Cappy Girl Rant... *grrr...*

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by savagetai on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 and has 9 replies.
Some peeps know my story.. but just a quick recap.. been with gem(aqua moon) for 4 years. We've had a pretty good relationship.. of course.. quite different being a cap sun (pisces moon). Things have been good.. we've had our ups and downs but i know my gems had something on his mind. They become a little distant and I can smell it a mile away. Also, when that happens, i tend to try and ease him to talk to me.. i tend to be the giving kind.. i do alot for him and thats because i'm the nurturing kind. Understanding.. perhaps sometimes to a fault. I kinda knew we had to talk because we've been dating for so long.. where were we going?
We had a chat and he said he needed some space. Hes been independent all his life.. he knows hes selfish.. and he doesn't think he wants to be this way. He feels its gotten him stagnant. he wants to make a change but he needs to figure out what and how.. and he feels bad because he feels that way and he didn't want me to be dragged with it. We talked about what that meant..and he said he didn't want to date anyone because that wasn't the issue and he didn't want me to either. he said he was still super attracted to me and another person wasn't the issue. because i know him so well... and i trust him... i understand where he's coming from. I started to tear up and cry and then he saw that, and pulled me close and started crying too. i cried even harder because i've never seen this man cry... So there we were, crying and kissing each other... He asked me to stop crying because he wasn't dying and was still going to be part of my life. He just needed some time.
Well, we parted. We both need to figure us out.
two days later, i was going through a big test and he texted me to wish me luck and to give me support. I was relieved because i was afraid i had lost him or he had forgotten me. i know its wierd for me to think that way.. but i get super nervous in these situations even if i don't show it.
i am trying not to overthink and i want to text so badly every day.. but i know he needs the time and i respect that.
I miss him a lot.. and every time i want to text, i stop myself because i'm looking for answers, validation and all the wrong reasons.
My fingers are itchy.. my pisces moon is going dark and i want to reach out. but I know i mustn't.
i need some cappy love Sad
Air signs need space and room for change. Its hard for us earth signs to understand it because we're more about security. But if you give him the room and space he needs, he will come back to you. When that happens, he will be happier and it will most likely draw you two closer. I'm with an aqua and I know how insecure that makes you feel, but don't let him know your insecurities. When he contacts you just keep being your usual upbeat self - that will make him miss you more. If you are negative, it will push him away.
My ex husband is a Gem and he is the restless sort. Liked lots of change, but that made me nervous because I don't. But we perservered for 18 years.
So, get busy, hang with friends, take a class, do something so you are distracted and truly busy (don't pretend). Enjoy the break and have some fun. Do some things you haven't gotten around to doing. If you're busy and exciting, you'll be more attractive to him. Stay active to pass the time until he gets back. You never know, you might find you miss him less and like him being gone, too.
Oh, I do feel your pain!!
Hugs to you:
Awww thanks gals! I'm so happy to hear and see support..
I'm not one to date others immediately or you know, distract myself with other guys. I've done that in the past and the results are always disastrous. Being a pisces moon and having my heart on a sleeve? I tend to fall for the wrong reasons if i'm not ready. I usually like them to happy unexpectedly.
But that being said, i know i need to focus on me emotionally. I'm a busy girl.. alot of things going on in her life.. its just these moments of reflection where I really miss him.. really want to reach out... but all for the wrong reasons. (want an answer, want validation... want him to want me!!!).
truecap.. thanks for the insight.. i understand.. and my patience just isn't very good.
Sometimes, the best way to get attention from someone... is not to give them any.
I'm trying.. i'm trying... it's just difficult.
I wake up in the morning thinking about him and wondering if he cares, if he thinks of me.. and then i have to meditate to shut it up. ugh.. i can't wait to go on vacation soon...........
*tears hair out*
LoL smile
Hello everyone..
just thought I'd update everyone.
It's been 2 and a half months.. and i haven't heard from him. Not even a text to say hi.. nothing. I have not reached out either as he asked for space and said he would reach out to me.
My cappy pride has held me back.
However, 3 weeks ago, I packed his stuff and mailed it back to him. I even included a birthday card since it's his birthday month. I just signed it with best wishes and my name. I figured he's cut me off for good without even telling me. But even with that.. I got no thank you.. no acknowledgement. Nothing.
Shows you how 4.5 years really meant nothing to him at all.
I guess its true, when a Gem is done, they don't usually look back. I'm so sorry.
But, what a JERK for not aknowledging the nice thing you did for him!!!! If you find anymore of his stuff, just throw it in the trash.
She eloped Tongue