Cap women...

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by hellosaggy on Thursday, January 24, 2019 and has 8 replies.
Do cap women have emotional cling issues. Like over the top? Aqua gf came home last night after spending last 3 days with cap gf. Her Cap gf called to wish her good night and said I love you. Aqua didn’t respond and just said good night babe. This led to 3 hours of the cap repeatedly crying, texting, and calling whining about how aqua never tell her she loves her when I’m around.

I asked her wtf is this about. She said she keeps saying I love you and I’m tired of saying it.

I can understand that because I hate forced I love you or even really saying it at all for that matter. But bat shit cap basically was late for work this morning because she was up all night because of being “triggered”...

Not only that but cap messed up my booty night 😒

Quite the opposite, actually.

Clinginess = claustrophobic. For me, anyways.

What’s her Moon and Venus? If you know.
No this isn't a cap thing.

This is a lesbian in her feels dating a bi woman who is dating a man thing.
Posted by hellosaggy

Do cap women have emotional cling issues. Like over the top? Aqua gf came home last night after spending last 3 days with cap gf. Her Cap gf called to wish her good night and said I love you. Aqua didn’t respond and just said good night babe. This led to 3 hours of the cap repeatedly crying, texting, and calling whining about how aqua never tell her she loves her when I’m around.

I asked her wtf is this about. She said she keeps saying I love you and I’m tired of saying it.

I can understand that because I hate forced I love you or even really saying it at all for that matter. But bat shit cap basically was late for work this morning because she was up all night because of being “triggered”...

Not only that but cap messed up my booty night 😒

You’re too damn old to be in the scenario that you’re in. This can’t be real.
Booty night lmao!

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When all else fails!

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Nope, I'm a Cap woman and I runaway from the first sign of clinginess.
I don’t understand. Is this a threesome or something?
No it’s my bi aqua’s girlfriend.

She’s a real lesbian so aqua pretends I’m just her best friend and roommate.