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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
Okay, there's this Capricorn girl that I've known for a few months now. Basically the whole time we've known each other, everyone else we know has like constantly been trying to get us together, creating many awkward situations. I like her, I'm just not really sure if it's romantic or not. I don't really feel like she has the energy or chemistry I'm looking for, but maybe I just need to get to know her, like maybe she's shy or whatever. Okay so I invited to go to this haunted house thing with me for halloween, and that was fun, and then I invited her to go see a movie with me, which was fun too. Now I'm like okay, I could invite her to do something else with me, but then she could invite me to do something with her if she wanted. I kind of feel like she should at this point. I don't really feel like I want to date her yet, but I do want to hang out with her and get to know her.
If you follow my posts in the Leo board you'll see I have no experience dating and that I'm 24 years old. Thanks.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
wtf kris, haha. they're our soulmates though aren't they???!!
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
no, kris has been telling me he thinks caps are leo's soulmates.
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 371 · Topics: 13
"no, kris has been telling me he thinks caps are leo's soulmates."
Capricorns and Leo's are a interesting combination. You have two very different elements coming together. It will be good and bad at the same time. I try to never say a particular sign is a soul mate to another. Yes, their are particular signs that are compatible and a balancing of elements and the relationship will be smooth. But lets face it.. so of us do not like things to be a bit rougher on the edges and a deeply learning about yourself well as your mate. I can write out which signs are in good harmony with your own and which will still be compatible but point out the hardships involved.. but that will be long and drawn out. Sooo.. *Grins* I will just put down how I have seen a Leo and Capricorn react to one another.
Some restriction will be evident well as caution. Leo's and Capricorn attract each other, but there is an "edginess" to the relationship. It can be bogged down with details (brought from the Capi) , basic misunderstanding (because of the very two different elements coming together), and a Leo will sometimes feel held back and restricted from the Capricorn (Leo is a fire sign, dynamic and needing to move. Capricorn and slow, careful and will not budge until they are ready!) With a Capricorn however, a Leo with learn to create something lasting and teach you discipline, which is ultimately for a Leo's own good. Be careful not to get into a familiarity which can lead you to not appreciate the Capricorn. Capricorns are also reserved, Leo's are flamboyant and where a Leo is use to surprise, applause, gasp of appreciation a Capricorn will take this in stride.
The best thing of this match I have always seen is that a Capricorn will help the Leo to mature. What they do basically is make you aware of a Leo's shortcomings. Unless the Leo is mature, they will take this as criticism and then kinda brush off what the Capricorn is saying to you. A mature Leo however will see the wisdom of what the Capi is sharing with them and will work on trying to better themselves. Capricorn are patient, where the Leo's are impulsive. This is a catch 22 kinda thing. With wisdom (on both sides) this is a great combo. Sometimes a Capricorn can become to routine.. thus not allowing them to grow and expand. The Leo's impulsiveness (if done wisely) will help the Capricorn move from this rut and to take much needed chances, that will often bring to them excitement and experiences that they secretly need. Obviously, Capricorn and Leo can learn
from each other, although the lessons are not always pleasant. The Capricorns will help the Leo's to face reality, which can be a task. They will also teach the Leo's to distinguish true friends from those who merely have their hands out, so to speak. It's not a easy relationship, I am not going to lie to you.. but it can work out if both sides are will to give in the relationship.. and if so, it can be one of the greatest relationships you will be involved in. Capricorns, being a earth sign give the Leo's something to burn, I think this is often why there is a strong attraction between the earth and fire signs. They fuel one another.. but without some sort of containment, the small fire can turn into a blazing inferno that will consume all and anything in its path.. that is what you really want to avoid.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
Leo guy was perhaps my first love. I think caps and leos get along friggin great. of course that's my own opinion. I dont think i've ever had so much fun flirting with a guy as i did with him. nothing but smiles when i was with him.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
and banini... cap girls take time to come around, but when they do... they've absolutely made up their mind. patience... think weeks, maybe months. if the rest of them are anything like me... it's all or nothing. in your case... everything or the friendship you already have. but first make sure you are really interested... cuz once you have her heart, you better be ready to take care of it, or she'll be deeply hurt. i detest being played with, or wishy washy-ness.
also, it could be that she already knows she does like you and is just taking the time to confirm her feelings. i'm like that. if i like or love someone, i dont exactly show it when the feelings are new... i give my emotions the test of time and some endurance before i reeeeeaaaally start showing and confessing how i feel.
as i read once... 'we observe [the object of our desires] while keeping an emotional distance'
she may or may not take her turn to invite you out, but that doesnt necessarily mean anything. yea, sometimes we're awkward people. you could just be upfront with her, caps appreciate that. but like i said, if you're gonna be that bold... know very well what you want with her.
""Leo guy was perhaps my first love. I think caps and leos get along friggin great. of course that's my own opinion"
Mine too..and i really like leos,get along so well with them."
what about with aries guys? because aren't leos and aries very alike?