Greetings All... For the sake of clarity and how long my posts can be, I tried to coalesce things into time periods.
Nov 2011: I met a Capricorn male while tailgating. I'm an Aquarius (Taurus Ascendant, Venus in Pisces). We hit it off instantly, and communicate a lot via text and phone calls. We do this the entire month of November, without seeing each other since we met.
Dec. 2011- We began hanging out, and everything I already liked about him was amplified as here he was in the flesh! I would see him about once a week... We go out or stay in but we always enjoyed each other??s time. Things began getting physical. I'm beginning to genuinely like the guy. By the end of December he wants to have sex. I decline. I??m "holding out" because I am no longer interested in being "booty meat". I want a full-fledged relationship. I also want him in the WORST way. My emotions have become involved.
Jan 2012- I decide that I'm ready enough (not really). Our foreplay is BANANAS (You Caps are BEAST in the bedroom. He stops before we actually have sex. I take it to mean that he knows if he crosses this line with me, there is no turning back. I'm torn about it. I want to "own" someone who will always do what they themselves want to do. Point. Blank. Period
Mid Jan- Early Feb 2012- He begins to distance himself. Says he is going to come over, and then offers reasons why he can??t. He is still nice as always, but the seasons have changed. I can feel it in my gut.
March 2012- He is all but gone, no text, no calls, no nothing. I am all but lost. I??m ornery and do not like to appear weak. Even though I'm trembling inside I call him once, and leave him a message. He never responds. I never call back.
March-October 2012- I surround myself with all that makes me happy and joyful, yet somehow he doesn't leave my psyche. I get a call in regards to tailgating season. When I found out that he is related to my gf's fianc? who heads our tailgating club, I decline to come. His relative tells me I should. I hold my breath.
October 2012- I see him for the first time in 7-8 months. I'm in a really good place in my life. The look on his face was one of nervousness. As if to say is this girl going to be a cookiemonster? But, I'm a lady, a beautiful one at that (inside first), and I give him the biggest smile and joke with him. All is well within my soul. The entire tailgate I catch him staring at me. I keep kept my glasses on to block his stare. Somehow I knew something like t
I prefer my thoughts (whatever they are) to be my business only. lol... and the Goat stare is just wayyyy to much!
Nov- Dec 2012- He has left my psyche. I treat him like an old familiar cousin. I see him at the tailgates. We speak from time to time. I mention I??m moving and ask him to put up a TV for me. He says he will. I soon decide not to do it. I neglect to tell him, but we still make small talk when we see each other at the tailgates, and I of course meet other guys while there. One instance I was a short distance from him (not realizing it) and I was talking with a guy. The Cap comes by me and gives me the most obvious nudge. Ha??_ throwing shade. I laugh it off??_ At another tailgate he gives me his number. I never call.
Jan 2013- At the last tailgate of the season he comes up to me. Asks why I haven??t called him. That he didn??t have a method of getting my number (One of my good friends is marrying an uncle he is VERY close to??_ lmao). Asks me about the work I needed done at my house. I give him my number. Shortly after, he begins to text, then the calls began, now he??s been over twice doing ???work?? at my house. He has been very accommodating very forthcoming with what I would consider showing interest in me. I asked why he disappeared and he said that he felt we had different intentions in regards to our relationship at the time??_ I tell him I had no intentions, but I did have expectations (which was a Big Error). But for me A+B=C. He is showing me more action now??_ In ways I haven't seen before. He has even begun calling me baby (Really?!?!). I don??t know what at all to think or how to react.
Feb 2013- At present he has been coming on pretty strong. I try to keep my distance though. I??m letting him do the majority of the work (Haven't even reaized that til lately). Not because I??m playing games, but because I??m not the same woman I was when we first met. I still like him as a person. I??m still intrigued by him. I??m just more ???aware??, and have no plans on being the jilted one anytime soon, and I don??t know what he wants. What do you all think of his behavior? Is this is way of trying to get me back? What does he want my friendship or something more? I will ask him in due time I suppose, but I??m both passive-aggressive (in regards to men I like), and I??m not ready for such a heavy conversation??_ Tell me. What do you think?
Signed Up:
Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
Get you back? Sounds more like he's looking for work. Is he a handyman, or something?
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Sigh.... ANOTHER wall of text.... Trying to decide if its worth reading.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Okay. Worth reading.
I have two thoughts:
1. Like she said ^^, you were a class act and he respects you. He may be interested now, knowing you are the type of lady he could have a future with, be good for his career, etc.
2. I like to be friends with exes after a little time goes by. That might be all it is.
Signed Up:
Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
I had a relationship long ago with a gemini. We were mid 30's, me still married but seperated. He did the first disappearing act on me. We'd gotten close and after about 8 weeks, he disappeared. I couldn't understand it to save my life. I wrote him a letter...and mailed it! didnt hear a word. I was so hurt. I waited a month, then called him. we were having a hurricane warning, so when he called me back I asked how his family was faring and prepared for the storm? He was house sitting his sisters home as she was away. After nicely chatting, he asked if I wanted to join him for the hurricane sit in. Everything was closed, we were all told to not leave our homes. But I went. it just seemed ok.
When I got there I asked him why he left. He said he was scared, so he retreated to his man cave. He clearly still liked me. I stayed the night, no sex as we had not even had sex yet. From that day on, we picked up and dated for several months. It was a chaotic, immature relationship on both sides. He broke up with me 5 months later, saying it was slated for failure. I was still close with my ex hub and that created a wedge. he though he would never get me to be his. I was hurt for a month. Exactly one month, no contact, but surprisingly I got over it. He called after a month wanting me back. I said no, I didnt trust him. But really I had lost the feeling for him. For the next 2 years he chased me like no tomorrow. We stayed friendly, he was always calling and visiting and offering to do things for me. sending me gifts and what not. I enjoyed the chase I have to say. In the end, we did reunite after two years, it was really sick and unhealthy but after the end, we made amends to each other and let go mutually. I had only remembered it when the scorpio disappeared last year and now the sag has done the same (tho these men are 52 and 48). Many men are not "bad" people, just horribly scarred that they cannot man-up and be courageous to break up with a woman.
Your man could have grown up during these months apart and realize his assholeness. Just keep your boundaries firm and consistent.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
My Mars is in Aquarius - not quite sure how that affects me, but I'll try.
Allows me to distance easier and give a cold shoulder when I'm hurt. Mostly though, I have to have an intellectual connection with people. Love to debate for the fun of it - not trying to change opinions/attitudes/minds, but more of an exchange of ideas/opinions. I like to know how you think and why you think what you think. I often surprise people - very prim and proper one moment and downright raunchy the next. People never know what I'm going to say. lol! Mars aqua is very open minded - be who you are and you will be respected. Mars aquarius also likes a sexual innuendo and all that jazz. Push me in a corner and I will rebel and come out fighting. Tell me I can't do something or I will do something and I will make a point do the opposite just to spite you (even if what I really want to do is what you told me to).
The cappy venous is very cautious, but very faithful and loyal. They move slow and want to make sure of things before they make a move. Actions here speak louder than words. Usually, you pretty much know where you stand with them. They are not overly affectionate and all lovey-dovey. They need reassurances. They usually will be slow to move especially if they are not sure of your feelings - thus, a cautious approach. My guy has this placement. Patience is key here. The more they know you and the more they trust you, they will relax quite a bit.
Maybe that helps. ????
Signed Up:
Feb 18, 2013Comments: 12 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 6
I believe he was testing the waters. He knows that you will surrender yourself physically. What he doesn't know if you will surrender your mind and spirit as well. Don't be surprised if he's got a full blown investigation going on right now about you. He is considering you for a life long mate. Being natural is the only way he can see through you. If he can't see through you, he will know that your hiding something or being someone your not. Thus, you will be kept on a neutral status until he can make his decision...
BTW, I have Mars in my Aquarius also.
You are reacting just as you should after he disappeared on you the last time. I know how it goes because my Cap did this to me as well and yes, it was very devastating. When mine came back??_he had been looking for me for over 2 years but could not track me down until one of our mutual friends took pity on him and gave up the info that led him to find me. Like you, after the shock of his reappearance passed, I proceeded to deal with him like a woman in love??_with herself! LOL I had already made my peace and embraced forgiveness by the time he came back and like your Cap it was with a vengeance. This is a man who could have me puddy in his hands in no time but guess what? This time he was puddy in mine and it wasn??t from game playing it was because this time he was the one who wanted something real and lasting with me (my mother always says when the man wants it the treatment you receive is different than anything you have experienced and she was and is right). If you want to be with this man, just be you and keep on doing what you were before he came back into your life. Make him show you how serious he is until it is consistent and second nature for him to show and you to see that it isn??t BS, mind games or just an attempt at some sex. If he is an enlightened Cap who realizes who and what he lost he??ll do everything he can to make it up to you and prove his loyalty in word and deed. If he??s serious, you won??t ever have to doubt his feelings and what they mean about you again.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Oh, I must have misunderstood what you were trying to say. Well, I'd say the ball is in your court. Start with rebuilding trust - on BOTH sides, yours and his.