Hi, I'm new and I have question about compatibility between a Capricorn and Libra. For the past couple of months I've been interested in my Capricorn friend and we talk regularly. Were both interested in each other, but he wants to takes things slow. Whenever we talk it's always fun and I notice from what he tells me is that I make him feel better about himself. He's been working hard on trying to live a healthy life style and he lost over a 100 pounds, so he was pretty overweight. My friend recently told me that he's been trying to become buff (lol)and I guess with me being this good support system for him, he told me that he's trying to make me proud. he asked me if I was proud and I say yeah, lol. I was surprised when he told me that because I didn't think he felt that way. This is my first time dealing with a Capricorn. My ex was a Leo and let's say that relationship went to hell in a hand basket. I'm very curious about Capricorn males because to be honest, whenever I talk to him I'm extremely happy. He's calm and reserved and his voice is so attractive. I just want to get closer to him because I feel he's such a catch. So my question is, are Capricorns and Libras really compatible? I'm a Libra and my ascendant and moon are in Pisces. My friend of course is a Capricorn and his ascendant is Libra and his moon is in Pisces too.
Capricorn man & Libra female?
Hmmm, I think the Libra will probably have to give in more for this RS to work. Caps can be a little undemonstrative in romance while the Libra can be a bit too demonstrative, esp in public.
The Pisces in you might be the one that connects to this Capricorn though. One thing I love about Libras (both the men & women) is how devoted they are to their families, esp to their children.
Long term wise, you might find that the Cap's self-discipline might be a bit too stifling for the light-hearted & romantic Libra.
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
I don't think they are compatible at ALL. I had a BOSS who was by far the WORST individual I have known. He was a pathological liar and always had a HUGE ego that needed to be fed.
Oops, it cut off. What I continued to say was, to come out of the relationship and still admire your ex is even better. I've witnessed the demise of my parents' marriage and I've seen the end of some of friend's relationships too. Let me just say that things didn't end well at all. My parents' despise each other, and personally my mom could do without EVER seeing my dad. So yeah, that's pretty sad. Oh, I am gentle and sensitive sagigoat...to the point where I get flack for it. I guess one of my many lessons here on Earth is to develop a thicker skin..
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Jul 16, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 506 · Topics: 20
Libra girls (and boys) can be quite cutting in their remarks. When reading your topic post your frequent "lol"s pissed me off. You have the capacity to laugh at this man who is making serious changes in his life. It may sound lighthearted or ridiculous to you, but we are very serious people when it comes to goals and achievement. Therein lies the rub. I have have two very very close libra friends who I feel I can never depend on. You tend to be flaky, vain and seem to make jokes out of things that aren't funny at all. But somehow they have managed to stay on the top of my contact list for 10+ years. Why? Opposites attract, I guess. BUT We both love material possessions and money so I tend to go shopping with my libra friends a lot (now that I think of it, I think at least half of the time we spend together we are shopping). Also, caps do like a good debate every now and again, so arguing with a libra can be a nice release. I know of two libra/cap couples and they are both an absolute mess. One male libra/ female cap. The cap is trying to make things work but the libra has these ridiculously high standards which diminishes the caps self esteem. The female libra/ male cap: the libra constantly flirts with other men in front of his face to try to get him to pay more attention to her, they argue constantly to the point of fisticuffs, and both of them are too stubborn to leave the other one because they are financially obligated to each other so the thought of having less money to spend on frivolous things frightens the shit out of them. In a nutshell, good luck with that.
To Warholian, I'm sorry my frequent lol's pissed u off. Even though I do appreciate the feedback you've given, I don't think you should group all Libras together as if all Libras are flaky, vain, etc. I don't laugh at anyone who are working extremely hard to make changes in their lives. As for friendships, I value them tremendously as well as my family. Again, thanks for your feedback.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hey, you know. I get along pretty well with libras. I get along better with libras then I do Aries haha. Well, at least offline I seem to. A very good friend of mine (I really need to call her) is a libra (1st decan) and a co-worker of mine is a libra (3rd decan). He is so awesome a dependable.
I don't know, I'm a capricorn that gets along with libras. Theres only been two libras I can think of that I didn't like and thats because they were the devil's spawn LOL!
A boss of mine was a libra and I adored him so much.
Thanks for your advice ume. I do agree he's serious, but he also has a great sense of humor. He has a tattoo on his wrist of his former weight. He told me that it was a reminder of of hard he worked to lose the weight. He's a very determined person, and that's one of the qualities I admire about him. He's also trying to complete his teaching degree so he could become a high school math teacher, then a college math professor. I've met plenty of people that were fickle, inconsiderate,and inconsistent but he is by far stable,kind-hearted,and upstanding. He gets uncomfortable when I constantly compliment him and let him know that he's valued, but he needs to be reminded of it. He has been hurt in the past. I've told him that if he needs someone to talk to I'm there. There are times where I'll call him to know how he's doing and he'll do the same. So whenever he calls, whatever I'm doing at the moment is put on pause because I don't want to miss his call. That may sound crazy to others, but I do care about him a lot.
Im married but b4 i did this i was sorta on n off with this capricorn guy who by the way im hoplessly n love with. he is so handsome n sweet n i really beleive that he is perfect 4 me but of course he is so funny actin. i dont think he does it on purpose its just the way its been said cap guys act towards libras. i want to say i can tell he likes me but i cant cause it seems like hes so into me when im around but when im not he ignores me. i wouldnt have gotten married if this dude would have said lets do this i would have gotten out of my long term relationship to be with him but he had his own situation at the time wit his childs mother. so now im married but n love with him n he is single we hang out every blue moon but he doesnt feel comptable with sex anymore. which really sucks 4 me cause he was the best i ever had. i know it might seem like im trippin cause i am in fact taken (sorta)i just wish things could b different cause we could have been perfect 4 each other!!!!
and also, we are both afraid of commitment, want to take things realllyyyyyyy slow...my reasons are I was married to a scorpio for 16 years which was incredibly stiffling and destructive and so I am naturally taking things slow, I have felt panic when he has stayed with me for more than 3 days lol...and this obviously suits him too because he is veryyyy slow, so we are both on the same page as in taking things slow and enjoying the journey...its not just about the destination. We have discussed commitment and marriage and are both romantic and both want the fairytale, but we both know now is not the right time and its like an unspoken thing of take each day as it comes.