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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Are there any Capricorn lesbians on this site? I need some insight or at least a chart interpretation. I've been reading posts on this site for a while and the girl I'm interested in seems to fit all you say to a T in regards to slowly getting to know somebody and their indications for liking people. I have been talking to this girl from NW England for almost two years via e-mail. It will be two years this December. Obviously we cannot do anything about it until we're in the same country and I understand that, but I can't even get her to use Skype with me. We've sent each other candy twice from our countries (once because of a bet and another because of our birthdays) and it seems like the fates are conspiring against me that we cannot hang out... or at least anytime soon. The thing is though she talks to her friend who is in New Zealand on Skype(which I think they're almost a day a head time wise) and has no problem with that, but when I pose the question to chat via video phone she avoids the topic entirely or makes excuses. We just started an online book club with some of my friends in America and one of her friends from home she's known for a long time. She's really into that and said she has Skype but is hours ahead of us so she isn't sure that would work. If you've been emailing somebody for almost two years, clearly have tons of things in common, and won't get a chance to hang out anytime soon but only (supposedly) thought of the person as just a friend... why would you avoid talking to them on video chat? My friends say maybe she's nervous? I think... why would she be nervous if she doesn't "like" me?
my chart:Sun
Pisces 29.33
Moon Sagittarius 3.45
Mercury Pisces 2.43
Venus Aquarius 20.31
Mars Taurus 19.14
Jupiter Aries 4.19
Saturn Sagittarius 21.04
Uranus Sagittarius 26.40
Neptune Capricorn 7.54
Pluto Scorpio 9.35 R
Lilith Cancer 13.07
Asc node Aries 11.35
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Can't think of one in particular, but there are plenty of folk who are open minded on this sight...
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Her chart:
Sun is in 04 Degrees Capricorn.
Moon is in 22 Degrees Pisces.
Mercury is in 05 Degrees Capricorn.
Venus is in 05 Degrees Aquarius.
Mars is in 21 Degrees Scorpio
Jupiter is in 19 Degrees Aries
Saturn is in 24 Degrees Sagittarius
Uranus is in 27 Degrees Sagittarius
Neptune is in 07 Degrees Capricorn
Pluto is in 11 Degrees Scorpio
N. Node is in 27 Degrees Pisces
Any insight or thoughts you can give me would be great. I enjoy reading the Capricorn threads because thus far it's helped explain a lot of her actions and made me realize how I think in the long run I will probably end up marrying a Capricorn someday. They're usually the few people I can talk to about humor, politics and interests and they don't get overly emotional. Long term they also seem to match with things I'm looking for.
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Does not have to be specifically from any lesbians, if any female Capricorns could give some insight or interpretations as well. I like the Capricorn thread it seems to spur on interesting conversations that don't get too emotional or out of hand like some of the other threads I've seen.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
^^^^ lol
i dunno... imo, long distance situations are kinda hopeless. i hate to say something you prob dont wanna hear because you sound really genuine and you obviously like this cap chick a lot.
i could see myself really liking someone and even seeing a possible future with them but restraining myself and holding back because of mere inconvenience. i'm really unromantic and practical like that. 
but persistence is key with caps. it wont ever hurt you to keep trying and convince her to start with Skype and see where you ladies go from there. dont be easily discouraged
if there's something i want... lol, i'll keep at it 'til i get it or 'til i get sick of trying 
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Oh no I totally know long distance sucks. I wouldn't even try to begin one until we had been dating in the same country for at least a year. The thing I don't understand though is why would it be a big deal to just talk to me on video chat as a friend if that's all she apparently thinks of me as? Me and my friends think it's weird it's been almost two year and I haven't heard her talk yet, but yet we've sent each other candy and message each other at least once a month. She has also I feel not given up hope hanging out? She has finally had a chance to go traveling again and knows I want to as well. She knows I've been trying to get a work visa for like two years now, because she will occasionally ask me how that is going, or recently I think tried to see if I was traveling so we could plan together. Unfortunately I will not have the money until months after she is done traveling and England has had it's work visas I could possibly get closed lately. I think she sees it's there, but knows obviously neither of us could do anything about it or really think about it until we're in the same area for more than a month. Emailing gets old sometimes. My male Capricorn friend who is gay said maybe she prefers text? He prefers texting people or hanging out in real life rather than talking on the phone. With the book club though there would be other people chatting so there would not be any weird gaps in conversation as it would with one on one. I figured by now with as much as we know about each other as friends, would you not be curious to chat with them finally or would it be something you'd want to wait for until you're face to face to hang out? She's confusing haha. She's also very contradictory as well. She says she's afraid of heights, but then jumped out of a plane skydiving. She says she's not that emotional and very logical/practical but yet watches Soap Operas which are anything but haha.
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
or is anybody good at chart interpretations in general? How do ours fare compared to each other?
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
oh and @CreepyPants... I could see that as well. The gay male cap I talked about I just got irritated with this past weekend because he was talking to a gay man from Canada and I could tell was really starting to fall for him, but told me they're "just friends" now because of the inconvenience thing. He flew all the way to Canada to be with him for two weeks over the summer, talked to him at least three times a week on video chat this entire past Spring and Summer and texted everyday. The last I talked to him it was going great and he was contemplating moving close to Canada so they'd only have an hour or two drive rather than like 13 plus... this weekend he informs me it was his decision to stop pursuing (sp?) it because he thought it was dumb and a little ridiculous. I thought??? he was the first man I've heard you talk about by name and show me pictures of in years and you ended it so quickly because it would take you a while to move closer? I thought you could totally make it work! Apparently he didn't think so.... cap i know which is my ex.. is open-minded.. and true cap!
what i know about cap girl.. sometimes they're a bit shy about other things? but would never ignore the one they like.
maybe shes nervous or shy when it comes to this "skype thing" with you.. 
just go with the flow with her.
sometimes they like to be in control.
be patient & yes PERSISTENCE is the key with caps.
and take note: dont show some sign of clinginess! - thats the reason why my cap broke-up with me because she thinks that im getting to attached and clingy. :/ which is just misunderstanding.
im Pisces too. and Venus Aqua n Mars Taurus. Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
im useless at chart interpretation.
yea, it could be that she doesnt like skype, or talking on the phone at all. unless it's someone i know very well, or something to do with work... i dont like it. i'm very anti communication unless it's face to face, email or text. otherwise it's holding up one of my hands that i could be doing something with, or keeping me planted in one place when i could be getting things done.
i'm really just guessing at what the deal is. have you asked her why exactly? perhaps she just wants to know that if you two take a step further that it could actually go somewhere? i mean it's not like you wanna move in with the chick. it's just Skype. lol ...yea, i guess i'm just as puzzled. also, perhaps she just doesnt see it as going farther than where it is now???
i get the impression that when people are contradictory the way she is... they are very stuck in their ways, and will on rare and random occasion, become unstuck just long enough to try something different for once. hopefully you'll catch her on one of those rare days and she'll actually Skype!
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Oh I'm def. not clingy... in fact my past girlfriends were and thought I was too unemotional sometimes, I think having an Aries rising and Venus in Aquarius helps me appreciate freedom to go off on my own sometimes and have "friends" time. I think she is nervous and very slow to take onto ideas. She seems really willing to try to plan something to hang out or finally meet in real life. Like I know if I did have the money she would have totally been into planning traveling together buuuut life is telling me to wait. Even tarot readings I've done(which I normally don't buy into) have told me to be patient and wait for it to unfold. It's just the Aries part of me that IS NOT patient and wants to see NOW what this is or if there's something there... whereas she's very much Capricorn and slow and steady haha and ok to wait until we're in same country for a while. I can understand holding back and not wanting to confuse if you can't go farther than just friends right now... it just sucks that life sure seems to be taking it's sweet time... so I guess I'll have to be ok chatting and emailing for the time being!
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
.... obviously I know there are gays and lesbians of every sign. I wanted to know if there were any directly on this site right now though to see if they could give me insight based on chart or experiences. ??????????
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
see exactly! All my friends were like at first I thought you were reading into things, but now I'm just confused as to what she's doing or what she wants. I'll try to keep conversations light and fluffy but this past winter when we got into our deep conversations she took them into a way more serious nature than I thought she would. I was going through a lot with school, a friends divorce and classmates husband killed himself so romance and "love" were on a backburner. She took the conversations into something I thought were building toward something and then she became interested in somebody at work... dropped off for a while, but now I'm pretty sure that fell through and is back emailing me a lot and trying to plan traveling haha??
I envy Capricorn's Patience. Last Christmas (her bday is December 26th) I sent her candy for her birthday which took like three weeks to get there. Normally it only takes a week, so I was convinced they lost it. I was like ugh they lost it! If it's not there by now it's not coming. She said "no no the post is just really slow during the holidays it will come." She was so sure and patient that it would arrive... sure enough it did to which all my huffing and puffing ended in an oh.... you were right... haha
Posted by MidwestGirl
Oh I'm def. not clingy... in fact my past girlfriends were and thought I was too unemotional sometimes, I think having an Aries rising and Venus in Aquarius helps me appreciate freedom to go off on my own sometimes and have "friends" time. I think she is nervous and very slow to take onto ideas. She seems really willing to try to plan something to hang out or finally meet in real life. Like I know if I did have the money she would have totally been into planning traveling together buuuut life is telling me to wait. Even tarot readings I've done(which I normally don't buy into) have told me to be patient and wait for it to unfold. It's just the Aries part of me that IS NOT patient and wants to see NOW what this is or if there's something there... whereas she's very much Capricorn and slow and steady haha and ok to wait until we're in same country for a while. I can understand holding back and not wanting to confuse if you can't go farther than just friends right now... it just sucks that life sure seems to be taking it's sweet time... so I guess I'll have to be ok chatting and emailing for the time being!
im FEB 23 PISCES. Aries 22 deg rising, Venus in Aqua and Mars Taurus too. yeah i know. im detached type of person, i love FREEDOM...but this cap of mine shes sun cap and VENUS CAP
accused me that im getting too attached started being clingy even im not really.. slight sign of attachment may cause her to think you're being "clingy".. like this you wanting skype thing with her .. i dunno really..but MAYBE.
just saying.
*based on experience
and btw, they say that there are some caps have prob with attachment. :/ and this cap of mine have some issues about attachment thats why i cant blame her.
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Valid point, but I also know how I acted last year when I became interested in somebody close to me here. As much as I hate to admit it I stopped talking to her as much to focus on the person I was interested in. I still emailed and asked questions or responded to emails/messages as did she this past summer just not in as much frequency. I've stepped back way more than what I had been in Winter/last Spring because all of that made me realize no matter what nothing's going to happen until we're in the same country for a while so I might as well lay back and enjoy a pen pal. She does want to hang out in real life it's just that hasn't been easy to do yet because of timing or whatever so I'm hanging back enjoying chatting about books with her and others in our book club and hearing updates on her life. The fact that she still keeps asking how my travel plans are going and how getting a work visa is going is an indication she does want to actually be friends because why would she care if we plan on being in the same area? But since life doesn't seem to be going the way I want it at the moment I think we both realize it's not going farther anytime soon until I can get there. I have wayyy more of a chance to get a work visa than she does so unfortunately for me right now I got to be patient and let it unfold. I tried an experiment while she was interested in that girl from work. She posted a few things on fb to try and bait me into a conversation but I ignored her to see if she'd notice or care, which she responded with writing me a big long email asking a lot of questions, so I thought ahhh she does notice....
Posted by bubblyaquarius
Yeah you should be patient and wait. Wow, the more I read I understand your confusion! Me tooo! Its like um do you just wanna be pen pals lady, or real friends?! Interesting. She's almost creeping me out with the fact that its been 2 years and she won't skype or anything....
hahaha same here! my cap likes TEXTING.
)) atfirst i thought our relationship before is just more like TEXTMATE than the real thing...coz shes more to texting than seeing each other and have fun. i just understand her maybe shes just like that especially with caps that have work. work first for them , and i like her for that being work maniac!
even they workaholic theyre fun to be with.
trust me just go with the flow
and if you really want her be patient but first you have to tell her first you like her. did you? 
and then go with the flow, dont RUSH her. let her come to you.
thats what i did. 
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Yeah, I told her I had an interest in her... that I wasn't purposing a plan of action or anything just that I thought she should know because I've learned that you can't go with life with things unsaid, and I'd be irritated at myself if I didn't say anything. She said she didn't see it being anymore than friends anytime soon... but that she really liked our random conversations and she still continually asks about updates or sees about traveling at the same time. So I'm stepping back and letting it go as it may... I put my thoughts out there so she can do what she wants with them and I'll just enjoy chatting until a time we can actually hang out and I can finally once and for all see if there's a "spark"... if not then so be it it's fun having a friend from another country who occasionally sends candy haha. I sometimes start to think she doesn't care that much but will remember really obscure conversation we had like a year ago, and if it seems like I'm ignoring her she right away emails me a long message asking questions about my opinion on something or like last month when she found out bad news about her back I was apparently one of the first people she thought to message. She seems comfortable enough to tell me personal things like that so I figure well she must trust me at least at a person?
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
and now that i think of it... sometimes i am slow to give something new to try once the idea is proposed to me.
i've caught myself bucking and kicking when asked to do something different and im set in a certain way. then when given space to think about it, i end up coming around to doing it.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Haha do you just like women THAT much?
I can def.See her being set in her ways. She loves traveling but ends up going to the same places, rarely anything new. She has been to New York multiple times and has been to NZ already and loves diving but is planning her trip around the same area she has been to. I think you have all this money to travel, I would be going somewhere new... whats the point of going to the same place all the time?
Thanks for all of the insight so far though. It explains a lot and makes me realize even more how I need to sit back and see what happens. I by no means am putting dating on hold. If somebody comes along Ill date them, but I have high standards and rarely find somebody with so much in common.
Do you all find yourself somewhat conservative? I was a little shocked to find out she was conservative with a small c as she put it and is a big fan of Margaret Thatcher much to her friends' annoyance. I haven't met too many lesbians who admit to being conservative. She also said she had not wanted a relationship until recently because she did not want to be held back from traveling, which I can relate to. She figured she is going to be in the same country fora while so she may as well try for one., not that she has her eye on anyone (which I thought was weird she stated that many times. I thought why would I care if she had her eye on someone, or why would she think she needs to tell me that? Thats weird....) I think seeing all her friends happy in one and constantly being 3rd wheel has gotten to her.
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Also what would you as a Capricorn consider "clingy"? Like what about a person would make you be weary of saying ok yes Ill commit myself to this person? When we were discussing American vs. English dating style s I did not realize typically they date only one person at a time, whereas in the US it is not uncommon at first until you narrow it down to go on dates with several people. She got irritated and tone got way different and serious than it ever had when she asked wouldnt it be better just to concentrate on one person so you know right away? Then she in true fashion promptly changed the topic to careers. I thought? That was weird whats that about?
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Caps (regardless of local) are NOT into dating many people at once, we don't "play the field" (except Tate, but he's not American and he's a floozy - so he would like us to believe, we know better though. He has a gorgeous woman and only strays in the field when it comes to sheep).
Clingy would be the FREQUENT need for a attention and reassurance. Hanging on her all the time is probably a big no, no.
Just take it easy. If you're interested you need to just be interested in her. However, by the same token, DO NOT be hanging on her like a cheap shirt and needing her to reassure you that she is interested. If she's interested you'll know. Likewise, if she goes distant at times, it doesn't mean that she is not interested or doesn't still love you (if it gets to that point).
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Lildol thank you for your input. I try to be that way. Normally I am pretty laid back and have dated 2 women who were clingy. Im pretty independent and dont like to be seen as needy or clingy so if I notice if I get to that point I usually take a step back for a while and set myself right. I feel if anything she will be a life lesson in patience. Being on the cusp and having an Aries rising "patience" is like nails on a chalk board. I have to learn to let it come to me and not push it. Thats also why I like having a lot of hobbies because then I can distract myself easily :-)
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
I am bisexual, but I find it difficult to find others living in smalltown Midwest
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
Dear Midwest
Come to Wales bring a GF.
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
I would because I apparently have a thing for Capricorns from the UK (this girl from England), Nigella Lawson and James May... but I'm also fairly certain I read you already have a lady... in which case I'm not a homewrecker!
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
oh and FoxGlove... that's weird you have a problem with them and video chat too! I wonder what it is!
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Ok so I finally after 2 years got her to skype chat. She came back from traveling and read one of the books she had been waiting on for our online bookclub. It was not video chat but then again my two friends did not have video up only me....which was funny. I didnt think she would do it and idk what finally made her stop avoiding the question. Was def a womans voice but her accent was not what I had imagined. I dont know if it is because she has been wondering what I was like for so long? While she was traveling around Australia she told me she met a girl at one of the hostels who she thought reminded her of what she imagined I would be like. She asked me if I ever thought up or imagined how someone would be you have not met yet and then met somebody who reminded you of them. I thought why is she projecting me onto somebody all of a sudden...thats new. So I guess this is a good sign or a step in the right direction? She also talked quite a bit. She seemed comfortable talking about her thoughts and answering questions. I was afraid she would not say much. She seems like even with as much as she has written to me about herself it is still going to be difficult to really get to know her. My friends from work told me they thought she was catfishin me but I talked with friends from book club and they said if this is a hoax its a very well done VERY elaborate one so who knows what will come of this.
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Oct 16, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 225 · Topics: 24
Yes she has over 500 on facebook, and a few on the forum after I met her on. She has almost 300 friends on facebook of which she tags her closest quite frequently read my first 2 posts on page 1 if you do not want to read through everything to get an idea.