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Sep 28, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1596 · Topics: 40
What's your take:
Shit he said in one converstion:
"We have a natural connection."
"I have strong feelings for you but I'm not sure we'd work out in the long run."
"I'm scared of wasting anymore of my time in a relationship that may not work in the end."
"I want to continue our friendship because if things don't work out between us then I think we still have a great shot at a very long and strong friendship"
"I have a lot of feelings for you but I kept them to myself"
"Us not talking would kill any hope of it maybe working out in the near future" (after I responded that I wasn't ready to just be his friend, I would need some time)
"I'm not sure if it will work out but I still have a little hope"
"I'm tired of failed relationships which isn't fair to you or any other girl but that's my fault"
"I do want you to know that it's not easy for me either and I constantly think about you. That won't change any time soon."
"I don't know what to say because I don't want to upset you"
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Mar 07, 2015Comments: 22 · Posts: 5162 · Topics: 88
I agree with the above comments.
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Sep 28, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 1596 · Topics: 40
I wonder what the point of that was. We spent quite a bit of time together and I know he wasn't seeing anyone else. Men are so strange