Best Match For Capricorn

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Dogs on Monday, February 23, 2009 and has 55 replies.
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I pinched this thread from the Aries board, but its an interesting one
Best Match For Cappys
In relationshjips?
In partnerships?
As friends, companions?
In families?
Ill Start:
In Relationships = Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Leo
In Partnerships = Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Taurus
As Friends/Companions = Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Leo
In Families = Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius
You Stole My Thunder - Chases Bull round the room and tries to bite him on the ass - twice
Oooooooh nearly got squashed, that Bull is a force to be reckoned with LOL
Ill Start:
In Relationships = Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Leo
In Partnerships = Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Taurus
As Friends/Companions = Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Leo
In Families = Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius

true dat...some leos get along very well with some cappies or i should speak for myself...
For me as cappy
In Relationships = Aries, Libra, Leo (water signs are too emotional for me and other earth signs, no romantic interest)
In Partnerships = Libra, Leo, Aries
As Friends/Companions =
Sagittarius and Aries make best friends for me
Pisces - nice people
Virgo-usually get along with the males
Scorpio-instant attraction but fatal for me
Taurus-very compatible but tad stubborn even with my moon in taurus Sad
Leos are wicked people
Geminis - make good friends, nice people
Libra - nice people
In Families = Pisces, Leo, Aquarius, Libra
Ohh forgot leos for friends, they are great people, love them leos
All respectively:
In Relationships = Pisces, Virgo, Taurus (But ridiculously attracted to Scorpios and fire signs)
In Partnerships = Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Cancer
As Friends/Companions = Gemini, Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra
In Families = Libra, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn
And the award goes to....VIRGO! (To my chagrin)

From experiences, I'd say :
In Relationships = Taurus, Libra,pisces, cancer (leos and aries for lust)
In Partnerships = Gemini (plenty of), pisces, leo, virgo
As Friends/Companions = gemini, taurus, capricorn, pisces, scorpios, aquarius, sagittarius
In Families = scorpio, capricorn, (gemini and aquarius - according to their moods)
What I find interesting about these kinds of threads = subject matter .... is that they only pertain to life experience, which slants our opinions of signs and nothing of real compatibility astrologically.

I know for a fact that if any of us "fall" for a person, head over heels smitten for another person ... then ((( this ))) emotional feeling that wells up about this other person is what will form our opinion of the other sign.
A person could say they ((( hate ))) a certain sign, no compatibility whatsoever, would never, never, never, ever be with a certain sign .... then fall for one, and suddenly the completely different song is playing ... and now it's (((( love )))).

The fact that people have had bad experiences, and good experiences with other people just happens to be because they had bad and/or good experiences with other people, and these other people just happen to have a sun sign ..... and none of it has anything to do with the sign, at all, just people basing life off of experiences with others and then putting a label on them afterwards for identification/justification as to (((((( why )))))) life is.
Um, this is an astrology board, right?
the only match for a cap male is a loose woman who leaves you alone after you are done

It'd be more interesting to hear from the non-Cap signs on this topic.
And that Cap-Virgo thing? Hmmm, from personal observation, these two do seem to 'get' each other (Taurus too, since all three are earth signs) but somehow the Virgo seems to want the Cap more than vice-versa. Caps seem to want someone with the dependability of Virgos & Taureans but the emotional depth of Pisces, Cancer & Scorpios (ie water signs).
I attribute this characteristic to the fact that Caps are both Water & Earth (ie Mergoat). So they want the best of both worlds.
Water folks also seem to appreciate someone who is more stable than them & yet can swim in the deepest of emotions as them (Caps just hide that part of them better). They seem to appreciate Cap's ability to pull them out of emotional turmoil.
Ironically though, Caps sometimes descend into their own dark moods. But, through sheer force of will, they do pull themselves out of it.
So best match for Caps? Someone with both water & earth elements in them. A number of them also end up with Leos for some reason. I guess the part of Leo that fights for their loved ones appeals to Caps.

I say a best match for cap is an aries and a sag, You guys need to step out of stability land and take some major risks into the land of uncertainty. smile
I am seriously thinking about taking a cap out of the office and into a warzone of africa.
Only an aries and a sag and cut the chains of saturn and free the wild goat inside you. Winking
Well I always agree with Beowulf, but aries, you have a point too. As I said, I know virgos are "good" for me, primarily on paper, but they are too busy analyzing me and trying to figure me out to get to the gist. I have never met a scorpio or pisces I didn't like and/or want to bang, so there you have it. I always end up being physically attracted to fire signs because I feel as though I can rely on them to chase and hogtie the "wild goat" inside Winking Only problem is, caps don't like relying on anyone for ANYTHING. It has to come out naturally. I'd love to hear what some other non-caps think.
Ill Start:
In Relationships = Virgo (WITH MOON IN EARTH SIGN, NOTHING ELSE), Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, Scorpio
In Partnerships = Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
As Friends/Companions = Virgos, Saggies, Leos, Libras (yeah smile)
In Families = Pisces, Taurus, Virgos
Well, worholian, I think thew best match for capricorn is gemini, pisces, or another capricorn.
At least as co-workers. Gemini problem solving and flexiblity could really go handy with capricorn determination and stubborness. This is only as friends and co-workers though.
Aries could work well with capricorn, but only later in life well both signs have matured and learn hjow to deal with each other's energies. Because both signs are aggressive and obstinate. but have a complete opposite approch in life.
Thats my guess anyway

Capricorn Man with Pisces Woman ...I met the cap guy recently and he talked abt feeling her around even after death and her presence never ending in his life, even visions of her when he is in a tight spot............
Man, that's so sad and yet Soooooo Romantic!
She came back to give her support even after she had left the earth. She must have loved him a lot....and probably still does...wherever she is.....
*Sniff* I wish you hadn't wrote about this particular Capricorn Man and Pisces Woman and how she's still with him even after her death. Things like this always break my heart and make me lovesick *sniff* * reaches for kleenex*
And yet, at the same time, I love hearing things like this smile Just goes to show that some loves are forever.
I have to admit the only person I ever had a soul matey (although I hate that word) attraction/affection for/with was a Capricorn. I don't think any other connection will ever come close....
Am not capricorn but will answer anyway:
Relationship: Has to be an earth sign
Friendship: Sag, Leo, Scorpio
Family: I would want Earth & Fire
Can't remember what else there was...
Posted by missmorals
I have to admit the only person I ever had a soul matey (although I hate that word) attraction/affection for/with was a Capricorn. I don't think any other connection will ever come close....
Am not capricorn but will answer anyway:
Relationship: Has to be an earth sign
Friendship: Sag, Leo, Scorpio
Family: I would want Earth & Fire
Can't remember what else there was...

Aw, Juliet. Don't fight it. Winking

I'm a Scorp and I had a Capricorn boyfriend in HighSchool.I was too much of a dreamer for him. He didn't have much of an imagination... pretty stark personality, interested in facts and figures, obsessed with wealth... which is find is a common thread amongst Cappy men.
The keyword here is: HighSchool. Young Cap guys are always ambitious. As they grow older, they evolve into their true selfs--that's when their deep intuition, spirituality & love of art (the qualities that they have been forced to suppress in their youth because they've had to put their shoulders to the grind and/or claw their way out of a personal tragedy) are finally revealed. Few women stick around to see that side of Cap men. And their "obsession" with wealth is usually because it's a means for helping other people. Cap guys are usually constructing schools in 3rd world countries or financing some charity project. But you'd never believe it because they'd never tell you. It ruins their reputation as a corporate shark. If word gets out that a wealthy Cap guy is a 'nice guy', you can bet every gold-digging "long-lost" cousin will suddenly turn up at Cap man's doorstep. I've seen it happen.
So Cap guys become successful because it's a means to support & provide for their families and society in general...without anyone ever finding out about it of course. Shadow warriors...hehe.
Yup, indeed..cap gals never get enough credit, they rule
Cap women, once you've penetrated their ice shield, can become some of the most loyal people in the world (a trait they share with their male counterparts). If they treat you as a true friend, they'd go to war for you and stick up for you all the way.
Cap women also have a very 'wicked' sense of humor. It usually comes as a shock to others when it comes out of Ms. Prim & Proper. But that's when you suddenly realize that's there's more to these women than meets the eye. Just as women are attracted to Cap men's strong, silent and mysterious aloofness, men are intrigued by Cap women's mysterious nature. The lesson for Cap women is to stop putting men through too many tests and take a risk into letting men into your lives. And so what if you end up getting emotionally hurt? We all know that Caps are some of the the toughest folks around and will come out of it no matter what.
Also, I truly believe that one of the reasons why Cap women never get enough credit is because they prefer to play the part of the 'power behind the throne'. Caps of both genders hate attention but it's often because the men are usually out there achieving something (eg Tiger Woods) that it appears as if male Caps are getting more credit than the women. In truth, Cap women are often the main source of power for some successful men. They just keep quiet about it. I've yet to meet a attention-wh0ring Cap of either gender.

Beuwolf, When I read your post I wondered if you had a conversation with me yesterday, laughs. My reason is that a Cancer guy was on me telling me the EXACT SAME thing> to stop putting men through test and give them a chance. Now Cancers are our opposites and I tried to tell him My experience with one wasn't pretty. They strike me as pathalogical liars who seem to think we can be swayed by their harlequin romance charm. At any rate, I digressed a bit. You are on the MONEY about Capricorn WOMEN!

i think pisces and taurus are our best matches..and maybe scorpio but i don't really know any so i can't really say. beowulf you are know more about the true nature of caps than anyone on here..thanks for dispelling the notions that lead us to be misunderstood.
Yeah, I grew up being surrounded by water & earth signs and over the years I've keenly observed & 'read' them. My best friend is a Cap male.
I truly believe that Capricorns, Virgos and Pisces are among the most misunderstood signs. Caps are amongst the most pitiable because --while everyone rushes to help a hurt Pisces female or vulnerable Cancer woman, and while peeps are quick to defend the "misunderstood" Scorpios males -- no one helps the poor Capricorns. It's no wonder they have had to do everything by themselves, and, by extension, tend to be the stereotypical misunderstood lone wolves.
As for best matches for the Caps, I'd like to hear what the non-Caps say.
But I'll tell ya one thing: I really feel for the Caps (esp the males). Having trawled through the web, there hardly seems to be anything good said about them (apart from the usual - oh, he's so reliable, hardworking, blah blah blah ). Occasionally a Cancer or a Leo female will say something nice (like how they love the Cap's dominating personality) but these are few and far in between.
Some of the Cap males' frustration rubs off on me because I feel for these guys. Just a couple of days ago I listened while one of my Cappy guy friends ranted & raved about how, despite his efforts, he was always getting relegated to the 'nice guy, husband-material' and never the guy who sets women's hearts fluttering. It's really unfair because I know what great guys Cap men can be.
It's really sad that we live in a world where the nice guys finish last. I mean just watch all those movies & TV shows. Desirable girl has Nice Guy pining for her; Desirable girl gets swept off her feet by charming BadBoy; Badboy uses Desirable girl for sex; Desirable girl gets dumped by BadBoy who tires of her; Desirable girl goes back to Nice Guy-- who gets the sloppy leftovers who's already slept around with the BadBoys. Nice Guys finish last.

Advice to Cap men: Stop being nice guys. Let go of some of your inhibitions and your conditioning. Flip old Saturn the finger once in a while & break free from his chains. Remember that amongst the numerous ancient symbols of Capricorn was Pan, the lusty, fun-filled God who dwelled in the deep dark mysterious forest and chased nymphs.
We live in a world where, when it comes to sex, love & relationships, the badboys get the goods and nice guys get the leftovers. Think about it: How many times have you read on the forums about how Scorpio men are such liars, cheaters and only use women for sex ---- and yet women keep desiring them?
They say a Capricorn is just a Scorpio in a suit (or a Scorpio is just a Capricorn without the suit). So why not go out and prove it? Break free from whatever self-imposed "code of ethics" that holds you back when it comes to sex, love & relationships. You KNOW you have the power. You also know that if you get hurt, you'll just shake it off and come out of it stronger. Caps are great survivors after all.

My reason is that a Cancer guy was on me telling me the EXACT SAME thing> to stop putting men through test and give them a chance. Now Cancers are our opposites and I tried to tell him My experience with one wasn't pretty. They strike me as pathalogical liars who seem to think we can be swayed by their harlequin romance charm.
Cancer men (& women) seem to want to be with folks who are stronger than them. The men want to be mothered and the women want to mother (and be taken care of at the same time). This is the reason why both genders of Cancer hook up with signs that are stronger than themselves (eg Cap, Scorp, Aries, Taurus, Aquarius) but end up being frustrated that these stronger signs cannot seem to understand the Cancer's turmoiling emotions (some Cap & Scorp partners might be an exception).
The plus side of Cancer folks is that they tend to put their families first and will look after their loved ones. Cancer women, especially make nurturing mothers.
are you sure it's a good idea to encourage capricorns to stop being nice and being responsible/considerate coz when you meet a capricorn without retrains...
I've seen Capricorns without restrains and the HUGE creative energy that comes out of them is awesome. Think Cap Marilyn Manson. It's like they break ALL the rules and they know that no one can stop them. And even if if they're stopped, they'd just shrug it off and carry on as if nothing happened. They do have the ability to compartmentalize their feelings after all.
And you may have's the irresponsible, UN-nice guys who are most desirable. People don't see a future with them...but they all want them.
You think Cap Howard Hughes could have had so many beautiful women if he had been a 'nice guy'? He projected an aura of POWER and raw sexuality. Plus the man was a daredevil when it came to flying.
I always look into Caps' eyes and see this longing to break free from all conventions. And this little passage that I found on the web just proves it:
Capricorn is an unsung hero, an undiscovered genius...and an unknown quantity. It is because Capricorn is such an unknown quantity that his heroism goes unsung and his genius undiscovered. Some people will blow their own trumpets from the highest hill even when those trumpets are battered and badly out of tune. Capricorn is rather the opposite. No matter how bright the light inside him shines, he will always find a bushel big enough to hide it under. Capricorn wants to be thought of as stable, steady and solid. He tries his best to do what the world expects of him, he wants to be a trooper - a loyal, reliable, down-to-earth kind of character. In the attempt to give this impression Capricorn strives to be modest, restrained and realistic.
He almost succeeds.
Through diligent effort Capricorn manages to persuade himself and the rest of the watching world that he is a known quantity. At best he will allow himself to be known for his talent in one particular area or for his courage with regard to one particular topic. The trouble is, this man is a Capricorn and Capricorns, despite all that some astrologers say, are always unknown quantities.
Deep down inside Capricorn yearns to be wild and crazy, footloose and fancy-free. He wants to break the rules, question convention and court controversy. Only one thing stops him - a little voice in the back of his head that says "Excuse me, who do you think you are? That's not the kind of activity that Capricorn can get away with." If you want to be a true friend to Capricorn you must encourage him to ignore that voice. He will love you for it and he won't need much encouraging. Capricorn was born to be brilliant. He was destined to be daring. One day he will realise this and then...the world had better look out."
STOP doing only the things that's expected of you and START doing things that YOU feel like doing. Even Pisces the fish does this and even they survive somehow. And Caps are even greater survivors. So Take the Risk! What can go wrong? And even if it goes wrong, so what? Caps are great survivors. I'm going to repeat that until you goats get it into your horned heads.
Get out, seduce as many men/women as you want; introduce as many people as possible to the Cap's legendary bedroom skills, be as desirable as... want and leave them wanting more. So what if you gain a reputation as playas? People may hate playas but they all want to be with them. Think Pan, the horny playa-God. Screwed as many nymphs as he wanted.
It's always better to be known as a heart breaker than some boring 'nice guy'.
BeoWulf, sorry about misspelling your name. You make some compelling arguments for the Capricorn MALE but in essence the Capricorn Female has it just as HARD if not harder. I read today that Capricorn women have broken many a hearts and didn't know it but I beg to differ. I believe we have had our hearts BROKEN but because we are able to dust ourselves off again and take the time to build up our ever so guarded wall to protect our hearts we tend to come out ok. A lot of people say they feel for Capricorn Males, but as a Capricorn Female I feel for us because to be honest it's like we don't gel well with any of the signs. I mean you got the matchups for perfect unions but when it comes to Capricorns it's like we are left out in the wind and noone understands us and when we think someone has managed to pull away at the layers of protections to finally understand who we are we are disappointed again. Care to share some insight?

Hmmm, you got me there, ncprincess. To be honest, I'm surrounded more by Cap males than females and for some reason, the females always seem more reserved than the males. The males are initially just as reserved as the females but that famed Capricorn reverse-aging process seems to work more for Cap males than the females. As a result, the males open up to me more than the females. The females age like fine wine (smoother & richer) but the males age in a way that the sparkle in their eyes becomes brighter as they grow older (like they're finally getting in touch with their Pan selves)
So due to sheer numbers and the willingness of Cap males to open up more, I'm more familiar with the male mergoats than the female ones.
As for the best matches for the females, I'm told they go best with mature Pisces men (the ones who don't cling but view you as their complement) as well as faithful Scorpio men (the ones who won't sting you because you could always crush them with your hooves). Taurus sweethearts too mesh well you. Taurus men are also more willing to trust you - of all the signs- with their money. They value your loyalty & trust.
I know some of you goat women are bored by your fellow earth signs and want a more 'exciting' sign. One solution would be to take my advice about breaking free from your inhibitions: have as many flings as you want with all the exciting signs. Then once you've had your fun, completely exhausted, settle down with someone whom you can finally nest with (though if you take the time to know them, many Virgo, Taurus & fellow Cap men are even wilder than the so-called exciting signs--- they're just better at being mysterious about it).
ps. Cap females always remind me of the singer Sade (also a Cap). She always looks so smooth (Smooth Operator, geddit smile ), silky and seductive. And I don't know why but she never seems to grow old. smile
Are Caps immortals? Do they never age? Big Grin

BeqWulf, thanks for responding and once again I like your analysis. Yes Caps seem to age in reverse. So funny but I'm 32 and people often claim I look like I am in my 20's. I laughed outloud when a guy carded me at a liquor store and told me I have a baby face and he wasn't willing to loose his license by assuming I was 21. I was like uhh yeah right. You picked the perfect person, Sade. I LOVE her and not only is she a capricorn like MOI but she is West African like myself and she never looks old at ALL. As for the men, Denzel comes to mind when you talk about a twinkle in their eye. He seems to have this twinkle in his eye or it's either his perfect smile. The list is endless when i think about Capricorns who seem to age well or carry their age well. As for having the flings, I really don't care much for giddy, casual relationships. I'd be happy with that ONE who understands me and sees me as a compliment and not his competition (this is on my profile). I've dated a Taurus and was so enamored by this guy. We parted ways only because of some life changes. He really made me happy. I would love to date another Taurus. Pisces are rather peculiar ones. They are playboys for sure. My dad is a Pisces and he use to have many girls vying for him. I was about to date a Pisces guy but I found him to embellish the truth a bit more than I could deal with. As for Pisces ladies, they LOVE to keep Sh*t going Literally. I have an Aunt who is a Pisces that I DON'T get along with at ALL. Now with Scorpians, I use to work with a guy who is a scorpian and he also attended high school with me. Get this, not only did he marry a capricorn but he married one who shares my same EXACT birthday. It was wild because we spent ALL our time together everyday on the job. We went to Lunch together an on all our assignments together. people swore by night and day we were sleeping together and how amusing because we weren't. We just understood each other. I think it got to be a bit much though because his wife started to ask him why and how we were so close. On fridays, we would go to his grandfather's restaurant and have lunch with him and he'd always call me his daughter (the grandfather). I remember how when we got back to the office we'd shut up in each other office talking and generally jus cracking up about stuff. Our boss even said he was worried because noone could seperate us. Well, we no longer work together but I've seen him and it's always pleas
My message got cut off. Enough about the scorpio gut. I would have to say TAURUS is a well suited match for Capricorns followed by Virgo. If I could run and run far from Leo's and Cancers. They seem to find me somehow.
Posted by Dogs
I pinched this thread from the Aries board, but its an interesting one
Best Match For Cappys
In relationshjips?
In partnerships?
As friends, companions?
In families?

Inrelationship: Scorpio, Capricorn
In partnerships: Every sign but Aries and Taurses
As friends, companions: Completely depends on the person mate
In families: There all bad IMO.

Insensitivity must be a trademark of the arachnoid bugs. When someone speaks up about their emotions, it isn't called "whining". It's called being 'human'. I'm not a Cap. I'm merely speaking for some them. Crawl back under some damp driftwood if you don't like what you read here.

Point taken about the pessimism. But they usually only reveal that to those whom they are really ( and I mean really) close to. And their pessimism usually has a ring of truth/realism to it....almost like an early-warning radar/intuition. Mostly they have an aura of self-confidence about them. I suspect that is what draws men/women towards them. But too many also have that "Old World" charm/gentlemanliness about them. Hence they get labelled as "nice guys/husband material". But we don't live in the Old World. In today's world, it's the rough badboys who get all the chicks. So I say to Caps, ditch the old-fashioned values and break free from whatever inhibitions are holding you back. As for defeatist...nah, these guys NEVER give up.

In today's world, it's the rough badboys who get all the chicks.
Why do y'all think Aries guys get so many hotties? They may not be as intellectual as Aquarius, Cap or Virgo but they got the Aplha male thing down flat. Steve McQueen, anyone?

Don't we all suffer from bouts of pessimism some time or other? The difference is that Caps usually take it out on themselves while scorps, aries, leos, etc take it out on others. Sure, there's the odd Cap tyrant who trashes others but usually it's a case of long pent up fury rather than a perpetual case of wanting to hurt others (unlike some of the other signs I know smile )
Posted by OFA
I think you could be any sign with a Cappy and as long as your charts or views on life match up pretty well, you'll have an easy time! I'm an Aquarian and I know tons of Cappies who I am good friends with and I have several co-workers who are Cappies, plus I have attracted several but most of them seem like they have a good amount of fire or air in their charts!

Winking @ OFA
Capricorns and Aquarians seem to go quite well together ive noticed.
Thats a combination you dont hear much about.
My best friend is an Aquarius who I've known for 10 years. He is a guy, but I can never imagine a romance with him. We are more like brothers and sisters who can share everything with honesty. He is honest never covers something with cotton candy, so I know I can trust his judgment when I'm lost. I think I'm his motivator in life. It's a friendship I know will last for a lifetime smile
I did have a relationship with an Aquarius man a couple of years ago. He proposed to me in a month which freaked me out. I told him we should take time to know each other, but something was not right. The more I tried to open up he closed down and the initial chemistry seemed to fade away. My aqua friend told me he was shady after meeting him and he was right...the aqua man turned out to be a married man...he told me he was separated, but I didn't believe him anymore so it was goodbye...really made me angry and depressed that I wasted my time on him and the thought of the possibility that I hurt his wife haunted me for years. Aqua friends are the best for me, but romantically I'm afraid of aquas.
I'm thinking water signs might be better for a Capricorn. I went with a Cancer after recovering from the aqua idiot, but it didn't work out. Maybe Pisces or a Scorpio...I never had a relationship with either one. Anyone have any experience?
Posted by OFA
Big Grin

And btw, my latest crush is a Cap guy! lol

what happened to the aries dude?
Of the 3 people that I consider to be my closest friends, two of them are Capricorns.
Me = Sun Cancer, Moon Taurus, Capricorn Rising.
I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with one though. Too stubborn. When I want cold, hard, honest advice about something, I ask my Capricorn friends. When I want emotional support/sympathy, I go somewhere else.
I think when it comes to compatibility, you have to go past the sun sign, really look at the whole chart. Sun sign speaking, I wouldn't suggest the same element for Capricorns, it is sure more comfortable to go within the same element but wouldn't bring out hidden qualities about them. I think water signs would be good for Capricorns as the relationship would be challenging and one always gain from a good challenge. Always does. They can help each other grow into better individuals and that will reflect on the relationship.
Posted by sagigoat
i have a hard time answering direct questions re my personal life it must be the pisces elements in me LOL
i talk about about here and there when no one is paying attention Winking

I understand sagigoat. I realized it might not be wise to talk too much about personal life here. I witnessed something horrific on another board a day before, so my fish Moon and Venus will swim away for a while.
I can see that. You have a gentle way. smile
I only learned this 6 months ago sagigoat, and it explained why I have a hard time with the normal dating rituals. I only get interested in guys when something corny and cliche like a romantic movie happens. The Capricorn in me was screaming "He's not the one! Look at his wallet! (just kidding) Look at how messed up he is!", but I succumbed to it couple of times before and I loved and hated it. Tongue too. I feel as though I'm a cool headed, blood boiling warrior, with a sensitive heart all wrapped up in one.
Authoritative figures...maybe you have an Earth or Air sign as Venus?
I didn't have the savior complex, but it was the unusual coincidences that pull me into attractions that sometimes became something and really just nothing. It was really dumb from my Cap perspective, but it gave me a high that no other situation can bring. Sort of like a mental orgasm Tongue
I know its a big no no, but for me I like the Gemini women. She is super sexy and always a great converstionlist.

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