Cap women

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Libraaa on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 and has 26 replies.
Would any cap women say that when it comes to liking someone you hide your feelings for them and act like you don't care or love them to their face and show the love an care behind their back? Because if yes, doesn't that suck because you would possibly drive away the person you're falling for or like because of that?? What would your advice be to a person who is probably a Capricorns interest and is confused by their abnormal persona behavior like this??
My advice is to keep a distance until you both are sure of what's going on and the feelings involved.

Idk. To us, its normal. Putting up a wall if I like someone is normal behavior, but I don't know about love. I would think that wall would come down if love was involved, so its possibly the Cap likes or cares for you, but there's levels to it. Just take your time and keep her at the same distance even if it may be hard and you are steps ahead emotionally.

We are not going to get into a situation if we are not in 100% , so if the decision is in her hands you have to protect yourself.

Also, ask. Never be afraid to ask and talk. The answers will save most a lot of time.
Posted by Libraaa
Would any cap women say that when it comes to liking someone you hide your feelings for them and act like you don't care or love them to their face and show the love an care behind their back? Because if yes, doesn't that suck because you would possibly drive away the person you're falling for or like because of that?? What would your advice be to a person who is probably a Capricorns interest and is confused by their abnormal persona behavior like this??
find out more about her by asking ... get to know her - maybe she likes you but doesn't want to rush things ... just don't know unless you ask
I've never been with a Cap woman. I've noticed when it comes to someone they have their eye on they are not assertive and take the classic approach to dating. Even my cap friends always trying to be gentlemen. If u act like I don't exist how am I suppose to know if your interested, but at the same time I already know ur interested. Cap guys and girls I think both do this ?
It hardly takes a look for capricorns to know if you like her or not. They raise walls if they dont like you. Until she is sure, be around her.

However, this relationship might not work on a long run as you are and air sign, and she is an earth sign.
Posted by Capricorn10
It hardly takes a look for capricorns to know if you like her or not. They raise walls if they dont like you. Until she is sure, be around her.

However, this relationship might not work on a long run as you are and air sign, and she is an earth sign.

I get that a lot of people believe an air sign and earth sign are a hard match but she acts off she's not the type interested in love and I feel like I made her wonder I have some Capricorn on my chart and I'm afraid of the humiliation of rejection Idk if she is but I do have s lot of crappy attributes and if I may add we both are very similar and share similar insights and likes so I mean.. but she's shown a lot of off actions but she's for sure a Capricorn with the same traits it's uncanny

Posted by Neno2
Posted by Libraaa
Would any cap women say that when it comes to liking someone you hide your feelings for them and act like you don't care or love them to their face and show the love an care behind their back? Because if yes, doesn't that suck because you would possibly drive away the person you're falling for or like because of that?? What would your advice be to a person who is probably a Capricorns interest and is confused by their abnormal persona behavior like this??
Cap girl are literally scared of love?the biggest cowards regarding love matters
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You mean scared of love with the wrong person.

Is that what love is? Being vulnerable?

I can never get a definition I like.
I think there's a ton of signs that don't love like we do. I just think Caps love differently but not afraid.
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by lnana04
Is that what love is? Being vulnerable?

I can never get a definition I like.
Giving someone permission to hurt you & trusting them not to.
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Oh, well I guess I'm afraid if that's the definition. I personally don't trust anyone.

Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
lol it's okay just hang in there and if you really wanna know then try giving her mixed signals ?

Seriously Straight Face

Lol other this that I guess patience is key ? lol

Unfortunately it can work.

I will be persistent in letting you know I like you or I will be persistent in disappearing or letting you know that I'm not interested

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I believe she would tell me but we're kind of in a difficult situation where a realationship right now is not the time and I already see her as the one I wanna spend my life with and if I'm honest I rarely even like or fall for anyone and she has put me through some tests but even a couple mutual friends I have that KNOW us both and stuff have told me she looks upset when I'm gone and randomly asks about me and found it odd because she doesn't show interest or care for people like that because it's and I quote "none of her business anyway" she's surely a cap she has sass to her

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
lol it's okay just hang in there and if you really wanna know then try giving her mixed signals ?

Seriously Straight Face

Lol other this that I guess patience is key ? lol

Unfortunately it can work.

I will be persistent in letting you know I like you or I will be persistent in disappearing or letting you know that I'm not interested

For example she'll be nice to to today but next time you see her she'll act aloof and distant lol
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Not gonna lie she does do that

Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Libraaa
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
lol it's okay just hang in there and if you really wanna know then try giving her mixed signals ?

Seriously Straight Face

Lol other this that I guess patience is key ? lol

Unfortunately it can work.

I will be persistent in letting you know I like you or I will be persistent in disappearing or letting you know that I'm not interested

I believe she would tell me but we're kind of in a difficult situation where a realationship right now is not the time and I already see her as the one I wanna spend my life with and if I'm honest I rarely even like or fall for anyone and she has put me through some tests but even a couple mutual friends I have that KNOW us both and stuff have told me she looks upset when I'm gone and randomly asks about me and found it odd because she doesn't show interest or care for people like that because it's and I quote "none of her business anyway" she's surely a cap she has sass to her

What's the difficult situation if you don't mind me asking?

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It's kinda personal between us but all at once I think fear is what's making this confusing. Plus is it true caps aren't touchy people like you'll be lucky if any cap let you touch or hug them??
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Libraaa
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Libraaa
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
lol it's okay just hang in there and if you really wanna know then try giving her mixed signals ?

Seriously Straight Face

Lol other this that I guess patience is key ? lol

Unfortunately it can work.

I will be persistent in letting you know I like you or I will be persistent in disappearing or letting you know that I'm not interested

I believe she would tell me but we're kind of in a difficult situation where a realationship right now is not the time and I already see her as the one I wanna spend my life with and if I'm honest I rarely even like or fall for anyone and she has put me through some tests but even a couple mutual friends I have that KNOW us both and stuff have told me she looks upset when I'm gone and randomly asks about me and found it odd because she doesn't show interest or care for people like that because it's and I quote "none of her business anyway" she's surely a cap she has sass to her

What's the difficult situation if you don't mind me asking?

It's kinda personal between us but all at once I think fear is what's making this confusing. Plus is it true caps aren't touchy people like you'll be lucky if any cap let you touch or hug them??

Not necessarily. About the touch, it varies based on the individual.

I'm not a touchy person or a hugger. I still give people hugs even though I'm npt interested romantically.

If you 2 work together, that could be a dealbreaker.

If 1 or both of you are married or in a relationship that might be also

Anything outside of that is possible, with variances based on her own personal preferences ie: job, money, house/living arrangements, habits, car, etc.

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Well depends what you mean I guess in way we actually do work together
i think many caps are awkward about feelings when immature but we get better and better as we age, well, hopefully lol

every couple years i look back and i myself am amazed how much i have changed

life is short and unpredictable so what are we holding out for? i'm not sure there is a next life
If she's inconsistent that could be a way of her signaling slow down. She could very well be a bit cautious of the signals she's sending out, so to not make it seem more than what it is she acts aloof. Personally, If I think someone is developing interest I press on the brakes hard. That's not exactly what she wants, possibly.
Posted by lnana04
If she's inconsistent that could be a way of her signaling slow down. She could very well be a bit cautious of the signals she's sending out, so to not make it seem more than what it is she acts aloof. Personally, If I think someone is developing interest I press on the brakes hard. That's not exactly what she wants, possibly.

I'm confused ?

Posted by Libraaa
Posted by lnana04
If she's inconsistent that could be a way of her signaling slow down. She could very well be a bit cautious of the signals she's sending out, so to not make it seem more than what it is she acts aloof. Personally, If I think someone is developing interest I press on the brakes hard. That's not exactly what she wants, possibly.

I'm confused ?

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It's only if she acts aloof sometimes.

If I really analyze and pay attention to my behavior, I tend to act aloof when I don't want the other person to think it's more than what it is, or if I feel their feelings are developing a bit faster than mine.

But yeah, the best thing to do is talk to her. I don't know, you don't know, we don't know but she does..

If your feelings are that deep for her, you have to be comfortable communicating or it's somewhat of an illusion.
Posted by CAPS_LOCK
She's not interested
Lmao..I didn't talk about everything that's happened between us that's too long of a story but I know she stops and confronts people if she doesn't like them (this guy that's attempted flirting with her she cut off after a while and told him to stop because she doesn't like him) so I mean she's probably quiet on this. Her behavior over periods of time towards me have been questionable to not just me others too, I'm not saying she's not interest. But I'm saying there's a possibility something is there that she not going to admit or express. Because for her if she sure as hell wasnt interested she would've humiliated me like the last guy but she hasn't.
are you waiting for her to humiliate you like she did to others?

you are a libra? don't you appreciate a woman who is capable of letting another down easy and not being crass? doesn't seem like a kind person to me

unless it's inappropriate sexual advancement, then i think f off is just fine lol
Posted by iCloud9
are you waiting for her to humiliate you like she did to others?

you are a libra? don't you appreciate a woman who is capable of letting another down easy and not being crass? doesn't seem like a kind person to me

unless it's inappropriate sexual advancement, then i think f off is just fine lol
Lol no it's just that if she wasn't interested she would've told me because I don't push things as much other people have done to her I honestly will keep my distance I don't force her too rush or anything I do what mostly everyone's said I don't rush her into anything, I let things go as they come between us so I act normal, I have gaven her mixed signals which is what she's done to me and I've gotten some feedback from her. Like at first I was the one falling hard for a cappy who I felt was out of my league and she didn't think about even care to look my way (or anyone's) but she started to warm up to me we've had our times of playful flirting and such and honestly I've just been courteous. Because even tho people think libras always flirt and what not I actually am a lot like her I'm not the type to show interest it would be a shock if I even considered anything but if I can't see a future with anyone I don't bother wasting my time but there's something special about her. From time knowing her she's made me a better person and I love her for that I have the upmost respect for her I don't see her as some object I want in my bed. (Personally I don't see how guys are like that I was taught better.) I see her as someone I see a future with someone I want to grow old with achieve great things with all of that. I never felt anything for anyone that I do for her. (And yes people may be like "oh well didn't you guys meet not long ago. It's actually now been considered 2 years and I still feel the same but things are still complicated for us to exactly be together in a sense) but yeah other than that I would just wish she can tell me the truth and if she doesn't like me to let me down easy. But with our history of things I think my brain still finds it hard to think she's not interested because she's just done and shown so much to make me think that and I've tried to move on but never could I try and tell my brain to stop maybe she's not interested but then everything comes back and it's hard to just say "she's not interested" when there's just been too much to believe that
And before anyone says "if it's been 2 years she's not interested then I'm sure she would've told you" yes I know that. But like I said it's a personal complicated situation I can't explain if it was that simple I would've told her or she would've told me but yeah.
2 years?! unless you and/or her were seeing other people or this is unrequited i don't understand the complication

i'd say just ask her directly whether you can date her and get it over with. asking us really doesn't help
or one of you are separated or something

still, ask her