Can a capricorn man like two women at once?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Lovelove4eva on Friday, September 22, 2017 and has 2 replies.

I knew him for 3 years, he had a girlfriend at the time but he flirted with me a lot like he wasn't taken. He would give me hints I guess to see if I liked him too, I did of course but didn't show it. This summer I told him I liked him. He asked me for how long? I told him a while now. He told me same here. We texted a bit, but he also would ignore me. It didn't seem like he liked me much anymore via text. I stopped texting him to see how long it would take to hear from him again. A month went by and he said "hello, how I been and if I need anything let him Know. I turned down his offer because I didn't want to put him in that position. He said ok. A few weeks go by and he posts a girl in his car driving with him with hearts all around the screen but she seemed to post it. I was so angry because he didn't tell me he was seeing someone else. I told him I guess you didn't like me like you said...hope you're happy. He said he still does like me but he's been talking to her for almost a year. I cut him off of all social media, but now I regret it because I want answers to why he would do that?

Yep, caps are known for being users.

Happy to be off that roller coaster!