Cappy type action

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by LibraLovesHim on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 4 replies.
Speaking through song lyrics? Im receiving interesting song snaps from a Cappy ex who never was very verbally expressive.
The song is "All that I ask" by Usher btw
Capricorns generally aren't people who speak about their feelings through words. They give visual cues hinting at what they want to say. My sister's a Capricorn but she doesn't tell us how she feels most of the time, because she is scared that we are either going to judge her or that she feels bad for making use do things for her if she needs help. You gotta know when to help them because they don't let you know when they really need you, and generally read how they are feeling. They find verbally expressing needs and affection very difficult. Like in my sister's case, she finds doing that kinda corny or pushy haha so she doesn't want to give the impression that she's like that. They're just really shy people who show or do sweet things in their own way. Even something that doesn't seem "romantic" might be something positive to them, and if they are even sharing things like that with you, that means you've earned their respect.
Yup, have done this before. And its usually cause the song is saying what I want to say only much, much better lol