Cap men and Libra Women

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by ANRivas on Friday, October 4, 2013 and has 34 replies.
How do you feel about libra women? Likes, dislikes about how we interact with you? Ever dated one? How did it work out? I feel like we tend to stay away from each other so i'm interested to hear any success stories!
My mother and sister are one but never dated one.
+1 on avoiding confrontation and chameleon personality.
When cornered will attack your tone instead of what you say.
For me they are generally easy-going but lack that certain spark that keeps it interesting in the long run.
Posted by caliberquiick
Posted by TigerCap

When cornered will attack your tone instead of what you say.

my experience: this is an air sign thing in general.
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I have a complete lack of air. So when arguing I am devoid of emotion if I want to get somewhere. It pisses them off immensely.
I tend to like some and not like most. They talk too much sometimes and it gets annoying sometimes. My mom is one and I could be in the other room for the visit and the chick will still be talking like I'm listening. Like my Gemini dad.
cap men are like a leo or a sag in anyone?...and lick you like youre a col. sanders' chicken
i had this one cap he was very nice...but he scares the shit out of me when it comes to having a commitment because he will make you feel you are the only one and no one else... and goodluck on whoevers gonna flirt with you he can go bat crazy.
For a Husband = 100% good pick
For a FWB = No. Good licking aint worth for the craziness.
Friend = you will never get to stay just as a friend when youre with a cap guy ( especially when youre a leeb) you will like this with one ...but the decision of pursuing a relationship or not is what makes me a libra run.
.. wish you with your own success story smilethis site needs more of that.
Posted by TigerCap
Posted by caliberquiick
Posted by TigerCap

When cornered will attack your tone instead of what you say.

my experience: this is an air sign thing in general.

I have a complete lack of air. So when arguing I am devoid of emotion if I want to get somewhere. It pisses them off immensely.
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really? i'm more likely to listen if someone's arguing logically and not getting emotional, but maybe that's not related to my sun sign. You're right though, i will not listen if someone's tone is confrontational/rude or whiny, and will usually tell them to calm down and try again later. lol
Posted by libra08
cap men are like a leo or a sag in anyone?...and lick you like youre a col. sanders' chicken
i had this one cap he was very nice...but he scares the shit out of me when it comes to having a commitment because he will make you feel you are the only one and no one else... and goodluck on whoevers gonna flirt with you he can go bat crazy.
For a Husband = 100% good pick
For a FWB = No. Good licking aint worth for the craziness.
Friend = you will never get to stay just as a friend when youre with a cap guy ( especially when youre a leeb) you will like this with one ...but the decision of pursuing a relationship or not is what makes me a libra run.
.. wish you with your own success story smilethis site needs more of that.

i don't think the commitment thing is scary, but i do hear that after this phase they turn into complete cave men or that the "you're the only one" thing is usually total bullshit. To the caps in here: what are your views on cheating?
I wish i saw more success stories here too though. Of course people aren't usually on the internet looking for answers to why their relationships ARE working, but still...someone? anyone? lol!
Posted by capinc
What do you mean by we "turn into complete cave men?"

well from the posts i see on here- i know, i know- it seems that you guys treat women as if they are the center of the universe until you have them locked in, then throw all of that out the window and basically want a mute June Cleaver in marriage. Of course, that's kinda every man's dream, but i hear that the most about cap men
Posted by Chance15
i was with one before i knew anything about always starts out well as ladies and gentlemen but then the different communication style s and outlooks lend themselves to unintended consequences. probably due to my aqua placements, i always find them in my vicinity. i like that they are always up for talking ideas. the number of decent libras on this site shows the promise of this pairing if one is up to the challenge of vastly different approaches.

This is exactly why i ask- i know people can make themselves seem better on the internet, but assuming everyone here's being at least a little honest, the caps on here do not seem at all as bad as the ones i know. Besides the cynicism, that's still there. lol
Posted by Chance15
it comes from a pretty decent understanding of human nature..although, it can be said that a Cap sees what's wrong with somebody and a Libra sees what's right with them..both can be taken to the extreme as too much is the same as not enough. that's why it's important they meet in the middle..while it's not good to live with your head in the clouds, it's equally not good to be earth bound weighted down.

I think i only meet the caps on the extreme end of the spectrum, but being too far on one end of it or another is a problem both signs have, that's for sure. I guess it's when libras and caps lack a good balance of both that they really can't get along. The two caps i've been close to-one i dated- were negative and complained and saw the worst in everything, all while telling everyone else to stop complaining and be more positive. it was as frustrating as it was hilarious. The hypocritical part was just them being assholes, though, or is that also common for caps?
Posted by caliberquiick
That's a good point. I know a leeb who drinks a lot and pops pills for sleep deprevation. And it's bc she's so emotionally unbalanced and just can't handle the tough shit that comes at her. My dad was/is the same way. Dunno if it's like that all across the board but... I see it a lot in Libras.

it's like that for anyone who can't handle their emotions. Both caps i know cannot function without smoking weed, and i know people with some kind of dependency from every sign, so that's really not about what sign you are. That's just the way people like to handle things these days...cover it all up with weed and pills and alcohol
Posted by capinc
Posted by ANRivas
Posted by Chance15
it comes from a pretty decent understanding of human nature..although, it can be said that a Cap sees what's wrong with somebody and a Libra sees what's right with them..both can be taken to the extreme as too much is the same as not enough. that's why it's important they meet in the middle..while it's not good to live with your head in the clouds, it's equally not good to be earth bound weighted down.

I think i only meet the caps on the extreme end of the spectrum, but being too far on one end of it or another is a problem both signs have, that's for sure. I guess it's when libras and caps lack a good balance of both that they really can't get along. The two caps i've been close to-one i dated- were negative and complained and saw the worst in everything, all while telling everyone else to stop complaining and be more positive. it was as frustrating as it was hilarious. The hypocritical part was just them being assholes, though, or is that also common for caps?

I do this and I don't see what the problem is. Just because I see the negative with everything doesn't mean I have to let people be miserable too. Most people can't handle being in the place where some of us caps are mentally. They're the ones jumping off bridges and seeing shrinks and taking prozac.
Just FYI I'm not even trying to be dark and emotional. Just telling it like it is.
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Well the problem is that no one takes it seriously if you're negative yourself...practice what you preach, right? It's hard to respect people who will dole out advice they can't take themselves.
And the people who are jumping off bridges and taking prozac are doing so because they are depressed-because they've been abused, traumatized, have hormone imbalances, etc. not because they can't "handle" reality. In fact, they're usually a little outside reality.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by caliberquiick
That's a good point. I know a leeb who drinks a lot and pops pills for sleep deprevation. And it's bc she's so emotionally unbalanced and just can't handle the tough shit that comes at her. My dad was/is the same way. Dunno if it's like that all across the board but... I see it a lot in Libras.

which begs the question why are cancer's looked at as emotionally weak? We're i think emotionally strong. We just want to love and be loved. Simple as that. & when you fuk with us, we get defensive. Yah sometimes we cry in our corners with lights out, but who doesn't...
Now the Craziest batsh!t female I've ever come across emotionally, a gad damn Libra.
yet we get the all the negative traits in regards to emotions , because people are scared of emotions, it's human, accept it, sink in it, evolve in it....

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i dont think the fact that there are a few crazy libras makes cancers look less like emotional wrecks lol. i actually get along with cancer girls- the guys drown me in tears and insecurities- but you guys are more than a little over the top! Don't need to have a meltdown to embrace your emotions. It just goes back to the issue of extremes that someone else said here though
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by capinc
I dated one, very nice relationship. We never fought, she was a charmer, I could bring her anywhere and not have to worry if she would fit in or what not. However she didn't really have her own identity. She was a chameleon, morphs into whoever she's with. She didn't like confrontation. Good overall though.

Sounds like a Virgo, they generally have 10 difference faces, depending on who they're talking too.
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Very very true of my virgo friend but it sounds true of a libra too...or a gemini from what i understand. This is where i start to question the accuracy of all this stuff. hah
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by ANRivas
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by caliberquiick
That's a good point. I know a leeb who drinks a lot and pops pills for sleep deprevation. And it's bc she's so emotionally unbalanced and just can't handle the tough shit that comes at her. My dad was/is the same way. Dunno if it's like that all across the board but... I see it a lot in Libras.

which begs the question why are cancer's looked at as emotionally weak? We're i think emotionally strong. We just want to love and be loved. Simple as that. & when you fuk with us, we get defensive. Yah sometimes we cry in our corners with lights out, but who doesn't...
Now the Craziest batsh!t female I've ever come across emotionally, a gad damn Libra.
yet we get the all the negative traits in regards to emotions , because people are scared of emotions, it's human, accept it, sink in it, evolve in it....

i dont think the fact that there are a few crazy libras makes cancers look less like emotional wrecks lol. i actually get along with cancer girls- the guys drown me in tears and insecurities- but you guys are more than a little over the top! Don't need to have a meltdown to embrace your emotions. It just goes back to the issue of extremes that someone else said here though

I never have meltdowns, i have meltups! if i go down, you're going down with me.

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Well what a POSITIVE way to look at it! LOL
Posted by caliberquiick
Posted by TigerCap

When cornered will attack your tone instead of what you say.

my experience: this is an air sign thing in general.
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Umm. Not true! I'm an aqua and I dwell on words + tone. Both matter because both are being dissected by an aqua mind
Posted by CluelessCancer
lol i just mean that's a real misconception about crabs, i don't know what kind of crabs you're dealing with, but i'm not that emotional, well okay i get emotional in like i get angry and i might yell at you and say some really psychologically messed up things, ugly things...
but i'm not going to be crying in a corner...

Not even being sarcastic here, this is my favorite part about talking to cancer about this "i'm not that emotional except for when i'm really emotional!" or as i saw in my new favorite post of yours in the cancer forum "i don't cry that much at all! except for *proceeds to list random things that can make you cry*" lol
You're not wrecks 24/7 but come on. I think(hope) you guys own it in private though, it's just when everyone's calling you crybabies that you get annoyed, but who wouldn't?

Umm. Not true! I'm an aqua and I dwell on words + tone. Both matter because both are being dissected by an aqua mind

exactly! It's an important part of communication so it should be something we notice. caps are sometimes really unaware of how bad their tones can be, and will think they're being "straightforward" when really they're being rude... but try telling one that when you're talking to them!
lol it is not just one choice or another. Of course people cry, but no, most of us do not cry as often as cancers and that doesn't make us robots...and being more outwardly emotional doesn't make you more human either. I mean really, doesn't everyone get typecast here? So what?
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by ANRivas
Posted by CluelessCancer
lol i just mean that's a real misconception about crabs, i don't know what kind of crabs you're dealing with, but i'm not that emotional, well okay i get emotional in like i get angry and i might yell at you and say some really psychologically messed up things, ugly things...
but i'm not going to be crying in a corner...

Not even being sarcastic here, this is my favorite part about talking to cancer about this "i'm not that emotional except for when i'm really emotional!" or as i saw in my new favorite post of yours in the cancer forum "i don't cry that much at all! except for *proceeds to list random things that can make you cry*" lol
You're not wrecks 24/7 but come on. I think(hope) you guys own it in private though, it's just when everyone's calling you crybabies that you get annoyed, but who wouldn't?

I'm shocked this is coming from a LIBRA, look lady, i worked with a libra the past year, and it was pure hell, speaking of emotional, and abusive.
let's not go there with the judging, cause if i was going to go by her antics, than i would think you guys are all batsh!t crazy and you DRESS HORRIBLY...actually that I do believe. No Swag. Swag is effortless, but who am i to judge, i hate fashion.

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What does another libra dressing poorly and being mean to you have to do with this? Huh?!
Pointing out what i experience with cancers, that apparently EVERYONE ELSE sees too, is not really 'judging.' That's what everyone on this site does, and then someone of the sign in question explains why they are different. I can't imagine how exhausting it would be getting offended every time. And taking petty irrelevant digs -at someone i don't know- because i made a joke? Really? I think you're kinda just proving my point now...
either way i am not sure how this thread turned into cancers and their emotions because i was here for answers about capricorn men!! lol
Posted by caliberquiick
Posted by ANRivas

Umm. Not true! I'm an aqua and I dwell on words + tone. Both matter because both are being dissected by an aqua mind
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exactly! It's an important part of communication so it should be something we notice. caps are sometimes really unaware of how bad their tones can be, and will think they're being "straightforward" when really they're being rude... but try telling one that when you're talking to them!

Hey no argument there. Caps have a knack for coming off completely insensitive and nasty. But that's why I said it was just my personal experience.. It's just what I've observed in the people I've crossed paths with or who are permanently in my life.
Relationships are about communication and compromise. If you can't hack it, ties have to be cut and you find someone else who's a better fit for you. All the other nitty gritty details are moot.

I guess that's why libras and caps don't work- one side coming off nasty, the other tuning out the nasty tone= no communication. But caps seem so great for me from afar Sad Do you guys ever try to work on this, or is it kind of an "it is how it is" thing?
okay i am just really not good at this quoting thing lol
I'm all for a snorefest as far as relationship dynamics. I'm not a fan of drama and i don't get bored without it. I'll take my relationship excitement through awesome shared experiences!
Wow, the moving fast seems very uncommon though so you've got a unique cap on your hands. 4 months is a pretty short time but hopefully that's a good sign that it will stay that way. but wait, no physical chemistry?? how do you guys work on that? is that something that can be worked on? not to be negative(lol) but i would think that's kind of there or it isn't...
Posted by yasmeen
I think libra and capricorn go well together, my relationship with cap didn't wok out but that was due to other issues. But as two people we got along well and thought alike, but, I agree there were issues with physical chemistry. I think a cap will make a libra realise things about yourself that other signs won't. From my experience caps like the libran sweetness, they like drama free women.

i wonder what the chemistry thing is about...but i can see how we would think alike. Libras can be more realistic than people think
i think what attracts me most to caps might be the problem. they seem almost asexual to me, and are not the typical horny men -if they are they don't show it- and i love that about them. but libra women(like most people) like to feel wanted so maybe that's part of the chemistry issue?
in real life, libra woman and capricorn women seem to rub eachother the WRONG way. i saw this with my own eyes. Not once, but several times. And one of them is my cappy mother in law (and she has an aqua venus mind you), but she is just NOT into all that "beauty" stuff, and while a cappy woman with strong venusian influence might well be more suited friendship wise, the ones i know in real life, omg.....
it's as if they repel eachother.
Don't know about the men of course, friendship or relationship wise with these signs. All i know is if i look for pairings on celebs/historical ect they're gonna be there. I guess men are just wired differently, looking for a partner.
Posted by ANRivas
i think what attracts me most to caps might be the problem. they seem almost asexual to me, and are not the typical horny men -if they are they don't show it- and i love that about them. but libra women(like most people) like to feel wanted so maybe that's part of the chemistry issue?

Asexual Caps? That's new.
Maybe they are like a steam engine, they just need some time warming up. Tongue
Posted by Caplove
Posted by TigerCap
Posted by ANRivas
i think what attracts me most to caps might be the problem. they seem almost asexual to me, and are not the typical horny men -if they are they don't show it- and i love that about them. but libra women(like most people) like to feel wanted so maybe that's part of the chemistry issue?

Asexual Caps? That's new.
Maybe they are like a steam engine, they just need some time warming up. Tongue

LOL! I'm going to start telling people that.
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they're a quiet sign for a "reason" all walk and no talk. LOL
air/fire signs in general NEED open displays of love. The guy serenading at your balcony? Probably an air/fire sign. Probably. This is very general of course.
The guy who helps you get "up" in the world? you know it. That's the earth guy right there. Actions in other ways, not the romeo way.
haha yeah i don't even really interact much with cap women so i'm not too worried about that. But as far as the asexual thing, i mean that they are just no where near as aggressive about it as other guys at first, in my experience. Like, i would watch the cap i dated with his guy friends on our college campus (before we started dating) and all of his friends would look around with that blood-thirsty look for ass to chase, and he did not seem interested. I guess asexual was the wrong word, just maybe not as desperate as most guys
Posted by Synapse
You can sleep better when they're all buried!

what is with people on here hating a whole sign because a few people hurt them? I know that was supposed to be a joke but relax. lol
mom and dad, fighting for the whole life, but still happily married! I envy them~
Posted by StillWater
Posted by ANRivas
Posted by Synapse
You can sleep better when they're all buried!

what is with people on here hating a whole sign because a few people hurt them? I know that was supposed to be a joke but relax. lol

I don't hate all! I just wish their relationship never works out with a Cap, that's all.
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eh, that's a personal issue. lol!
Posted by DrenchedGirl
mom and dad, fighting for the whole life, but still happily married! I envy them~

lol fighting and still happy huh? That sounds about right for a cap and libra marriage! who's the cap?