Capricorn Man Multiple Choice

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CapTaur on Friday, February 13, 2009 and has 13 replies.
1) If a Capricorn man tells a woman he's dating that she's his "girl", it's safe to say:
a) He has feelings for you, but could still dump you easily.
b) Is thinking of having more with you.
c) Wants more with you.
d) You're his woman. The one he feels emotionally okay with. He doesn't have to keep telling you this and don't expect it.
2) You go on four excellent dates with your cap man over a period of a month and a half and you haven't seen him in over two weeks and he initiates no action to see you, but responds to your text messages/phone calls. This means:
a) He had a great time during the dates and really likes you.
b) He's letting you down gently by not spending time with you.
c) He likes you, and wants you to know it, but can't take the emotional heat and needs space to breathe.
d) Leave him alone.

3) Two weeks of not seeing your girl/love interest in Capricorn time is equivalent to:
a) Two seconds
b) Two days
c) But, I just saw you ...?
d) Not a big deal. If he's still responding to your messages it's a good sign. Wait another month, then worry.
4) Capricorn men who are close to falling become:
a) Distant, standoff-ish, almost cold, quiet.
b) Warm, affectionate, caring.
c) This is business. I've told you I like you, now leave me along until I tell you I love you. This could be never. This could be tomorrow.
5) The best way to deal with a quiet Capricorn mate:
a) Let him live his life, he'll come to you.
b) It's alright to reach out to say "hi" -- if you make us laugh we care.
c) We may not show it, but we like hearing from those we care about.
6) Capricorn man responding positively to your request to spend one-on-one time with them tomantically (i.e: movie/date night) means:
a) If I give you a window of my time, alone, and I know snuggling will be involved, you're pretty much golden to me.
b) Fine ... I'll do it.
c) You want what?!
d) No biggie -- I give everyone I know my time.
7) If a Capricorn man shares stories and pictures of his family with you it's safe to think:
a) He's deep into you.
b) Meh, I share these stories/pics with everyone.
c) You don't accept them, I don't accept you.
d) Love me ...
8) You haven't seen your Capricorn in 10 days. After the 10th or so day, you ask him in passing "When am I going to see you?" and his response is honestly "I don't know." You should take this response as:
a) Baby, it's over ...
b) Hm. I don't know. Really. I haven't thought about it. Didn't I just see you?
c) I don't know how to say I don't want to spend time with you, so I'm just not going to give you an answer.
d) Who are you?
9) You leave your Cap man the lamest voice message in the history of the world. You know he likes you. After listening to this message he more than likely thinks:
a) Wow. That was the lamest message I've ever heard. She should learn to stop leaving messages.
b) Wow. She's adorable. But I'll never tell her I think this.
c) Uh oh. She likes me. Crap. Hide.
d) Delete.
10) You and your Cap mate are getting intimate. He looks directly into your eyes while deep into things. Literally. What he's probably thinking at this moment:
a) Blue? Huh. I thought they were green. My bad.
b) I love you, baby. This is how I tell you.
c) I wasn't looking in your eyes, sweetie, you had something in your nostril.
d) I want to please you. Consider yourself lucky. Very, very, very lucky. Very. Lucky.

Take every multiple choice that you don't want and choose it, young cap men are not the greatest boyfriends UNLESS he's showing you through his actions then I wouldn't ever assume anything with a cap man and they are some players in there youth, he is slow very very very slow, like matrix slow. If he's away from you more than 10 days then he's most likely dating other women as well, if your texting and he's answering then stop b/c your chasing him and that will KILL attraction in a man. He needs a patient woman, a woman that isn't thinking about him, isn't pining and hoping for more, he needs a confident have a life kind of girl that isn't sitting around missing him and texting him. Too much closeness and intimacy will turn him off and he will create distance in the relationship but if he really really really digs you he will want to be with you all the time and will not hesitate to make it clear that you 2 are an item. When a cap man makes his mind up, it's made up, he's given it plenty thought, sounds like your cap isn't sure about you.
1) If a Capricorn man tells a woman he's dating that she's his "girl", it's safe to say:
None of the above, your his friend...
2) You go on four excellent dates with your cap man over a period of a month and a half and you haven't seen him in over two weeks and he initiates no action to see you, but responds to your text messages/phone calls. This means:
b) He's letting you down gently by not spending time with you.
c) He likes you, and wants you to know it, but can't take the emotional heat and needs space to breathe.
d) Leave him alone.
I would say any 3 of these could factor into it but Cap men can isolate themselves and have to control the direction relationships go in so he may not feel at ease going at your pace and would much rather be the pursuer, if he's not pursuing you then he's not really into it could be any of the above

3) Two weeks of not seeing your girl/love interest in Capricorn time is equivalent to:
Your just another girl he's dating....find a way to create more attraction so he will pick up and pursue you...
4) Capricorn men who are close to falling become:
a) Distant, standoff-ish, almost cold, quiet.
b) Warm, affectionate, caring.
If he's not sure he will fall into A, if he's 100% sure you will not be able to get rid of him and you definitely won't have to wait 10 days to hear from him..
5) The best way to deal with a quiet Capricorn mate:
a) Let him live his life, he'll come to you.
6) Capricorn man responding positively to your request to spend one-on-one time with them tomantically (i.e: movie/date night) means:
d) No biggie -- I give everyone I know my time.
Everyone that's important to him, that he likes he will make time for that person
7) If a Capricorn man shares stories and pictures of his family with you it's safe to think:
b) Meh, I share these stories/pics with everyone.
Capricorns are proud people and they love to show off things they are proud of including family.

8) You haven't seen your Capricorn in 10 days. After the 10th or so day, you ask him in passing "When am I going to see you?" and his response is honestly "I don't know." You should take this response as:
None of the above IMO, if he's waiting 10 days or more to see you then he's simply not that into you and/or he's busy with his friends, with dating other women, pursuing other women and should be first if he's working or school
9) You leave your Cap man the lamest voice message in the history of the world. You know he likes you. After listening to this message he more than likely thinks:
a) Wow. That was the lamest message I've ever heard. She should learn to stop leaving messages.
c) Uh oh. She likes me. Crap. Hide.
d) Delete.
add wow she's desperate or wow she's way ahead of me in the feelings department or wow doesn't she have other men in her life am I the only guy on the playbook, she's lame if I'm the only guy she's thinking about and/or why is she calling me especially since I haven't seen her in XYZ days...and you can watch his attraction drift off to someone else
10) You and your Cap mate are getting intimate. He looks directly into your eyes while deep into things. Literally. What he's probably thinking at this moment:
d) I want to please you. Consider yourself lucky. Very, very, very lucky. Very. Lucky.
Add I hope she's not falling in love but wait, I want her to fall in love with me but I hope she doesn't stalk me and call me excessively after today, can I trust her? Should I not kiss her like this? She seems really into it, I'm going to back off for a little while so she won't expect things from me but she sure is fun and she smells good too.
You guys are the BEST!
Obviously I had too much time on my hands at 5am, but instead of writing another long-winded frustrated lamentation about a Cap man, I decided that multiple choice would be more fun.
Sagi -- you're very correct in your sentiments.
Tiki -- you are HILARIOUS! I love your answers. I'm going to read them again. Thank you, thank you. And, how do you know so much about Caps? Curious.
Arian -- Absolutely! I agree with you -- are you married to a Cap?
LMAO! Cap Taur - consider yourself lucky!
I'm a Leo woman and trust me, the self constraint is killing me but I know it's necessary to keep my Cappy.
I have one more question for the fundi's - he's opened up his fetish side to me in the bedroom and being a Leo, obviously I have no problem with this. He's even referred to it several time in texting. My only thought is: "Finally! a man who isn't shy in the bedroom".
Taking everything else out of the equation, could someone shed some light please? I'm sincerely hoping that this is a good sign (friends for a year lovers/friends for eight) because, honestly speaking, if Caps and Leo's are doomed like everyone says they are my sex life isn't looking too good going forward as he is most definitely, in all my 46 years, been the best that I've ever had sexually speaking from a compatibility point of view.
BTW - I have fallen for him hook, line and sinker and not just from a sexual point of view. Believe it or not, I quite like the fact that he's silent and mysterious. Despite his hard, cold exterior he has the softest heart I have ever come across.
He's intelligent, humourous, deep, charming, crazy wild (yes, I've seen this side) and simply just an amazing human being.
I'm in love and the sex is a bonus of note!!!
I am not a Capricorn, I am a Lep and I don't think love should be made out to be like pulling teeth or so complicated, and playing with someone's emotions is not Kool just because your emotionally challenged or unsure of your own. there are very loyal people in every sign and any intelligent person can tell if someone is good for them or not in time, the signs are always there, if you don't like the person, move on, playing mind games will only make things worse. I have talk to two Capricorn men and I cut them both off, for one I don't play mind games and you cannot get to know someone if your never around them or interact but one of them I kind of cut him some slack because I know what he is trying to accomplish and I support that but both of them came back to me, one told me that he loves me but his actions did not quite measure and the other recently said that I am still his bae but I got so into him until I loss myself and he read all all my text and a lot of them he responded, it is not that I chase him, I cut him off for 2yrs, he came back to me but I care a great deal about him and his well beings and I love him as a person but what he don't know is that I don't play games and when I do fall back, I fall all the way back, "I don't know you soto speak and no looking back. Sign Leo woman. Never take our love and appreciation for you, as a joke because when you do finally start to care, it may be to late. We're honest women and genuine and expect our men to be the same. We're quite intense about expressing our love but that's how we are. I feel a good man should be assured that I love him and has his back.
Top 5 busiest signs and most independent . Cap, Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, and Leo.
If by chance you have any of these placements people going to think you are cold and detached got to find that right one to bring us down to a level of chill zones. But when, how, where, idk gotta figure it out.
Posted by ParisianCappy
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
If by chance you have any of these placements people going to think you are cold and detached got to find that right one to bring us down to a level of chill zones. But when, how, where, idk gotta figure it out.
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Damn who brought up a 3 year old thread and replied like it was new. Haha

Hi how are you doing then?
Posted by ParisianCappy
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by ParisianCappy
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
If by chance you have any of these placements people going to think you are cold and detached got to find that right one to bring us down to a level of chill zones. But when, how, where, idk gotta figure it out.
Damn who brought up a 3 year old thread and replied like it was new. Haha

Hi how are you doing then?
i'm fine and you ?
click to expand

I'm good, what have you been up to ?