Capricorn Man Disappears Then Comes Back STRONG!

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by ATreeGrowsInBrooklyn on Friday, February 15, 2013 and has 33 replies.
Greetings All... For the sake of clarity and how long my posts can be, I tried to coalesce things into time periods.

Nov 2011: I met a Capricorn male while tailgating. I'm an Aquarius (Taurus Ascendant, Venus in Pisces). We hit it off instantly, and communicate a lot via text and phone calls. We do this the entire month of November, without seeing each other since we met.
Dec. 2011- We began hanging out, and everything I already liked about him was amplified as here he was in the flesh! I would see him about once a week... We go out or stay in but we always enjoyed each other??s time. Things began getting physical. I'm beginning to genuinely like the guy. By the end of December he wants to have sex. I decline. I??m "holding out" because I am no longer interested in being "booty meat". I want a full-fledged relationship. I also want him in the WORST way. My emotions have become involved.
Jan 2012- I decide that I'm ready enough (not really). Our foreplay is BANANAS (You Caps are BEAST in the bedroom. He stops before we actually have sex. I take it to mean that he knows if he crosses this line with me, there is no turning back. I'm torn about it. I want to "own" someone who will always do what they themselves want to do. Point. Blank. Period
Mid Jan- Early Feb 2012- He begins to distance himself. Says he is going to come over, and then offers reasons why he can??t. He is still nice as always, but the seasons have changed. I can feel it in my gut.
March 2012- He is all but gone, no text, no calls, no nothing. I am all but lost. I??m ornery and do not like to appear weak. Even though I'm trembling inside I call him once, and leave him a message. He never responds. I never call back.
March-October 2012- I surround myself with all that makes me happy and joyful, yet somehow he doesn't leave my psyche. I get a call in regards to tailgating season. When I found out that he is related to my gf's fianc? who heads our tailgating club, I decline to come. His relative tells me I should. I hold my breath.
October 2012- I see him for the first time in 7-8 months. I'm in a really good place in my life. The look on his face was one of nervousness. As if to say is this girl going to be a cookiemonster? But, I'm a lady, a beautiful one at that (inside first), and I give him the biggest smile and joke with him. All is well within my soul. The entire tailgate I catch him staring at me. I keep kept my glasses on to block his stare. Somehow I knew something like t
I prefer my thoughts (whatever they are) to be my business only. lol... and the Goat stare is just wayyyy to much!
Nov- Dec 2012- He has left my psyche. I treat him like an old familiar cousin. I see him at the tailgates. We speak from time to time. I mention I??m moving and ask him to put up a TV for me. He says he will. I soon decide not to do it. I neglect to tell him, but we still make small talk when we see each other at the tailgates, and I of course meet other guys while there. One instance I was a short distance from him (not realizing it) and I was talking with a guy. The Cap comes by me and gives me the most obvious nudge. Ha??_ throwing shade. I laugh it off??_ At another tailgate he gives me his number. I never call.
Jan 2013- At the last tailgate of the season he comes up to me. Asks why I haven??t called him. That he didn??t have a method of getting my number (One of my good friends is marrying an uncle he is VERY close to??_ lmao). Asks me about the work I needed done at my house. I give him my number. Shortly after, he begins to text, then the calls began, now he??s been over twice doing ???work?? at my house. He has been very accommodating very forthcoming with what I would consider showing interest in me. I asked why he disappeared and he said that he felt we had different intentions in regards to our relationship at the time??_ I tell him I had no intentions, but I did have expectations (which was a Big Error). But for me A+B=C. He is showing me more action now??_ In ways I haven't seen before. He has even begun calling me baby (Really?!?!). I don??t know what at all to think or how to react.
Feb 2013- At present he has been coming on pretty strong. I try to keep my distance though. I??m letting him do the majority of the work (Haven't even reaized that til lately). Not because I??m playing games, but because I??m not the same woman I was when we first met. I still like him as a person. I??m still intrigued by him. I??m just more ???aware??, and have no plans on being the jilted one anytime soon, and I don??t know what he wants. What do you all think of his behavior? Is this is way of trying to get me back? What does he want my friendship or something more? I will ask him in due time I suppose, but I??m both passive-aggressive (in regards to men I like), and I??m not ready for such a heavy conversation??_ Tell me. What do you think?
Get you back? Sounds more like he's looking for work. Is he a handyman, or something?
Posted by Wynter
Get you back? Sounds more like he's looking for work. Is he a handyman, or something?

LOL! I like your thinking!
Posted by Wynter
Get you back? Sounds more like he's looking for work. Is he a handyman, or something?

No... He is a twice degreed Civil Engineer and works as a site manager for a construction company in the city I live in. He has a small force of employess that he's in charge of, a beautiful home, and two beautiful foreign cars to ride around in (Cappy ish). Financially he is ridicuolously straight!!! So no, the work he's done at my house, putting a flat screen tv on my wall, and adding a shelf to my kitchen were just FAVORS that happen to include a thank you, hug, and smile from muah!!!
Have you gone further in depth regarding his disappearance? Id demand more communication on this. Of course, Im saying this as a woman who has just had the same thing happen 3 weeks ago.
Sounds like you handled it lick a class act. smile good for you. But dont forget how painful it was when he abandoned the relationship. there is NEVER an excuse for that. good luck.
Sigh.... ANOTHER wall of text.... Trying to decide if its worth reading.
Posted by BigGirlPanties
Have you gone further in depth regarding his disappearance? Id demand more communication on this. Of course, Im saying this as a woman who has just had the same thing happen 3 weeks ago.
Sounds like you handled it lick a class act. smile good for you. But dont forget how painful it was when he abandoned the relationship. there is NEVER an excuse for that. good luck.

Well, I tried to give the abbreviated version on my posts but yes, we have talked about it more indepthly. Basically, what I took from the converstaion was that he didn't want a relationship at the time, my energy was to much for him, so he did the "adult" thing and vanished... I've expressed to him that it really hurt my feelings, because my gosh it did, and he apologized for his part in that. but you are right. Particularly about not forgetting the pain it caused. I think that is the reason now why I've been taking most of what he does as a grain of salt. I was burned by him once, and the ashes haven't blown away. They are still there. Thanks.
Posted by truecap
Sigh.... ANOTHER wall of text.... Trying to decide if its worth reading.

Read it TrueCap... :-) You could possibly shed some light on my current situation!!!
Okay. Worth reading.
I have two thoughts:
1. Like she said ^^, you were a class act and he respects you. He may be interested now, knowing you are the type of lady he could have a future with, be good for his career, etc.
2. I like to be friends with exes after a little time goes by. That might be all it is.
Posted by truecap
Okay. Worth reading.
I have two thoughts:
1. Like she said ^^, you were a class act and he respects you. He may be interested now, knowing you are the type of lady he could have a future with, be good for his career, etc.
2. I like to be friends with exes after a little time goes by. That might be all it is.

Hmmmm... okay... Thanks for your perspective... Time will tell... I'll just continue to keep my eye WIDE open...
Posted by ATreeGrowsInBrooklyn
Posted by truecap
Okay. Worth reading.
I have two thoughts:
1. Like she said ^^, you were a class act and he respects you. He may be interested now, knowing you are the type of lady he could have a future with, be good for his career, etc.
2. I like to be friends with exes after a little time goes by. That might be all it is.

Hmmmm... okay... Thanks for your perspective... Time will tell... I'll just continue to keep my eye WIDE open...
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I'm sorry I wasn't more help, but it could go either way. Feel it out. Keep doing what you're doing and you're right, time will tell. Worse case scenario, you will have one loyal friend who will always be there for you. One thing for certain, I know he respects you!
I had a relationship long ago with a gemini. We were mid 30's, me still married but seperated. He did the first disappearing act on me. We'd gotten close and after about 8 weeks, he disappeared. I couldn't understand it to save my life. I wrote him a letter...and mailed it! didnt hear a word. I was so hurt. I waited a month, then called him. we were having a hurricane warning, so when he called me back I asked how his family was faring and prepared for the storm? He was house sitting his sisters home as she was away. After nicely chatting, he asked if I wanted to join him for the hurricane sit in. Everything was closed, we were all told to not leave our homes. But I went. it just seemed ok.
When I got there I asked him why he left. He said he was scared, so he retreated to his man cave. He clearly still liked me. I stayed the night, no sex as we had not even had sex yet. From that day on, we picked up and dated for several months. It was a chaotic, immature relationship on both sides. He broke up with me 5 months later, saying it was slated for failure. I was still close with my ex hub and that created a wedge. he though he would never get me to be his. I was hurt for a month. Exactly one month, no contact, but surprisingly I got over it. He called after a month wanting me back. I said no, I didnt trust him. But really I had lost the feeling for him. For the next 2 years he chased me like no tomorrow. We stayed friendly, he was always calling and visiting and offering to do things for me. sending me gifts and what not. I enjoyed the chase I have to say. In the end, we did reunite after two years, it was really sick and unhealthy but after the end, we made amends to each other and let go mutually. I had only remembered it when the scorpio disappeared last year and now the sag has done the same (tho these men are 52 and 48). Many men are not "bad" people, just horribly scarred that they cannot man-up and be courageous to break up with a woman.
Your man could have grown up during these months apart and realize his assholeness. Just keep your boundaries firm and consistent.
Posted by QUlETstorm
If he has Venus in Virgo or even mars in Virgo he is doing those practical things to express what his mouth can't say.
I think he likes you. I am not a Capricorn but have been with a Capricorn whose Mars is in Virgo and this is how he is. He expresses his love for me by doing practical things for me. Not trying to give you false hope, obviously I could be wrong, but to me it sounds like he likes you. And honestly I think it's better that he pulled himself away when he sensed your feelings were stronger than his, rather than taking advantage of that and getting in your pants while he could like some other men would.

His Mars is in Aquarius, his Venus is in Capricorn... I have no concrete idea of what that means, but thank you for your responce... I do think he likes me though and him doing things for me is his way of expressing that. I on the other hand dn;t know how to feel... Things will figure themselves out though... THANKS!
Posted by Caplove
I think you're doing well by keeping your distance. Let him lead you, because with what happened in the past, he really needs to be the one to prove that he's more ready than the last time. But still, he had a chance to sleep with you and didn't, because he might have felt you wanted or expected something more out of it. It would have been way worse if he HAD slept with you and then done his distancing/disappearing after he'd gotten what he wanted. No matter what, I'm sure it still hurt, so I'd still be cautious. You have every right to be.
He still needs to ask you out on a real date though and until he does that, I wouldn't get too excited. That said, I DO think he likes you and by doing things around your house, he's trying to show you that and find a way in. smile Give it some time and just be casual and friendly and keep doing your own thing until he makes his move.

I will let him "lead"... and I will see where he wants to go... I'm n0t sure yet if Im willing to follow.
My Mars is in Aquarius - not quite sure how that affects me, but I'll try.
Allows me to distance easier and give a cold shoulder when I'm hurt. Mostly though, I have to have an intellectual connection with people. Love to debate for the fun of it - not trying to change opinions/attitudes/minds, but more of an exchange of ideas/opinions. I like to know how you think and why you think what you think. I often surprise people - very prim and proper one moment and downright raunchy the next. People never know what I'm going to say. lol! Mars aqua is very open minded - be who you are and you will be respected. Mars aquarius also likes a sexual innuendo and all that jazz. Push me in a corner and I will rebel and come out fighting. Tell me I can't do something or I will do something and I will make a point do the opposite just to spite you (even if what I really want to do is what you told me to).

The cappy venous is very cautious, but very faithful and loyal. They move slow and want to make sure of things before they make a move. Actions here speak louder than words. Usually, you pretty much know where you stand with them. They are not overly affectionate and all lovey-dovey. They need reassurances. They usually will be slow to move especially if they are not sure of your feelings - thus, a cautious approach. My guy has this placement. Patience is key here. The more they know you and the more they trust you, they will relax quite a bit.
Maybe that helps. ????
I believe he was testing the waters. He knows that you will surrender yourself physically. What he doesn't know if you will surrender your mind and spirit as well. Don't be surprised if he's got a full blown investigation going on right now about you. He is considering you for a life long mate. Being natural is the only way he can see through you. If he can't see through you, he will know that your hiding something or being someone your not. Thus, you will be kept on a neutral status until he can make his decision...
BTW, I have Mars in my Aquarius also.
Posted by truecap
My Mars is in Aquarius - not quite sure how that affects me, but I'll try.
Allows me to distance easier and give a cold shoulder when I'm hurt. Mostly though, I have to have an intellectual connection with people. Love to debate for the fun of it - not trying to change opinions/attitudes/minds, but more of an exchange of ideas/opinions. I like to know how you think and why you think what you think. I often surprise people - very prim and proper one moment and downright raunchy the next. People never know what I'm going to say. lol! Mars aqua is very open minded - be who you are and you will be respected. Mars aquarius also likes a sexual innuendo and all that jazz. Push me in a corner and I will rebel and come out fighting. Tell me I can't do something or I will do something and I will make a point do the opposite just to spite you (even if what I really want to do is what you told me to).

The cappy venous is very cautious, but very faithful and loyal. They move slow and want to make sure of things before they make a move. Actions here speak louder than words. Usually, you pretty much know where you stand with them. They are not overly affectionate and all lovey-dovey. They need reassurances. They usually will be slow to move especially if they are not sure of your feelings - thus, a cautious approach. My guy has this placement. Patience is key here. The more they know you and the more they trust you, they will relax quite a bit.
Maybe that helps. ????

Why am I just now reading those wonderful words... smdh... Thanks TrueCap... Your words are so accurate, and they actually describe me s well to a "T" as my Mars as well as the Cap is in Aquarius... Anywho as of I haven't heard from the Cap in about 5 days. Last we spoke the conversation was amicable enough, but I find it difficult to be the free woman I once was with him... Our conversations don't have the ease they once did. I can't seem to jump back, back (sorta of speak). I won't too, but the ashes from the fire won't let me. I can't seem to sweep them away. Last we talked for abut and hour and a half. He asked me what my plans were this weekend and I told him. He may have been waiting for me to verbally say I wanted to see him (something he has done in the past), but I'm over that.I want a man who can just come out and say... HEY I want to see you can we make it happen? Is that asking to muc
You are reacting just as you should after he disappeared on you the last time. I know how it goes because my Cap did this to me as well and yes, it was very devastating. When mine came back??_he had been looking for me for over 2 years but could not track me down until one of our mutual friends took pity on him and gave up the info that led him to find me. Like you, after the shock of his reappearance passed, I proceeded to deal with him like a woman in love??_with herself! LOL I had already made my peace and embraced forgiveness by the time he came back and like your Cap it was with a vengeance. This is a man who could have me puddy in his hands in no time but guess what? This time he was puddy in mine and it wasn??t from game playing it was because this time he was the one who wanted something real and lasting with me (my mother always says when the man wants it the treatment you receive is different than anything you have experienced and she was and is right). If you want to be with this man, just be you and keep on doing what you were before he came back into your life. Make him show you how serious he is until it is consistent and second nature for him to show and you to see that it isn??t BS, mind games or just an attempt at some sex. If he is an enlightened Cap who realizes who and what he lost he??ll do everything he can to make it up to you and prove his loyalty in word and deed. If he??s serious, you won??t ever have to doubt his feelings and what they mean about you again.
Capricorns are #IntroversionBR" data-url="" target="_blank"> ">introverts. Trust is usually an issue of significance: a virtue of utmost importance to an introvert is choosing a worthy companion. They prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before they participate, especially observed in developing children and adolescents.
If a Cap comes back, know that he is done thinking and is there to make you his queen! Play games with him, and you will lose your chance...
This is an incredibly insightful article on men who disappear and reappear. read the whole thing plus the comments below. You will be amazed at how you can handle this situation for your own well being. It totally validates with Pidelight has shared.
Posted by LIBRA1234
Listen, maybe I am wrong, and maybe this cap is extremely SLOW, but if I am u, I would not try to psychoanalyze him. Can you just try to think in a simple way? He is still not calling me on a date = he doesn't like me enough. NEXT!

This is exactly what we are waiting for! We are all slow on purpose. Saturn, our ruling planet governs time! Time is on a Capricorns side. "In time reveals all!" Basically if your not willing to wait or have patience, you are not for us. We see people that rush as STUPID! "Easy come, easy go!" We are attracted to ambition, not quitters. We Capricorns also believe "There is a time and place for everything". Maybe now is not the time!
Posted by BigGirlPanties
This is an incredibly insightful article on men who disappear and reappear. read the whole thing plus the comments below. You will be amazed at how you can handle this situation for your own well being. It totally validates with Pidelight has shared.

Best article I've seen by far. Every woman across the world should read this Twice! Thanks for posting it smile
Posted by LIBRA1234
Absolute nonsense... while u are deciding like a snail if the girl is right for u, she is gonna find another one, because she is WORTH IT. The good ones are taken pretty fast my friend

The horrible true is that you are some what right. I noticed that happening to others. It took me years to over come this mental force of habit. Most Caps never change their train of thought. It is possible to change it with lots of practice, dedication and a new mental belief. But then again, how many people really change to truly get what they want out of life?
Posted by SureShotCap
What he doesn't know if you will surrender your mind and spirit as well. Don't be surprised if he's got a full blown investigation going on right now about you. He is considering you for a life long mate. Being natural is the only way he can see through you.

When I was ready, willing, and open to surrendering he hightailed it into the land of the LOST... and cited his reason for disappearing as us having different "intentions"... Its tough enough to open up the first time, surrendering a second time while having no control over the outcome because Mr. Cappy wants TOTAL control all the time is a tough pill to swallow... I get the point of discernment. I get the point of patience. I get that time will expose many, many things. I get that, but being kept in "neutral status" ( or in other words A COMPLETE TORTUOUS LIMBO for the one placed in that status)after you pull a dissappearing act, and then reappear in my life and show strong interest is hogwash. Its like make up your mind already. I get the feeling that he wants me to step up to the plate and be more expressive in what I feel. Almost as if I he's has shown me his hand now, and wants me to show more of mine. But I've done that before, and I got NOTHING in return but wind at on my back. I feel as though he should take full, if not total initiatve at this point, because he is the one who obliterated the great thing we had going on listenting to OLD SATURN... smh... I played my deck a long time ago, he needs to draw me another hand!
Posted by LIBRA1234
"Anywho as of I haven't heard from the Cap in about 5 days."
Hmm regardless of what people here say about your cap coming back strong because he realizes what he has lost and now he decided to make you his, I think he doesn't care that much. Sorry but its all black and white to me! If the guy realized you are a precious gam, he will go with the full force to get u back, and him acting so passive and not calling u for days just shows me lack of interest.
"He asked me what my plans were this weekend and I told him. He may have been waiting for me to verbally say I wanted to see him (something he has done in the past), but I'm over that.I want a man who can just come out and say... HEY I want to see you can we make it happen?"
Continuing from above, it looks like he just having a nice conversation with u and wants to see how you are doing, but he is not ready to have a date or go out with u...
Listen, maybe I am wrong, and maybe this cap is extremely SLOW, but if I am u, I would not try to psychoanalyze him. Can you just try to think in a simple way? He is still not calling me on a date = he doesn't like me enough. NEXT!

No you're completely right... He should be fightimg tooth and nail for me, because I'm WORTH it... and since he's not (whether he is cautious, super slow, thinking things thru, or whatever) I need to take HEED to the message he is so clearly sending... and that is he is just not into me... HE IS GOING TO REGRET IT.... TRUST!!!! lol...
Posted by BigGirlPanties
This is an incredibly insightful article on men who disappear and reappear. read the whole thing plus the comments below. You will be amazed at how you can handle this situation for your own well being. It totally validates with Pidelight has shared.

Excellent article BGP. Every woman walking the planet needs to read this article. It had me cracking up because this is exactly what I started doing in my own life and the minute I did the men in my life stopped giving me the blues and non-stop stress. I still prescribe to most of what the article talks about and I am in a loving, committed relationship with a Cap man that adores me and shows it in word and deed. While I make sure that when we are together the time spent is fun and loving, I have no problem whatsoever "dropping" him and taking back my time, space and independence which are things he treasures as well. I call it the "we need to miss each other" syndrome whereby I make myself not as available to him partly to keep him on his toes and partly because I truly do need my space to do my own things that don't involve him. Usually, within a day, he's calling and texting talking about how much he misses me and can't wait for us to be together again. If women follow the rules outlined in the article and have some patience to see the results come about they would never again be blindsided by the disappearing man act.
"Why am I just now reading those wonderful words... smdh... Thanks TrueCap... Your words are so accurate, and they actually describe me s well to a "T" as my Mars as well as the Cap is in Aquarius... Anywho as of I haven't heard from the Cap in about 5 days. Last we spoke the conversation was amicable enough, but I find it difficult to be the free woman I once was with him... Our conversations don't have the ease they once did. I can't seem to jump back, back (sorta of speak). I won't too, but the ashes from the fire won't let me. I can't seem to sweep them away. Last we talked for abut and hour and a half. He asked me what my plans were this weekend and I told him. He may have been waiting for me to verbally say I wanted to see him (something he has done in the past), but I'm over that.I want a man who can just come out and say... HEY I want to see you can we make it happen? Is that asking to much"
OP, I think you are answering your own question. For you, it's too late. The time has passed. Build the friendship, have a new bestie, date someone else because your heart isn't in it.
Posted by LIBRA1234
Posted by SureShotCap
Posted by LIBRA1234
Listen, maybe I am wrong, and maybe this cap is extremely SLOW, but if I am u, I would not try to psychoanalyze him. Can you just try to think in a simple way? He is still not calling me on a date = he doesn't like me enough. NEXT!

"We see people that rush as STUPID! "Easy come, easy go!" We are attracted to ambition, not quitters."
Absolute nonsense... while u are deciding like a snail if the girl is right for u, she is gonna find another one, because she is WORTH IT. The good ones are taken pretty fast my friend

IF she goes to find another one, then she wasn't the right one.
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Posted by truecap
"Why am I just now reading those wonderful words... smdh... Thanks TrueCap... Your words are so accurate, and they actually describe me s well to a "T" as my Mars as well as the Cap is in Aquarius... Anywho as of I haven't heard from the Cap in about 5 days. Last we spoke the conversation was amicable enough, but I find it difficult to be the free woman I once was with him... Our conversations don't have the ease they once did. I can't seem to jump back, back (sorta of speak). I won't too, but the ashes from the fire won't let me. I can't seem to sweep them away. Last we talked for abut and hour and a half. He asked me what my plans were this weekend and I told him. He may have been waiting for me to verbally say I wanted to see him (something he has done in the past), but I'm over that.I want a man who can just come out and say... HEY I want to see you can we make it happen? Is that asking to much"
OP, I think you are answering your own question. For you, it's too late. The time has passed. Build the friendship, have a new bestie, date someone else because your heart isn't in it.

I WANT him TrueCap, I do... but this process is excruciating... and I don't even know if I will come out of it with what I seek... which is HIM!!!
Oh, I must have misunderstood what you were trying to say. Well, I'd say the ball is in your court. Start with rebuilding trust - on BOTH sides, yours and his.
Good advice, Caplove!
Posted by Caplove
Posted by ATreeGrowsInBrooklyn

I WANT him TrueCap, I do... but this process is excruciating... and I don't even know if I will come out of it with what I seek... which is HIM!!!

You know, I would just put him on a backburner and let him SIMMER a long while. Let him take his sweet time to make his "decision." He's still dragging his feet if hasn't asked you out yet. Don't do his job for him, you keep being your cool self and do your thing.
Let him do the work to get you. It's his turn to step up to the plate and show you who he really is. Right now, he's taking his time and thinking about it and fishing around, probably wants you to ask him out to be safe. I wouldn't do it, no way. You are being gracious by even allowing him back in your life (even if just as a friend).
And NO, I do not think it's too much to ask for him to say, "Hey, I'd like to take you to dinner." I mean come on! This is basic stuff. It is not marriage, it's just a date and he's still thinking about it?
If he's going to act exactly the same and not make his move then he doesn't know what he wants yet, if that's the case then you don't need to wait around for that. Well.. I should clarify this, I'm not saying to give up on him, just let him simmer away in that slow cooker, keep it friendly as usual. You, keep on doing your thing and enjoying yourself and having your fun. He's just not "done" yet.
Go out on dates and keep ALL your options open because you have a ton of them! You go out and have some fun and let him see how much fun you are having (he's hanging around for a reason!). He's fishing! Be that fun, confident woman, the one that men need to chase after because she's so busy with a life of her own.

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Thanks CapLove... I've definitely have kept my options open and have been dating. I will continue to do so. He did call me last night though (after a week of being m.i.a)... He can be so random... lol... I'm having to learn how to relax and let things just be... Our conversation last night was one of our better ones (at least for me) since we've linked back up. It felt good, but I won't be holding my breath... I'm exhaling and LOVING my life!!! Thank you again!!!