are caps that strategic?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by taurus35 on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 and has 8 replies.
if you set your mind to do something that u say u are going to u really follow thru? or do u just talk with no action? im curious to know what goes on in the mind of equally intrigued by their persona!
thanks thats good info...
hahaha - I think Caps are very strategic even in love... can be compared to cancer strategy.... it is very internal
--- until they maybe hit a block, then you hear about what they were trying to do...
libra/aries talk more then the do the actual work involved...... I don't find them any more strategic... I find these 2 signs are short term elaborate planners... while Cap/Cancer are long term elaborate planners.
I am generally suspect of Cappies that say their strategy, I watch their actions instead.
Only strategic when challenged as if thought not to be. Or when someone tries to manipulate. Otherwise very carefree with thought processes everywhere. Never follow through because interested in everything and only gaining more knowledge. RPG's can be my worst enemy if not busy.
"Yeah I do plan. But not with the vision that I have seen some of my Libran and Arian friends. Or scorpios."
You're one of the very few who noticed that. It's a nice observation.
Zen is defensive because you misunderstood us SB.
We aries qare sweet adorable people with puppy eyes that just needs some love and being hugged. Paying compliments is also a thing we often do to get people to like and accepyt us.
Cappies have more patience than any other sign. That makes them good strategists.
In fact I don't know why Zen went all huffy and defensive there.

I was responding to 'are caps that strategic?' - nothing or anyone else
I was just explaining the way I see things with the 4 cardinal signs - will be different from the way other signs view things - Cardinal signs as zodiac leaders have to plan/strategize, and not take in as much details as the fixed signs so I find they're better planners --- they was no good or bad implied there smile
--- I'm not sure where exactly you read huff or defense in that but that's the way you saw it, we'll leave it at that xun - got no energy for e-defense or e-moting.