Are most caps manipulating and controlling??

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by HappyEndGirl on Friday, May 10, 2013 and has 4 replies.
Boyfriend keeps making me feel guilty Sadidk what to do guys Sadwe're kinda long distance and dont see eachother often.
so he always contacts me on his time.When I text him it takes him days to respond.Sometimes he texts first starts a convo and then doesn't respond.But i always have to respond to him and i'm sick of it.He always contacts me on his time and wants to know where i am and when i text him it's as if he doesnt care.For exaple yesterday he texted me at 3 am asks what i'm doing and when i told him i'm studying what're you doing,he doesn't respond back Sadand once i posted a picture on fb cause i was out with my friend and he texted me right as soon as i posted the pic,wanted to know where i was the whole time and then when i said i'm going home now,he stopped he just texts for his own good to just know where i am .it's as if he is trying to check up on me and know what i'm doing ,but he doesnt tell me what hes doing and i think thats selfish and a bit controlling.what do you guys think?why could he be doing this? what to do guys SadAnd now everytime i dont text him fast enough or if he doesnt respond to me I feel guilt,i feel like i'm doing or saying something wrong when i'm really not.IS he trying to manipulate me like this???is he trying to make me feel guilty on purpose??? :*(
No he's not attempting to make you feel guilty. He's earth, sure footed and being controlling is part of his personality.
Stop worrying about it. Go live your life. If it's too much for you break it off, be friends, less stress. If he didn't care he'd ignore you for weeks/months with no contact.
Thanks for the input Tiki and Pinkkk.But why would he just not respond after being the first one to initiate? :/ I can't stop worrying Sadand i don't wanna text him again and look needy Sad
Why are you responding at 3 a.m.? THAT is ridiculous! Stop responding every time he texts you at inappropriate times. He just wants to know what you are doing and likes to see if you would respond.
Live your life and wait for him to contact you. If his contact is at an inappropriate time, then don't respond. Wait for him to contact you again. Don't reward him with feedback for inappropriate contact.
If you contact him first and it takes hours to contact you back, then wait that amount of time for him to contact you again.
Caps need someone to put them in their place. Don't accept bad behavior!!!!!

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