Cap and Virgo

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by wildvirgo on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 and has 62 replies.
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I am loving this combination!
My Cap bf and I stick together through different moments, whether more testing times or fun/adventurous/romantic moments. And as well as being able to talk, what I like most is that we don't need to talk. He knows what I need and if it's something practical he just does it.
Have had a rough patch (maybe due to my overambitious nature!) and he has had my back 100% . No doubts.
I think I'll have to be single forever if this ends - I feel so looked after in a reciprocal, healthy way. There is no equivalent to Vir-Cap IMO!
Big Grin
Yay. Finally something nice and not a post full of desperation!! Big Grin
Ive only known my capricorn for a handful of weeks and I'm loving our chemistry smile.
Me too,a Virgo with a Capman,having a great chemistry.Going on 3 months ,plus 1 month online talking.
One advice:dont make him jealous,i did just for a reaction,uh,i did pay for that(iam still recovering-).
Just let the relation flow..Iam doing so..
That's awesome. I've been with a few Virgos. And I can admit they lovable and sweet. I'd do it again.
Posted by Lucciferi
This is how I feel currently. Minus a Virgo lol

Maybe it's the minus Virgo part the reason you feel good lol.
It is a good combination. smile
Posted by Lucciferi
This is how I feel currently. Minus a Virgo lol

Really dude? Did a Virgo break your heart buddy?
i'm thinking i need a capricorn next after the recent failure with a pisces. i don't think i can handle another water sign man quite yet... it's just i've never been remotely attracted to a capricorn even though we have amazing communication and the convos just flow. always been like brothers or good friends to me.
wild virgo, what makes you wild? i ask only because the capricorn men in my life are very.. cookie cutter/serious whereas i am more of a go with the flow, do my own thing usually at the dismay of my mom kinda girl and am attracted to men who are similar.. with a quirky streak (usually water sign men). does your cap have a watery chart?
Posted by bloodflood
i'm thinking i need a capricorn next after the recent failure with a pisces. i don't think i can handle another water sign man quite yet... it's just i've never been remotely attracted to a capricorn even though we have amazing communication and the convos just flow. always been like brothers or good friends to me.
wild virgo, what makes you wild? i ask only because the capricorn men in my life are very.. cookie cutter/serious whereas i am more of a go with the flow, do my own thing usually at the dismay of my mom kinda girl and am attracted to men who are similar.. with a quirky streak (usually water sign men). does your cap have a watery chart?

Weird. You sound like me a few years ago =) How old are you?
Posted by Peanutbutter
Posted by bloodflood
i'm thinking i need a capricorn next after the recent failure with a pisces. i don't think i can handle another water sign man quite yet... it's just i've never been remotely attracted to a capricorn even though we have amazing communication and the convos just flow. always been like brothers or good friends to me.
wild virgo, what makes you wild? i ask only because the capricorn men in my life are very.. cookie cutter/serious whereas i am more of a go with the flow, do my own thing usually at the dismay of my mom kinda girl and am attracted to men who are similar.. with a quirky streak (usually water sign men). does your cap have a watery chart?

Weird. You sound like me a few years ago =) How old are you?
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ah yeah? i'm a virgo, sag moon, scorp ascendant. what are you! and i'm 24 smile
Posted by cowpuncher
Oh come on now Sancho.... Virgos can get bogged down in the details, where a Cap will say "Okay, going into further miniscule detail would be inefficient so screw it!" and move on.
Don't make me show up and knock all your picture frames 1.47 degrees off plumb. Tongue
Most of us can cook though, but in their defense, so can some Taurus folks. (VB is a great example). Of course I don't know how the Bulls do in the kitchen though.

From my experience. Taureans are on point with cooking. Hell my mom said my brother in law cooks better than I. So when it comes to thanksgiving it's usually me, him, and my mom cooking.
Posted by cowpuncher
Virgal + Cap = A very nice match. Not a whole lot to disagree about most generally, so you get along well. If you work well together, Cap is good at seeing the bottom line and the big picture... whereas Virgo is good is better at the details.

why is it in real life, our uncle who is an aries sun is married to a virgo sun lady and they're happily married? She's a stay at home mother too, wife and good protector/caretaker.
i see alot of aries/virgo. my capricorn mother in law was with a virgo but it didnt last. So obviously there's MORE than just sun, and it's differences that BREAK Them.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by cowpuncher
Virgal + Cap = A very nice match. Not a whole lot to disagree about most generally, so you get along well. If you work well together, Cap is good at seeing the bottom line and the big picture... whereas Virgo is good is better at the details.

why is it in real life, our uncle who is an aries sun is married to a virgo sun lady and they're happily married? She's a stay at home mother too, wife and good protector/caretaker.
i see alot of aries/virgo. my capricorn mother in law was with a virgo but it didnt last. So obviously there's MORE than just sun, and it's differences that BREAK Them.

What differences then, because ARIES is very different then Virgo.
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Our Aries sun uncle is a breadwinner and takes care of the family, and she is a supportive mother and wife. I don't see any differences with aries sun (him in question) than a capricorn man who does the same thing. Unless they have other discrepancies that arise.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by cowpuncher
Virgal + Cap = A very nice match. Not a whole lot to disagree about most generally, so you get along well. If you work well together, Cap is good at seeing the bottom line and the big picture... whereas Virgo is good is better at the details.

why is it in real life, our uncle who is an aries sun is married to a virgo sun lady and they're happily married? She's a stay at home mother too, wife and good protector/caretaker.
i see alot of aries/virgo. my capricorn mother in law was with a virgo but it didnt last. So obviously there's MORE than just sun, and it's differences that BREAK Them.

What differences then, because ARIES is very different then Virgo.

Our Aries sun uncle is a breadwinner and takes care of the family, and she is a supportive mother and wife. I don't see any differences with aries sun (him in question) than a capricorn man who does the same thing. Unless they have other discrepancies that arise.

I'm guessing the Aries sun is more fun and better in bed....
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lol i dont even wanna know. Tongue But he is a very handsome man, and he used to be a farmer, took care of the business himself before he married the virgo wife. He's quite ambitious, but also a homebody.
oh and he's whipped. Tongue it looks like she rules over him. hehehe. Even though he is a breadwinner.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by lisabethur8
oh and he's whipped. Tongue it looks like she rules over him. hehehe. Even though he is a breadwinner.

are virgo women can rule capricorn men?
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some so called virgo lady here said that she'd rather be the power behind the i see what she's saying.
she wants to RULE over her man while he rules the outside world, material ect.
i guess ruling over over what goes on. Capricorn is ruled by saturn, so unless the cap man has a dominant mars energy, and he's ruled by saturn and mars, it could be similar. I'm not really sure.
even with that alone, there is dominant elements. Someone would prefer a guy with dominant air/fire in them. Others not so much. I prefer dominant fire, and NOT dominant air.
I haven't done their charts, but he's very mellow, Pisces grandma says he's very mellow and laid back, not a go-getter even though he is a breadwinner. So guess what dominant element he has?
breadwinner because he's a man and needs to make the money = mars. and not so much hyper or outgoing...very INTROVERTED.
Posted by cowpuncher

Most of us can cook though, but in their defense, so can some Taurus folks. (VB is a great example). Of course I don't know how the Bulls do in the kitchen though.

My brother and I are both Tauruses.
Great cooks!
I think Virgos could rule over Cap men.
Virgos are VERY controlling, much more than Capricorns I think. Caps tend to like to control their own space. Having a Virgo in their space...the Virgo wins.
Taurus guys are very sensitive. I agree they are the most sensitive of the earth signs. I see the connection with Cancer. I'm sensitive too, but in a different way.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by lisabethur8
oh and he's whipped. Tongue it looks like she rules over him. hehehe. Even though he is a breadwinner.

are virgo women can rule capricorn men?

some so called virgo lady here said that she'd rather be the power behind the i see what she's saying.
she wants to RULE over her man while he rules the outside world, material ect.
i guess ruling over over what goes on. Capricorn is ruled by saturn, so unless the cap man has a dominant mars energy, and he's ruled by saturn and mars, it could be similar. I'm not really sure.
even with that alone, there is dominant elements. Someone would prefer a guy with dominant air/fire in them. Others not so much. I prefer dominant fire, and NOT dominant air.
I haven't done their charts, but he's very mellow, Pisces grandma says he's very mellow and laid back, not a go-getter even though he is a breadwinner. So guess what dominant element he has?
breadwinner because he's a man and needs to make the money = mars. and not so much hyper or outgoing...very INTROVERTED.

are you think capricorn men must have everything to dominated virgo women?
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i'm sorry but i don't understand this part. do you mean they must dominate virgo woman in every aspect? I dont know any cap/virgo. The caps are usually with other signs that i know in real life.
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

Are you afraid of us Virgos? Is that why you hid your post?
I was really controlling in my first real relationship. Not so much anymore though since I saw first hand how it ruins peoples lives... Some Virgos are hella controlling and will mould their lover into who they want them to be instead of supporting who they are. I'm not a fan of that.
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This. Although it wasn't the control for me, it was my huge pile of insecurities. I sorted most out and now I can enjoy the experience of another person.
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

Are you afraid of us Virgos? Is that why you hid your post?
I was really controlling in my first real relationship. Not so much anymore though since I saw first hand how it ruins peoples lives... Some Virgos are hella controlling and will mould their lover into who they want them to be instead of supporting who they are. I'm not a fan of that.
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No, I'm not afraid of Virgos at all lol. I just wanted to say my Taurus guys is sensitive, instead of saying all Taurus guys are.
My sister is a Virgo and she will mold the heck out of a guy, in a very non threatening way. I'm a direct Capricorn, so I can be controlling, but my directness is offensive...decisions need to be made, now! She never really shows her controlling just sneaks up on you, and before the guy knows it he's doing what she wants lol. She plays it smart.
Inana, thanks God you don't post a lot on dxp or on our board.
You know what's up.
Posted by Damnata
Inana, thanks God you don't post a lot on dxp or on our board.
You know what's up.

But believe it or not, I can't really read my sister. I know when I hurt her feelings, cause it'll show in her expression, but other than that, I find her hard to read.
She can read me like a book though, in a finish sentence type of way. Thats another thing with Virgos. They'll figure you out.
Posted by lnana04
Posted by Damnata
Inana, thanks God you don't post a lot on dxp or on our board.
You know what's up.

But believe it or not, I can't really read my sister. I know when I hurt her feelings, cause it'll show in her expression, but other than that, I find her hard to read.
She can read me like a book though, in a finish sentence type of way. Thats another thing with Virgos. They'll figure you out.
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You know, I always believed I was so easy to read but I've been told more than once I am elusive. In my mind I am crystal clear.
She is the typical virgo then with the poker face, my Aries Moon won't let me have will instantly see it on my face...whatever it is. Which is why I need to turn my back on you or get out of the room quickly lol
Posted by Damnata
Posted by lnana04
Posted by Damnata
Inana, thanks God you don't post a lot on dxp or on our board.
You know what's up.

But believe it or not, I can't really read my sister. I know when I hurt her feelings, cause it'll show in her expression, but other than that, I find her hard to read.
She can read me like a book though, in a finish sentence type of way. Thats another thing with Virgos. They'll figure you out.

You know, I always believed I was so easy to read but I've been told more than once I am elusive. In my mind I am crystal clear.
She is the typical virgo then with the poker face, my Aries Moon won't let me have will instantly see it on my face...whatever it is. Which is why I need to turn my back on you or get out of the room quickly lol
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Yeah, I think it's her Cancer moon that helps me. She's just real cool though. The more she upsets you the cooler she becomes too lol.
Capricorn, your best bet with a Virgo chick is for her to be blind or illiterate.
Other than that...tough break buddy.
Posted by bloodflood
i'm thinking i need a capricorn next after the recent failure with a pisces. i don't think i can handle another water sign man quite yet... it's just i've never been remotely attracted to a capricorn even though we have amazing communication and the convos just flow. always been like brothers or good friends to me.
wild virgo, what makes you wild? i ask only because the capricorn men in my life are very.. cookie cutter/serious whereas i am more of a go with the flow, do my own thing usually at the dismay of my mom kinda girl and am attracted to men who are similar.. with a quirky streak (usually water sign men). does your cap have a watery chart?

I was also with a pisces for a long while. Very dreamy, focussed on humanitarian work, wider community, spiritual awareness. It was good but difficult in that we were both so different. I did learn to relax and switch off, which is nice. I have pisces placements though, so perhaps that makes a difference. And we're still on good terms, which is important to me.
My cap also has strong pisces placements, which probably helps balance things. We're industrious together and also emotional, feeling, experiencing. It's not just hard boring 'calculating' at all. My Cap is also increadibly creative as well, which I appreciate! I get the feeling we live more in the real world than I did with my pisces.
Why wild: I live within structures desiring to live outside them and always retain a fierce sense of independence. It also refers to the power of nature.
Caps may appear serious but that doesn't mean they really are all the time. Mine is very good at providing humour therapy! Not to mention the sensuality...
I am late to this Virgo Cap appreciation party so I will say if the match goes well you will never ever see one of them posting on this site ever.
This one is a rarity. Copy it and put in your rare collectables box because when the Cap and the Virgo are on the same wavelength they are usually to busy being happy to notice these constant bickerings.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by cowpuncher
Virgal + Cap = A very nice match. Not a whole lot to disagree about most generally, so you get along well. If you work well together, Cap is good at seeing the bottom line and the big picture... whereas Virgo is good is better at the details.

why is it in real life, our uncle who is an aries sun is married to a virgo sun lady and they're happily married? She's a stay at home mother too, wife and good protector/caretaker.
i see alot of aries/virgo. my capricorn mother in law was with a virgo but it didnt last. So obviously there's MORE than just sun, and it's differences that BREAK Them.

Happiest marriages among people I know: One of those Sag men I'm friends with and his Virgal wife, and the Leo guy and his Virgal wife. On paper, by strict astrological orthodoxy, it should be difficult. It's not. Both are very happy relationships. Personally I think it's simply because the partners in both pairs have and maintain RESPECT for one another. If you've got mutual respect, honesty, and the trust that comes from that... love isn't going anywhere, and just about anything else can be worked out.

+1 billion
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Can i put another billion on that!? ^___^
WOW all you non Virgo and Cap people describing the Cap Virgo relationship.
As a Virgo you make me laugh. What do you really know about it?
Nothing. All you can do is observe and even that is not the whole truth.
And just because you know a Virgo or a Cap who is married to another sign doesn't mean that a Cap Virgo union is the only happy one.
All that is being said is that Virgo and Cap is a great one just not the only one.
Posted by miamivirgo
WOW all you non Virgo and Cap people describing the Cap Virgo relationship.
As a Virgo you make me laugh. What do you really know about it?
Nothing. All you can do is observe and even that is not the whole truth.
And just because you know a Virgo or a Cap who is married to another sign doesn't mean that a Cap Virgo union is the only happy one.
All that is being said is that Virgo and Cap is a great one just not the only one

we get it. Virgos can pair up with anyone, as long as there is understanding, love, and respect.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
WOW all you non Virgo and Cap people describing the Cap Virgo relationship.
As a Virgo you make me laugh. What do you really know about it?
Nothing. All you can do is observe and even that is not the whole truth.
And just because you know a Virgo or a Cap who is married to another sign doesn't mean that a Cap Virgo union is the only happy one.
All that is being said is that Virgo and Cap is a great one just not the only one.

or you just jealous to virgal cap men match?i dont care anymore.go away virgo we no need you in our board.
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Okay I go. What you? But since you say I want be virgal then I tell you are the dumbest form of idiot in existence. And football or Soccer as it should be called is a game for babies. What is the matter afraid of real sports?
Don't answer that. We know it is yes.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by miamivirgo

And just because you know a Virgo or a Cap who is married to another sign doesn't mean that a Cap Virgo union is the only happy one.
All that is being said is that Virgo and Cap is a great one just not the only one.

Did I miss something? Who said any of that?

He's an idiot. Don't mind him.
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Oh you called me an idiot. Again. OK CC we will see.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
WOW all you non Virgo and Cap people describing the Cap Virgo relationship.
As a Virgo you make me laugh. What do you really know about it?
Nothing. All you can do is observe and even that is not the whole truth.
And just because you know a Virgo or a Cap who is married to another sign doesn't mean that a Cap Virgo union is the only happy one.
All that is being said is that Virgo and Cap is a great one just not the only one.

or you just jealous to virgal cap men match?i dont care anymore.go away virgo we no need you in our board.

Okay I go. What you? But since you say I want be virgal then I tell you are the dumbest form of idiot in existence. And football or Soccer as it should be called is a game for babies. What is the matter afraid of real sports?
Don't answer that. We know it is yes.

thats what i attack me personaly.because you know,you can't attack cap what?we love soccer or we love women who is die with cat,because we have call passion no need reason like a logical virgo male.
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I know your trying to tell me something.
Just can't figure out what.
And Can't I just say that it is nice that this Virgo found a Capricorn and they are happy.
Do all you who are not either a Capricorn or a Virgo need to comment on something you can never and I mean NEVER be apart of; and just let her and him be happy?
Is this so much to ask?
i hate to say it but i will...It depends on the other placements, because honestly if two sun signs are trine, it's NOT enough. And it's not even enough if the placements are all aligned and good...because ultimately in the end, it's chemistry and how they vibe well, and on the same page.
Posted by CluelessCancer
You're always on the Capricorns LABIA...get off of it. about a doorknob.

Ummm the Chick in question is a Virgo. Way to follow a thread. *A resounding standing aplause*
And you called me an idiot.
Posted by lisabethur8
i hate to say it but i will...It depends on the other placements, because honestly if two sun signs are trine, it's NOT enough. And it's not even enough if the placements are all aligned and good...because ultimately in the end, it's chemistry and how they vibe well, and on the same page.

*Applause* Yes I agree.
Please help.
Is there an Afteryesterday to English translation app out there?
I know he is trying to tell me something I just have no idea what.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Please help.
Is there an Afteryesterday to English translation app out there?
I know he is trying to tell me something I just have no idea what.

this what i virgo world everything must right to get resepect from them.even they know what i mean,but they dont know how to reply me.because they know capri men always right
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Please this guy has something to say but just comes out like random words strung together. Can anyone help him? I know english is a second or third language for him but somebody should be able to cut through syntax errors and poor juxtaposition or words.

I am sorry to argue with you Afteryesterday; I understand that it is not you but your choice of words.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Please help.
Is there an Afteryesterday to English translation app out there?
I know he is trying to tell me something I just have no idea what.

this what i virgo world everything must right to get resepect from them.even they know what i mean,but they dont know how to reply me.because they know capri men always right

Please this guy has something to say but just comes out like random words strung together. Can anyone help him? I know english is a second or third language for him but somebody should be able to cut through syntax errors and poor juxtaposition or words.

I am sorry to argue with you Afteryesterday; I understand that it is not you but your choice of words.

even i not expert in english i still can beat all virgo teacher out my emotion.not like you who still attack my english,because you know if i expert in english you not have chance to beat me.all capricorn men in us can beat you virgo.have a nice day loser smile
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Beat me? At what? I am serious what are you beating me at?
Virgo and Cap. Yes I think so....
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Please help.
Is there an Afteryesterday to English translation app out there?
I know he is trying to tell me something I just have no idea what.

this what i virgo world everything must right to get resepect from them.even they know what i mean,but they dont know how to reply me.because they know capri men always right

Please this guy has something to say but just comes out like random words strung together. Can anyone help him? I know english is a second or third language for him but somebody should be able to cut through syntax errors and poor juxtaposition or words.

I am sorry to argue with you Afteryesterday; I understand that it is not you but your choice of words.

even i not expert in english i still can beat all virgo teacher out my emotion.not like you who still attack my english,because you know if i expert in english you not have chance to beat me.all capricorn men in us can beat you virgo.have a nice day loser smile
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Posted by bloodflood
Posted by Peanutbutter
Posted by bloodflood
i'm thinking i need a capricorn next after the recent failure with a pisces. i don't think i can handle another water sign man quite yet... it's just i've never been remotely attracted to a capricorn even though we have amazing communication and the convos just flow. always been like brothers or good friends to me.
wild virgo, what makes you wild? i ask only because the capricorn men in my life are very.. cookie cutter/serious whereas i am more of a go with the flow, do my own thing usually at the dismay of my mom kinda girl and am attracted to men who are similar.. with a quirky streak (usually water sign men). does your cap have a watery chart?

Weird. You sound like me a few years ago =) How old are you?

ah yeah? i'm a virgo, sag moon, scorp ascendant. what are you! and i'm 24 smile

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Fire moon ay.. Our charts are somewhat similar Tongue
Im a Sept 19 Virgo/Libra cusp w/ Leo moon, Scorp asc aswell smile
I must say cowpuncher is right on the money. Goddamm.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Peanutbutter
I must say cowpuncher is right on the money. Goddamm.

There are lots of things I don't know in this world. But I know Virgals :p
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Do you? Tongue
Cowpuncher and Damnata are you flirting?-smile
Posted by mika7
Cowpuncher and Damnata are you flirting?-smile

You must be new. So cute.
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
Posted by afteryesterday
Posted by miamivirgo
WOW all you non Virgo and Cap people describing the Cap Virgo relationship.
As a Virgo you make me laugh. What do you really know about it?
Nothing. All you can do is observe and even that is not the whole truth.
And just because you know a Virgo or a Cap who is married to another sign doesn't mean that a Cap Virgo union is the only happy one.
All that is being said is that Virgo and Cap is a great one just not the only one.

or you just jealous to virgal cap men match?i dont care anymore.go away virgo we no need you in our board.

Okay I go. What you? But since you say I want be virgal then I tell you are the dumbest form of idiot in existence. And football or Soccer as it should be called is a game for babies. What is the matter afraid of real sports?
Don't answer that. We know it is yes.

thats what i attack me personaly.because you know,you can't attack cap what?we love soccer or we love women who is die with cat,because we have call passion no need reason like a logical virgo male.

I know your trying to tell me something.
Just can't figure out what.
And Can't I just say that it is nice that this Virgo found a Capricorn and they are happy.
Do all you who are not either a Capricorn or a Virgo need to comment on something you can never and I mean NEVER be apart of; and just let her and him be happy?
Is this so much to ask?

well virgo male not know nothing.especially not know what is virgal cap men relationship work.and we no need tell you what our experience know what we do?share know what you are?not you are not are teacher
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This doesn't even make sense. He's a virgo male. He knows about the cap/virgo relationship. The thread is about cap/virgo relationships. Are you saying he doesn't ha
have a right to post his opinion on experiences on a thread that has to do with cap and virgo relationships?

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