Capricorn man and Libra Girl

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by TrueTaur57 on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 and has 8 replies.
I have heard that Cap man and Libra girl are one of the worst matches on earth. Is it true? I am not anyone of these so I am not going to be effected by people's response on this topic. I asked out of curiosity.

I believe that you can fall in love with anyone but you are not always compatible with everyone you love, Compatibility is essential as one of the constraints to think about the long term of the relationship. If the person cannot understand and make you laugh, it does not matter how much you love the person, the relationship would end.

I started believing in zodiac sign compatibility in 2011. But whenever I talk about it to other people, they laugh at me saying its all BS and I should focus more on finding one who loves me rather than finding one man who is compatible for me, isn't both are somehow related?

#confused. My main question is about cap man and libra girl smile


I'm afraid, I'm not much help. I haven't dated any Libras. I do have some Libra friends (well, more acquaintances, actually) and I find them friendly, warm, light hearted and fun.

@truecap: I am asking about Cap man majorly. and their romantic inclination towards libra woman. But thanks for your response. smile
From my expirience dating a cap man we were perfect as friends. Not perfect in a relationship at all. We didn't understand eachother emotionally whatsoever. But the sex was great (; haha
Posted by Chance_11
Yeah, it's a bad match lol unless there's compatible placements. Two really cool libra girls on this site are with Caps..but one is with one that's aqua dominated and the other one is with one that's fire dominant.

Unless advanced, generally, neediness, the little lies for your own good, indecisiveness, fondness of talking but never saying anything, inability to stick up for anything, and phoniness related to wanted to be liked by everyone is off putting to a Cap.

but, chance, aren't you aquarius dominant?? i dont like indecisiveness in men.

i thought men in general like to LEAD anyway, so they will help the indecisive women? or is it because the decisive men will go cray cray and get angry??
the girl who is with an aquarius domiannt should have a strong 11th house then. or aquarius in her charts. and Capricorn!! or at least strong 10th house. with opposite attracts cancer/4th house.

just a consistent analysis, looking at not only celebs but also people in real life we know.
My mothers Cap ex is married to a Libra. On a celebrity tip, so is Steve Harvey.

It seems the two link up often as well as Cap men and Aries women. I think Cardinals are very different but have similar priorities which attract Cap males.
So they are not good for a romantic relationship or marriage?