Capricorn Guards The Secret of The Soul Itself!

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by coeus1031 on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 and has 14 replies.
All Capricorns Should Read This Article
#capricorn" data-url="" target="_blank">
Well, I knew we were AWESOME, but I didn't know we were *THAT* AWESOME! Interesting stuff.
Thank you for posting it. smile
more people need to check this out
call me a capricorn, but... where on earth does this stuff come from? lol
I glanced thru it, but interesting. I always feel Cap is a sign of extremes....capable of representing the best and worst.
I liked the article. Thanks for sharing. I do love astrology, just hate to do the math Winking
Interesting read. Thanks for sharing smile
Capricorn might be known as a materialistic sign but at its highest expression its very spiritual
Capricorn opens the door into the life of the spirit and the Kingdom of God.
Capricorn is regarded as another door and is called esoterically the "doorway into life of those who know not death," or those who will no longer incarnate.
Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the Life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy. It is said, Capricorn guards the Secret of the Soul Itself, the Secret of the Hidden Glory.

How do we accomplish this?
Good Question.
I think capricorns learn to move through the material world to success by their early trials from saturn but some capricorns can be destroyed by these tests. Other Capricorns will make it through to success but then act in an evil manner because they've been scared and can't move past it. Thats why many capricorns are seen to be under the sign of the devil to certain other signs and in general villains without emotions. In the Article we see the highest expression of capricorn which is a person who goes through the material world transcends it and ends his journey in the spiritual realm of life. He has gone Through the fire like going to hades and back in the myth and is still unscathed without bitterness or vengeance.
bump, sorry i think this is an important post
I've been thinking a lot about Karma, and how the common misperception of Karma is of vengeance and punishment. It is very difficult to speak of spiritual things. It is though it is a secret which can be stolen, misused, and abused. The things that the Capricorn learns through their trials can be thought of in terms of skills, which were learned of necessity for survival. If one has not had the experience, then it is difficult to relate. A tried Capricorn can be comfortable in both darkness and light. It is a skill, necessary through the trials of Saturn. The image of the seagoat works well with idea of swimming down through the darkness, as well as with the idea of climbing skillfully towards the sun.