Capricorn and depression/SAD

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by RamOfPeace on Saturday, November 10, 2018 and has 2 replies.
The Cappy I’m dating has entered a seasonal affective disorder down wave about two weeks ago.

While I also feel these general energies around this time of the year with less sun and the “dying world” of the leaves shedding and the end of the Zodiac year nearing, I’d like to know how I can best support a Cap while they’re down.

We’re both introverts (I also have a Cap stellium and 12th house stellium in Gem), so downtime is important for both. Except I can have a downtime quality time just doing my thing on my laptop while cuddled up to a partner, and he needs physical and mental alone time in order to achieve recharge.

Disclaimer: we’re poly and see other people, so we generally exchange texts during the week when we got time, and see each other once a week solid.

What are some great ideas for supporting and giving care when we get together during this period?

Some quirks: he hates compliments, loves physical touch and cuddling when in good mood (we share common love languages), tenses up on massage unless done very carefully and eased in, loves complex boardgames, and reads sci-fi books.

He’s also Taurus moon, Sag venus, and Scorpio rising.

You’re polygamous?