Please share your stories, It doesn't need to be romantic, friendshipwise is also good 🙂
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Jan 31, 2017Comments: 425 · Posts: 2010 · Topics: 36
One of my best friends is a Capricorn. I rarely call someone a best friend but with him I can say that 😊. He is one of the few who understands me and vice versa. Of the opposite genders also we just feel comfortable around each other like we just found a person who understands us on a different level.
I read a study where a notably high proportion of Capricorn men marry other Capricorns when compared to other signs. You always connect well with your own sign and have an understanding of each other. Look at the moon, Venus, and Mars signs, too for deeper compatibility or variances that might bring you closer or drive you apart in the long run. That being said, your initial physical attraction could be with any sign. The sun sign is only one connection out of countless possibilities. I think cap and cap are great together. I'm a Capricorn, but also love anything Scorpio even though that's not my sun sign.
Capricorn here. My boyfriend is one as well...both third decan. Been together for past 18 months. Our relationship started off really fast and then I had to take step back to slow the momentum. Lol. Going slow and steady now... Not sure where to.
Some of my oldest friends are Capricorns as well. One thing about being with another Cap - - friendship or relationship wise; is that you can really depend on each other. That mutual feeling of care and responsibility can be very comforting. Other Caps do tend to depress me somewhat, though, and I feel the need to get away every now and then.
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Feb 28, 2018Comments: 0 · Posts: 725 · Topics: 29
One of my few better friends since college is a Dec Cap, 1st decan. We hit it off ASAP at a networking event and have been boys ever since.
Relationship-wise, I know it can work but I feel more drawn to other signs romantically. I think in my head, I need someone more emotional than me or more spontaneous.
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
I've been noticing sooo many Cap/Cap couples lately.
I just found out the other day that singer Aaliyah(R.I.P) parents were both Caps. I knew her mom had that look, and her energy was nearly identical to Aaliyahs, so that was confirmed for me.
But Cap/Cap is way more popular than I initially thought.
My cappie ex-husband cheated on me while i was pregnant our 3rd son witha younger girl. We have been dating for 6 years and 3 years of marriage.