Cap and Gem discovery

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Gemitati on Sunday, October 8, 2017 and has 8 replies.
As you know my husband is a Cap who is absolutely sexually idle and I was under impression that it's sign related.

However I've met some othe Cap who is oozing sexual energy. He is like if he didn't have to go to work - all he would do is having sex.

So my conclusion is that sign has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality.

And all these threads 'who is the best in bed' are invalid. Just go and explore this particular person! And good luck!
Posted by exo
you're late lol.
For what? 👀
So what your saying is being married to you kills a Capricorn's sex drive.
Posted by LadyNeptune
So what your saying is being married to you kills a Capricorn's sex drive.
He should've married ME. I'm a naturally-occuring aphrodisiac.

User Submitted Image
Posted by LadyNeptune
So what your saying is being married to you kills a Capricorn's sex drive.
You will find out if someone will be willing to marry you...😂😂😂
Posted by halalbae
Gemitati, how did you meet your Capricorn?
Which one? Lol
Posted by halalbae
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by halalbae
Gemitati, how did you meet your Capricorn?
Which one? Lol
The one you married
click to expand
He is related to someone I worked with.

So she introduced us. He was divorced I was single. Why?
Posted by halalbae
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by halalbae
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by halalbae
Gemitati, how did you meet your Capricorn?
Which one? Lol
The one you married
He is related to someone I worked with.

So she introduced us. He was divorced I was single. Why?
Just curious. What went wrong?
click to expand
I've always been a dominant. And at some point life took its turn. Having a child. Buying a house. Dealing with life in general. I forgot about sex and he was happily watching TV and drinking and being by my ass. If I needed him - he would perform but I felt like he is rather to just not. He is very lazy as a person. Even driving places was like...urghh

He IS 10 years older but it's no excuse.

Raised by mom and aunt who said he is the best thing living! Imagine! Lol

That is

I was fine for years dealing with life. Being busy and taking care of a household.

Totally forgot about sex. Laughed at women who cared about it!

Then I've met a Scorpio! But that's too long to type. I can pm you.