CAP Man Cheating?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by FUMRedFairy_tales on Monday, March 23, 2009 and has 7 replies.

First of all... Sorry guys! Don't mean to insult anyone here, but I'm curious if anyone has experienced their CAPPY cheating on her. Or you suspected him cheating, but have no hard evidence.

What were the signs? How did you go about?
just wanted to post for those the result of my suspicion. YES CAP MAN WAS CHEATING!
You should never ignore the signs you feel deep down in your gut among other things that make you start this suspicion. Keep in mind, just because he is a Capricorn Man does not mean they are all loyal. Trust him... but keep your eyes open for quite a while...

Tiki was right... I applaud you here: He is a clown!
eh... yeah. i'm sort of involved with a situation like this. i'm the "other woman" so-to-speak. we've never done anything, mind u. i do feel like he has crossed the line with me several times though. there have been quite a few instances with inappropriate touching and many sexually charged conversations. once i passed out in his bed (too much alcohol) and instead of sleeping on the couch he opted to sleep right next to me. ever hear of an emotional affair? i think we're having one of those too in a very strange, absurd way. can't elaborate cuz i'm writing about it.
Posted by Crazy4cappy
I've heard that caprocorn men can be cheaters which shocks me as I thought they are supposed to be loyal.

We are very loyal, but some men cheat. Cheating has to do with social up bringing and morals not astrology.
Cap mean need security just like our female counter parts. When we fall for some one we fall hard so cheating is the last thing on our cappy minds.
The only time a cap may cheat is if he/she isn't in love with his/her partner or he/she does not understand boundaries.
This happens, but not often.
Posted by ninjamu
eh... yeah. i'm sort of involved with a situation like this. i'm the "other woman" so-to-speak. we've never done anything, mind u. i do feel like he has crossed the line with me several times though. there have been quite a few instances with inappropriate touching and many sexually charged conversations. once i passed out in his bed (too much alcohol) and instead of sleeping on the couch he opted to sleep right next to me. ever hear of an emotional affair? i think we're having one of those too in a very strange, absurd way. can't elaborate cuz i'm writing about it.

Inappropriate enough to do something about it, or just inappropriate enough to have another sexually charged conversation with him?
Posted by Crazy4cappy
Why is there no damn delete button? LOL
Excellent post Eric. This is very reassuring. Infact the loyalty trait is a big attraction to me because Aquarians are the same way inclined. smile

Yes no problem Crazyforcappy. Alot of people wonder if we will cheat. The caps that I know of would never cheat on their partners including myself. However every signs has a few bad apples.
^^^Sagi your entitled to have your moods hun.