Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
I am a Capricorn woman and I was chatting with a Sagittarius man for about 10 months. We talked on the phone all the time I mean everyday a few times a day for hours at a time. He was living in NY and took a summer trip with a group touring part of the Country. Then he moved across the Country with friends. We didn't date anyone because there was such a connection we wanted to see where this might lead. After he moved he started acting funny. I asked him if he met someone? He said no and finally said there was a girl from work who needed a place to stay so he let her move in with him and his roommate. He said she was sleeping on the couch. Then he said she was sleeping in his room and in his bed but he wasn't ?sleeping with her?. I'm really not stupid. I told him if that's what he wanted then that was fine with me but I was really hurt that we never did meet to see what might have happened. I was also hurt that he didn't tell me for a long time. I think he wanted me not to date while he was. He wanted to keep me as a back up. Well I started dating again and he flipped out. Calling me yelling at me. I couldn't take it anymore so I stopped answering my phone when he would call. We didn't speak for about 5 months and he started calling again. This lasted for another 3 months and the last time we spoke everything was fine he was back in NY for a family emergency. He said he would call me and let me know what was happening. Never heard from him again.
Friday I came on-line and seen his screen name. I debated weather to send him an im or just leave it alone. I had stopped coming on-line for a long time. After an hour of yes?no?.I sent him a message I just said it was nice to see him on-line and I hoped he was doing well. He responded and we chatted off and on all day. He asked for my phone number again, he said he had been going crazy looking for it. I gave it to him and after we both got home from work he called and we talked for eight hours.
He was living with a girl and he had been in my city for work about 2 months ago. After he got here his girlfriend he was living with called him and told him she couldn't take it any longer and was moving out and was gone before he got back. I think that's why he was looking for my phone number. This was the second girl he lived with since we stopped talking in the last 14 months.
He asked me what I had been doing and I told him. I have never lied to him and am not about to start now. I had been dating a few men. One was pretty serious for a while but since then I have just dated a few men. Now I have an 11 years old son at home and I don't let anyone around my son unless I know the guy will be around. I don't want my son to get attached to a guy if he's not gonna be around. He said he was sorry he messed up with us and he missed me and still loves me. As much as you can love someone for just talking.
He said it was strange that after all this time we were talking again and it felt like we had never stopped and maybe there is a reason for this. Everything was great when we got off the phone.
Saturday he called me and flipped out. It was all about the guys I had dated. He acted like I was cheating on him. I tried to tell him that I was just dating them and yes the last date I had was a week prior and that really seemed to bug him. I tried to explain that I never lived with anyone like he had. Big difference?.he wouldn't accept it so then he had to hurt me. He told me there was a women across the street from where he lives that is married but he was going to sleep with her before x-mas. I told him to do what he needed to do and that we just needed to be friends and he could see whoever he wanted to see and that I would do the same. He didn't seem to take that every well.
Well he was on-line yesterday and I sent him a message that just said hi, how was your day. He waited for half an hour b
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
Well, as a Cap woman myself who got to know one Sag guy, I'm amazed that you stuck around with him for as long as you have. I think normally Caps are quick and blunt and decisive in their actions. With me, it was "one strike and you're out Buddy!". (Actually, I do that with any man that doesn't meet my expectations).You may have a bit more patience than I do, but as a general rule I think Cappy women do not stand for nonsense. Once a liar, forever a liar, know what I mean? Trust and Loyalty are key in any of a Cap's relationships. Once those are shot, forget about it!
~an opinionated Cappy girl
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
LOL 209
Just like you I am "opinionated" as well. One chance, too many in my case. I would give an exceptional guy one "other" chance if it happens that we were together for a "long" time, for the sake of good old times. Saggies are not known to be the most loyal sign in the zodiac. Although they like to put a front that they are all yours, they are usually not like that behind your back. Once I caught an ex saggie riding with an ex-girlfriend hours after we were together. Another flirted with my best girlfriend's roomate. Another found an instant girlfriend the second day we called it quits ( he must have been planning it all through ). The latter still wanted to be 'friends' with me, and thought it rude that I was not able to give him the 'light of the day'. So my advise is if the saggie did not plan for the future so far, then he will probably NEVER do so. He is busy having fun, and enjoying all the attention from other women. However, deep in his heart he respects an old fashioned, decent woman, but he may keep breaking her heart over and over again.
Run, don't walk away from this sag. I was married a sag for over 20 years. They will never be loyal. They want to be loyal, but like everyone says thay like the attention.
I stayed because I thought if I mellowed out he would remain true, but no dice. Then I couldn't leave because of my children. I really wanted it to work. I realized I was doing all the work while he was enjoying a social life. You know us Caps we are most happy with our family and at home. Sags love everywhere else but home. Just remember they will do this to everyone they meet. You'll be much happier and sane without a Sag in your life.
I knonw a Sag and he was a real flagrant womanizer. He had quite the repuatation when I met him; it took one night to hook-up with him and 15 years to get away from him. They are not all the same! I am Saggie rising and I am the most loyal person on earth. When I am with someone, that is the only person that gets my attention, EVER! and I dont like attention from other men, I hate it. My home is my life and always has been. Nobody should be judged unworthy or stigmitized because of a sunsign; I hate that!