Cap men and fidelity

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CapTaur on Saturday, October 24, 2009 and has 4 replies.
If a cap man cheats on his girl, does it mean he's lost complete interest in her? What goes through a cap man's mind when he cheats on his girlfriend with an ex lover? Would he tend to stay in the relationship with his gilfriend anyway?
Cappygolightly -- Agreed.
Scorpio_chic -- Yes, I'm the ex (if you can call it that). We broke up because he has insecurities about the color of my skin. I still have feelings for him, but am letting them go slowly. Too bad the sex was so good. Sigh.
Scorpio_chic: Yeah, it's rough. Really rough. I'm in love with the guy -- letting go of that is difficult for me because of my stubborn Taurus streak. It's even more difficult when we bump into each other he gives me "come hither" looks and makes the effort to be around me. So hot. Good signs for a cap right?
I'm the one who left him -- he didn't want me to go.
We're both 26. I'm the first white woman he's ever dated or seriously been attracted to. This was his first interracial relationship. Question is -- do you think he'll ever be comfortable dating a white woman on a serious level?
DewDrops: He doesn't have a problem with my skin color, per se. He thinks I'm beautiful, funny and charming. What's intimidating is dating a woman outside your comfort zone. It's just really scary for him to date a white woman when all he's known, and is surrounded by, is his culture.
Thank you, Scorpio_chic ... this is going to be very, very, very difficult. At least for now. It will get easier with time, but right now I have to heal and stay as far away from him as I can.