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Feb 05, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 539 · Topics: 12
There was a mix up in an invitation he received. So he missed the wedding, I said hey it might have been a good thing and now you get to see me! He goes if the mix up didn't happen I would have take you with me.
I knew he wasn't joking, we never had the boyfriend and girlfriend talk though. I had to ask what was his intention last date and he was like idk then he finally say he is looking for love.
He also teased me and say oh you couldn't fall asleep when you were with your ex? I didn't know what to say. Then I asked when was your last gF? he said I can't remeber when I'm wtih you I don't wanna think of them.
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Feb 05, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 539 · Topics: 12
Who's article L? I often get notification of him posting on my thread and hiding his comment?
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Apr 05, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 3859 · Topics: 121
Yea that article guy does that to other ppl too .. anyway, I don't understand your question , did u guys get exclusive tonight ?
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Does it really matter? I wouldn't put too much time or thought into it. Past relationships are one of those things that come out bit by bit. It definitely shouldn't affect your current relationship though.
Congrats !