capricorn and aries

This topic was created in the Aries and Capricorn Compatibility forum by dward417 on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 and has 12 replies.
any cap and aries relationships...if is it?
yeah i read that too..i hate to based astrology on my love life but it hasnt failed me yet
Who cares? You might have every other planet in alignment except the sun and then it only makes you stronger. I know that aquarius/Capricorn is almost unheard of but we share many other planets in common (He has an aquarius moon for one; I have a capricorn rising.) My relationship might turn out bad, or it might turn out ok... who knows, who cares? Just go with what your heart and see what happens.
i care....because ive never dated a cap before.
Neither had I before the current one... it's a learning experience. Go for it. You will never know for sure unless you try. And if you fail, chalk it up to nature. I seriously didn't base my current relationship on his starsign or else perhaps I would have stupidly heeded the warnings that it would never work out. Dating a Capricorn man has been quite a test.
so ladyvie how is your relationship so far?
is he good to you?
Some days are good; some days are bad. I told him today that my heart wants to believe his words but my head doubts him. I said it very nicely, but I need more from him than words (and the best sex of my life... the randy goat is a true description.) I know that he tests me and I wish that I understood his ups and downs better, but I know that I'm the best thing that he's ever known.
what the hell? caps aren't ALWAYS serious. i'm as playful and energetic as my sag and aries buddies and i have mostly earth in my chart.
taurus. boo! lol.
so that's the only reason why i have an attractive personality because capricorns dont have attractive personalities? is that what you're getting at !!!
No one will ever know where a relationship will go unless you are willing to give it a go. There is a 50/50 chance that it will work out. I know couples who were suppose to be the best zodiac matches not make it past 2 years of marriage. I know other signs who were suppose to be the worst match possible and been together a long while. One such match was a Scorpio/Sagi. They have been married now for almost 20 yrs.
You will have your up and downs. Really recognize you're differences and learn to work through it rather then fight against one another's nature. Both Aries and Capricorn are great people and you will share a lot of traits and interest. As a fire sign and a woman, you will want to talk, share and discuss things. Capi men are not big on opening up, they are detached in a big way. They are independent, as are you. This will work, you both will understand and know instantly how to give the other space. You both are out spoken and frank. This can work with or against you. You will get things out from your Cap that he would rather keep locked inside. You're fire allows this to happen.. but it often happens in a fight, so have to learn how to keep emotions out of the way. It's hard, both signs are more sensitive and passionate then most realize.. even if in a strange way they both can be detached.
Have fun with it. Learn, grow and love. It could work out, or it could not. But being a fire sign married to a Capi myself, it's worth every heartache... I have learnt so much with this man and it's well worth it if you can hold your head high above the water .. even when he is gloomy as all get out. Your fire will help lead him out.