cap women and stubbornness

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CreepyPants on Sunday, May 5, 2013 and has 13 replies.
i know full well how hard headed i can be. :\ i frustrate myself!
but is it just me or is this more of a cap woman thing than it is a cap man thing? cap guys chime in.
and why? i've been in ltr with both taurus and scorpio... two of the zodiacs most stubborn signs, and i gotta tell ya i surprised myself constantly at how my own stubbornness compared.
i've read enough astrology descrips on sun capricorn women and stubbornness is mentioned, but unless it's my other placements, it seems like it should be mentioned more. a warning. lol
my sun is in the second house too... i dunno, that could play into it as well.
thoughts anyone? agreement?
cap ladies, how stubborn would you admit you are?
I'm stubborn, but only if I feel like there's a means to an end. A goal to gain. Won't give up on anything I feel is worthwhile, not until I've sourced every resource and infinite Cappie ounce of awesomeness! Winking
This thread made me laugh so hard!
I'll chime in anyway, I'm not a Cap but my mom is a Cap and she is soooo stubborn. I always associate it with her Scorp moon. Reading this thread makes me understand my mom more...
Posted by noname
Similar here. I have a few strong convictions but I don't care and pretty flexible for most other stuff. I secretly love it when someone can stand up to me and convince me that there is a better way. I think the mere fact that a person is able to stand still and not losing ground during the likely turmoil battling with my strong will is pretty impressive lol

heh. yup!
Posted by Chance11
i think it's probably spread evenly between both might play better traditionally on the males though. it's one of the main reasons that i think cap women and cap men go better with different signs. a cap woman isn't going to relinquish control to a man with suspect judgement and stability..and even so, must be properly coaxed. with cap man, it's not even an issue because cap will lead regardless.
for me personally, i don't sweat the small stuff and am laid back so i am pretty flexible and overly accommodating on most issues..but on the ones that i feel are really important (which are very few in reality), i don't compromise as much. i give these issues a lot of thought so i feel competence, leadership, and track record should be trusted and respected unless otherwise proven incapable historically.

chance, you're always so well thought out. this makes perf sense.
my stubbornness i think might be getting out of hand. that or it's just not serving me well at this point in life.
i really need to reign it in somehow. or find a smoother way to ... force ... my will o.O lol how terrible is that
Im very stubborn. Im pretty easy 80% of the time but that 20% can overshadow all of the good and kill any relationship. If Im adamant about something you get the entire world on your side and I will still be firm with what I believe and feel.
I can be very stubborn in terms of my opinions and ideas and I do not like to admit that I am wrong. So in that sense, I am very stubborn.
But on everything else, most situations, I am the easiest going person you will ever meet, and really I am a big pushover.
I can be very stubborn especially if I feel I'm being bullied or pushed into something. I will do the opposite just to spite someone.
I'm usually stubborn when I'm sure about something. But I'm not just stubborn to be mean or to have my way at another person's expense.
Posted by Sangfroid
Posted by truecap
I can be very stubborn especially if I feel I'm being bullied or pushed into something. I will do the opposite just to spite someone.

What if they're playing reverse psychology? My go-to response is to be predictably, unpredictable with them from then on but that's becoming a bit.....predictable.
click to expand

Ahhh, well, you can tell if they are using reverse psychology. You can tell what it is they want you to do.
Posted by CapintheHat
I'm usually stubborn when I'm sure about something. But I'm not just stubborn to be mean or to have my way at another person's expense.

I like this distinction. I also agree with previous statement "combination of stubborn and easygoing."
Posted by truecap
I can be very stubborn especially if I feel I'm being bullied or pushed into something. I will do the opposite just to spite someone.

^^^ This is me!