Capricorn man not talking....

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by recklessgirl on Saturday, September 3, 2016 and has 5 replies.
There's this Capricorn man that I've known for 3-4 years, he always knew that I liked him. I haven't seen him in 2-3 years but we've been talking through FB for a very long time, I asked him out about a month ago and he rejected me, of course I was hurt but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. Later a friend told him that I had a bf. My friend told him 2 weeks after the Capricorn rejeceted me. I found out the Capricorn went to talk to one of our closet friends, (he's a Taurus) my Taurus friend was telling me that the Capricorn was going to ask me out but decided not to because I was taken. My Taurus friend told me that the Capricorn was losing hope for me and he sounded depressed... Later after I broke up with my bf, I told the Capricorn that I'm still in love with him, and I would love to be his gf but he tells me "Maybe you should go out with the other guy you were with before....maybe Its him you like..." after that I senr him a message saying "If you can give me a chance, I can prove to you how much I really love you." he left me on seen and I felt sad. The next day the Capricorn liked my profile picture and said I looked pretty. We started talking a lot then I asked him if he could go out with me. He replies saying "Aren't we?" but he never told me anything. We were still talking and saying that we love each other then all of a sudden he stops messaging me...why? Did he lose interest in me? Did I do something wrong? What can I do to fix this? I really love him, I don't want to lose him plz...I'm a Pisces woman... Plz, I love him too much...

Plz don't think of me bad Sad I went out with this other guy because he's been wanting to go out wite for years and I kept denying him because I know he's a jerk to other people. I dumped him not because of the Capricorn man. I dumped him because he was being rude to my youngest sister.

I'm so sorry if I did not make sense, I'm just super sad, I'm afraid that I'm losing him...

These men are too hard to read. It might mean a lot of things. Maybe bad. Maybe not so bad. I wouldn't stress if I were you
Posted by recklessgirl
There's this Capricorn man that I've known for 3-4 years, he always knew that I liked him. I haven't seen him in 2-3 years but we've been talking through FB for a very long time, I asked him out about a month ago and he rejected me, of course I was hurt but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. Later a friend told him that I had a bf. My friend told him 2 weeks after the Capricorn rejeceted me. I found out the Capricorn went to talk to one of our closet friends, (he's a Taurus) my Taurus friend was telling me that the Capricorn was going to ask me out but decided not to because I was taken. My Taurus friend told me that the Capricorn was losing hope for me and he sounded depressed... Later after I broke up with my bf, I told the Capricorn that I'm still in love with him, and I would love to be his gf but he tells me "Maybe you should go out with the other guy you were with before....maybe Its him you like..." after that I senr him a message saying "If you can give me a chance, I can prove to you how much I really love you." he left me on seen and I felt sad. The next day the Capricorn liked my profile picture and said I looked pretty. We started talking a lot then I asked him if he could go out with me. He replies saying "Aren't we?" but he never told me anything. We were still talking and saying that we love each other then all of a sudden he stops messaging me...why? Did he lose interest in me? Did I do something wrong? What can I do to fix this? I really love him, I don't want to lose him plz...I'm a Pisces woman... Plz, I love him too much...

Plz don't think of me bad Sad I went out with this other guy because he's been wanting to go out wite for years and I kept denying him because I know he's a jerk to other people. I dumped him not because of the Capricorn man. I dumped him because he was being rude to my youngest sister.

I'm so sorry if I did not make sense, I'm just super sad, I'm afraid that I'm losing him...

Calm down and leave the Cap alone. He might need some time to sort things out within himself. You have to be extremely patient. I'm pretty sure he already knows how you feel and what you want. Now it's up to him to decide if he wants to go for it.

I would loooove to know why do you love him so much.

What qualities he has to make you so in love?

I had been married to one for 23 years. So I might shed some light.
His full of shit. .move on.