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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
Cap woman scorpio man and or cap woman and sag man. Ladies what attracts you about a scorpio man?
Hmm, I haven't had too many Scorpio male friends, but of the ones I know, I know we almost ALWAYS click (female friends too. In fact most of my close female friends are Scorpios.)
Of the guy friends I had or liked, the one thing I enjoyed was just no fear of in-depth conversation.
I also liked their semi-chill nature.
Don't have much else to add though, because I know so few.
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Apr 07, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 175 · Topics: 10
I think scorpio males are extremely hot! I haven't had a relationship with one, but a lot of my close female friends have been scorpios. We always connected on a really deep level. The conversations were always intense and neither one of us would get freaked out. The only other sign that isn't bothered by my conversation topics is Gemini lol. A sag guy chased me for about a year. I kept debating with myself whether it was a good idea or not. In the end I realized he wasn't serious enough for me, but then again he's 18 so I should've expected that.
^soooooooooooo true about geminis!!!!
They're just good hang-out buddies honestly for me.
But I lllllllllllllllove their creativity.
They've got to be the most creative signs ever.
Anyways, forgot to add that I barrrely get along w/ Sags outside of hang-out friends.
Got one Sag I am gooood friends with, and have great great great convos all the time,
but the minute our friends join we realize how compppppletely different we are.
Sagittarius are a whole different ball game for me.
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
ok ok its funny because im born on the cusp of scorpio sag but I obtain more scorpio traits. vey mysterious look, deep emotional conversational person filled with lots of emotions and good sex lol jk there goes the humor but I am really attracted to cap woman I don't want to get into this one I was recently talking to but she was extremely nervous around me scare to touch me smile lit up everytime around me sometimes quiet always did things for me the little important things but she disappears to much and I miss her I don't know if its over
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
I think shes taking her space I haven't spoken to her in months maybe now probably one month in a half to be exact she hasn't text me and the fuck up thing is I lost her number someone stole my phone with her number in it I don't want to get into it was a long story but when we last spoke she basically let me know she wasn't ready because she wasn't over her ex then she said she hopes I understand and would like to remain friends I miss her but I don't have her number smh
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
I love my Scorpio man. He's very in tune with how I am feeling. He is very dependable, rock solid, always there for me, honest. It's a great match.
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
that's a scorpio for ya I don't know what it is but we sense what someone is feeling at any moment we just know and with my cap it was hard but when it got easier the emotions were fierce to the point where she couldn't resist it lol I just knew her like the back of my hand our emotions ran deep but she was afraid to let them out to me eventually she did little by little before she disappeared
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
According to "true caps" response I would be the perfect match for her lol. And "stinger baby really find her lol caps are hard to find
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
i WILL melt for a guy who is more persistent than me
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
i mean... not that that is all it takes or anything lol
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
handsome... my advice in this scenario is to step it up a bit.
not sure if you should be taking my advice though. i just recently admitted to being too aggressive and my advice clearly proves that.
i can only imagine if i had been born a guy.
my opinion on scorp guy and cap lady is that it's WINNING. i've been in two of those relationships. they didnt pan out for reasons that had less to do with our compatibility and more to do with personal or logistical flaws. even my recent ex admitted in the end that we had something special and he'd always said that i'm the love of his life. not too sure he'd still say that lol but i was the queen for a little while. and vice versa. i bent for him more than i ever did or ever could see myself doing again.
first relationship with a scorp was love and lust to the point we almost couldn't handle it. we were kinda long distance - ish. and on top of that i ended up moving further away so that's why it ended. though, that relationship was so excessive that when i think of it i honestly feel like i should be going to hell for it... that's how lustful it was. and im not even religious.
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
ok "creepy pants" how should I do it I haven't talk to her in a month in a half I lost my phone with her number I don't know if you read the beginning of the thread you should to get the full scoop well half. I found her shes back living with her sister up the street from me I know her car when I see it because I was in it when she first bought it so should I leave a note on her window?
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
nice message "stinger baby" you give me hope
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
i'm reading more of your situation in other threads...
i think she's fully aware of the potential between the two of you, but she is, like she said, still hung up on an ex...
it's really going to be up to her to push herself to open her heart again.
what would help her is friends to get her out in social situations where she can open her eyes and hopefully open up her heart again.
be her friend first... invite her and her friends out to places with you and your friends. that's the move. she needs to smile and laugh with other people so she remembers that she can be happy without her ex.
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
ok "creepy pants and true cap lady" you ladies give me hope but I feel with the little note on her windshield would creep her out and ruin my chances I ask myself why hasn't she tried contacting me since what she told me.i miss her I want her but I just need more comfort to do that I guess ive been single for 4 years because im such a busy guy with football and school but I want to settle down and I feel shes the one
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
at this rate...
either you take a chance and stand to gain a lot more than you have right now. or you do nothing and nothing happens...
she may think it's weird, but i really doubt it given the way you two got along. you can't be afraid to reach out to a capricorn lady. that's one of things women, not just capricorn women, pay attention to most.
besides... you're wondering "what if she thinks it's weird?" I'm kinda wondering "what if she's waiting for you to contact her?"
What are your other options right now... wait until you run into her somewhere? Is that something that's possible or likely???
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
both of you are right you know what who gives a fuck im going to get it done thanks ladies and ":no name" I was waiting to be constructively criticized I react to that very well lol I appreciate the advice
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May 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 281 · Topics: 28
it honestly does I mean this cap woman intimidates me to the point where most dudes cant take it but I love it its so attractive that's why I gotta have her no disrespect to the woman on this thread but she intimidates me to the point where I just want to sex the lights out of her when she gives me the chance lol sorry that's my scorpio side