

Oh you much sweetness and appreciation!

User Submitted Image

Thankyouuuu, Chance and Lisa! smile
Oh yea Rumi looks like fire Because she is fire. Aries get it. Winking
I was doing some researching cause I was listening to some music and looked up musicans and their spouses...

and I didn't realize there were so many Capricorn suns with Libra suns.

Sammy Hagar is a Double Libra (just like STING is, with his Capricorn wife)

and he also has LEO MARS like interesting!!!

and this is Sammy Hagar:

and his wife is a Capricorn sun. but I don't know what year. but this is Sammy Hagar's blog for saying happy birthday to his wife.

she is very beautiful, and a model.

January 7.

i thought the double libra was interesting with LEO mars with another cap sun lady.
I am not giving up on this pairing lol I refuse to. Denzel Washington and his wife although I think she has a Curgo moon and he has a Libra moon or I know it is in air.
Posted by ladylibra21
I am not giving up on this pairing lol I refuse to. Denzel Washington and his wife although I think she has a Curgo moon and he has a Libra moon or I know it is in air.
he's Libra rising, Aqua moon, Pisces mars, Scorpio Venus. Jupiter Cancer, Uranus Cancer...

he is actually ALOT of water.
i have a libra ex with the same rising and moon as me. my water mars and jupiter are not compatible with his aqua moon even though i have it myself lol. a man's moon and venus are more significant when it comes to romantic relationships. also not compatible with his leo mars. we couldn't understand each other emotionally. my sag rising attracts libra but that's my only fire element and romantically i'm far from a sag
My girl friend cap is dating libra guy currently. IT'S A MESS.
My libra bff is with a cap dude. They have a young kid together and are looking towards getting married. Honestly, I think she can do much better and I really don't know why she's with him. He's lazy and controlling. But, it's her life and she can make her own decisions.
Posted by iCloud9
i have a libra ex with the same rising and moon as me. my water mars and jupiter are not compatible with his aqua moon even though i have it myself lol. a man's moon and venus are more significant when it comes to romantic relationships. also not compatible with his leo mars. we couldn't understand each other emotionally. my sag rising attracts libra but that's my only fire element and romantically i'm far from a sag
I don't always see aqua moons with aqua moons last for some reason. too much detachment emotionally?

ie. Uma Thurman /Ethan Hawke both had aqua moons,

and Jessica lange/ Sam Shepherd were also married, both had aqua moons.

but maybe because both are fixed suns too, so the fixedness of both couples is too much??

hm I think that's it. because same with Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, too much fixed together...and you would think Bruce Willis because of his Pisces sun but he has a dominant fixed chart (Taurus mars, venus aqua and moon aqua for the most part...that's ALOT of fixed for personal planets)

so basically what I've seen is too much fixed ...something goes wrong!!